cutsie Cathe tales


Dear Cathe, I wanted to thank you for the great Christmas gift you sent to me (my Body Blast DVD's).
I thought I would share a few stories to let you know just how important you are in my household:
Two weeks ago (I had received my email stating that I would be receiving my DVDs that day)
Husband: "What's wrong with you? Did you have a bad day?"
5 year old daughter: "She won't stop looking out the window."
During dinner the doorbell rings- I leap from the table and greedily snatch my package from Mr. UPS. The rest of dinner is spent passing the new DVDs around so everyone can evaluate the covers. After dinner, my 5 and 2 year old beg me to put in my new Cathe's so we can preview together. We snuggle up on the couch and enjoy. My husband shakes his head and mutters something about "you're all nuts!"

Several days ago (while I'm working out to the new Timesaver)
Phone rings, my 5 year old answers and I can overhear that she is talking to her dad. Later when my husband gets home, he asks who was over today because my daughter told him I was busy with my best friend and couldn't come to the phone.

Yesterday (working out to Timesaver #1)
my 2 year old pops into the room and asks me "is Cathe hurting you yet?" I'm just doing the warm-up so I say no. She comes back later, during the push-up sequence, takes one look at me and states "she's really hurting you now!" I give up and lay on the floor, exhausted, she comes over and pats me on the back for encouragement, "don't stop mommy, Cathe's still going". If I had the strength, I would scrape myself up and chase her out of the room.

This morning (I'm scurrying around doing laundry and I hear thumping and commotion upstairs) I find my 5 and 2 year old stripped down to their underwear and camisoles, flailing around on the floor.
me: "what's going on up here?"
2 year old: "we're exercising. I'm Cathe"
5 year old: "I'm Cedie. We're stretching right now, so please don't bother us."

There are so many other examples and stories I could tell you but this would be even longer than it is now. I don't usually like to share stuff like this, but this morning put me over the top. You are definitely a celebrity in my house! (right up there with Cinderella and Snow White)
Happy holidays to you and your family.
Tracy, that was so cute! Thanks for posting this after shopping early this am I'm off to have Cathe "hurt me" :)
How adorable is that? Wow! Up there with Cinderella and Snow White! What a wonderful role model you are to your children, Tracy.
Ahhhh that's lovely. Well I'm glad you shared that moment with us it's a kind of all snugly and warm story! You're two little ones are being taught very well, they can't go wrong with you as their mum!
Tracy - Thank you so much for sharing your adorable stories! I sometimes post the things that my son does when I'm working out with Cathe. I know that she really enjoys hearing them as well!!! Your girls sound amazing!! Have fun "hurting yourself!!"
Thanks for sharing those "moments," they are priceless! :D

And like someone already said, "what a great role model you are for your kids!" Being active and fit will come second nature to them while growing up thanks to you sharing your "world of Cathe" with them now.

To Cute!! My kids are now 13 and 11. My daughter was 3 when I started working out w/ Cathe and my son was just a baby. They know Cathe AND some of her workouts. My husband just comments on all the $$$money$$$ she is making. :)

You know, they will probably be involved in some kind of physical activity. Both of my kids are active in some kind of physical fitness activity and I believe a lot of their interest in it comes from seeing me working out. It sounds like your kids are on there way too.

Those are just the cutest stories!! I gather both are girls?

My oldest son was 5 or 6 when he overheard me working out to one of my many Cathe workouts. He marched over and said, "Mom, I don't like the way she is talking to you!" So, it's kind of the running joke for any of my guys (my DH or either of my 2 sons) to comment on how "bossy" Cathe is and why do I put up with it. If they only knew...

My youngest loves to pull out my extra step, which is a very old home version of the Step that has long been superceded by the club version, and step alongside me. And my stability ball...well, let's just say I have to try really hard to make sure I put it away as soon as I no longer need it in the workout or it is quickly confiscated for boyish play.

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