Curious, does anyone have jumpsnap?

>I bought the pink one;)

Do you get the same stuff in the pink one? Amazon was a little confusing when it came to that. Wonder if I can get my DH to use a pink JumpSnap. Heck, I wonder if I can get DH to do any workouts:).

>I bought the pink one;)

(((Gasp))), they have the pink one on Amazon??? Oh no, I'm sunk now! :eek:
It looks like it comes with the same stuff. But you can't buy it through them if you live in Canada. does not carry it. I just got it through the jumpsnap website. When you buy it through jumpsnap it comes with another free dvd. The dvd combines jumping with pilates, no preview available though.

I just received mine 5 minutes ago!!! I'm so excited! I don't have time to use it right now but you can bet your bottom I'll be all over it tmrw!:7

Anyone else get theirs yet??? }(
WARNING: Don't use jumpsnap when you have shoulder DOMS!!!!:eek:

I just tried it. I did the 8 minute beginner work out that comes with the equipment.

I can tend to be a bit uncoordinated when trying something new so my rythm is totally off. I'll have to work on that.

My shoulders are sore from my work out y'day. I IMMEDIATELY felt it and had to take breaks early because they were burning soooo badly!!!

Based on the above, it is too early for me to make a fair judgement on jumpsnap. Once my shoulders are not sore and my coordination/rythm improves, I will be able to better judge the work out.

In the meantime, I'm dying to hear what everyone else thinks!!!!:7
Wendy - I should be getting mine today (the pink one). I'll have to give it a go tonight. I'm due for cardio. ;)
Ok, I just got mine! One of the reviews I read on amazon (that almost caused me not to get it) was that the ball on the end kept whacking the reader in the arms and that was her only complaint. Well, the balls on the end of mine are foam, so I can't imagine how they could whack anyone? Is it just the pink one that has foam balls or are they all like that and this reviewer just didn't know what she was talking about? I'm glad I didn't listen to her/him.

I just looked at the pictures more closely and it looks like the blue one does have a solid blue ball. I'm glad I got the pink one now. I think the foam will be more forgiving should I decide to whack myself in the head, which is always a possibility with me. ;)

I have the pretty pink one too and my balls are made of soft foam as well. ;)

ETA: I think I'm going to give it a go again this much as my shoulders can handle anyway. This time I think I will just give it a go w/out the actual work out and work on getting the proper rythm going. :)
Question for those who have the accompanying workouts from the jumpsnap site: can you do the workouts with a regular speed rope, space provided, or is there something fancy about the workouts that's likely to see me tied up and hanging from the ceiling fan if I try?

Hi Sandra.

I did the 8 minute beginner work out and there was no reason in the world why you couldn't do it with a regular rope.

Once I get the hang of it, I am going to try other jump rope work outs. I know they have them. I just forget what they are called. :)
So I used Jump Snap 2 more times this afternoon. Once for 10 mins and then for 5 mins before and after some yoga.

My coordination/rythm is improving. Practice will definately make perfect on this one.

Once my shoulders are better I should be able to concentrate more on the cardio aspect of it and really see how good of a work out it will be. :)
>FWIW - A properly sized jump rope doesn't take up much room to
>use. Once I figured out how to size mine right, I was able to
>jump in a room with a 7ft 3in ceiling. Stepping actually takes
>more room.

You obviously don't have a hanging light fixture to contend with (or pets that might come around and get whacked by a rope!)
>I just bought it. I actually ordered it through QVC - they
>had a better price than the website - it was like $36 and
>change on QVC and comes with the additional weights and a
>beginner and intermediate workout.

Where did you see it on QVC? I can't find it.

(I can't believe I'm actually contemplating this! I had NO interest WHATSOEVER before opening this thread, LOL!)
wendy- i have one from jumpsport and it's pretty good (got if from DDD). also there is one on one of the Barry bootcamps.

i am dying to get your review once you are relieved from shoulder DOMS;-)

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