CTX vs. Body Blast series??


Lets talk about these - which one would you get first and why?

I ordered the Legs and Glutes and love it and now want the entire Body Blast series and also I want the CTX bc I heard that Leaner Legs is so great!

I do alot of running in the summer and will probably only use Cathe's kickbox and Imax's for cross training and her weight workouts of course! But in general, looking for opinions....

Tough choice.:) CTX is the most versatile series Cathe has ever done. I've never used it as is (except for LL and UB split), and the segments mix and match well with each other or with segments from other Cathe workouts. And LL, for me, remains the toughest leg workout by far.

BB has my favorite KPC/L&G and Step Blast. The premixes in SS/PP and SJP are also good.

I'd get CTX first, if only to be more familiar with Cathe's choreography. She normally uses routines from older workouts and builds upon them. Also for LL and UB split. Do get the dvd's so you can do your own mixes.

I agree with Pinky:D I would get the CTX series first!! Esp with summer coming on. You can do it as is or as a add on. This is a WONDERFUL series it is SOOOOOOOO........versatile!!


Hey Pinky how are you liking that rebounder???
I agree with Pinky and Nicole.

I put off buying CTX for the longest time, and now it is probably my most used DVd. It is so versatile!

While I adore Step Blast & SJP, really fun & hard, my first love is CTX. It is hard! It is fun! and like most of her DVDs, you can mix it up anyway you want. Want a long workout? Just double up 2 of her cardio. Her one body part a day is awesome. Or do all the all upper body premix. Leaner legs? TOUGHER! And I have some strong legs. Get this batch & when the extra cash comes along, get Body Blast. You'll do good.:)

I vote Body Blast cause the music is so much better and you can always preview to learn the moves;-) but, i also have to add that i don't have the whole ctx series (b/c i hate that music!x( ) so i am definately NOT the expert:+ i only have one of them and that is all i needed to know. The BB series is AWESOME! great moves, lots of premixes, fun music....i love it!

I agree with Jes, I'd pick the Body Blast series. EXCELLENT stuff, great music, the fun factor is up there!!! Great workouts and premixes.
Debbie in OH
I don't think you can go wrong. Get one series now, and when you get too effieient or are ready to change up your rotation, get the other. Both are well done and worth having in your library of workout series.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
Dang - still undecided! I really want Leaner Legs from CTX, and I want to use my stability ball more so there is BB, and I really want the upper body premix from CTX and I really want the SJP bc I LOVE circuits!!! Crap! My hubby would kill me if I get all of them......hmmmmmmmm...........I think I might have to figure out how to sell my older dvds and VHS on ebay and make enough for both of them! This weekend! That will be my goal!
Just got CTX on ebay and my DH asked how I was planning on paying for it. "Paypal", but that really wasn't what he meant;). So check on ebay, you can get it a pretty good deal.

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