CTX or Timesaver??


What are your thoughts on these series? Which do you like more? Why?

Thanks for the insight!

CTX. It was produced specifically as a 6-day program, as opposed to shaving footage from other workouts; it includes 6 rather than 5 workouts as mixed; it also includes Upper Body Split and All Abs premixes; the cardio is more intense; and there's just more footage there.

Not to say that Timesaver is chopped liver. My suggestion is to compromise and get both.

i love CTX! i chose not to get timesavers (i have all the rest of body blast though) i may add it to my collection one of these days!
cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I don't have Timesaver since I have the rest of the BB series, which has tons of premixes already. And if I prefer to not use a premix, I can always mix and match segments on my own.

I love CTX. It was the last series I got (that was before Cathe made the BB series) because I mistakenly thought it was like most of her endurance workouts. I was very surprised at its versatility. I've never used CTX as is. I got it mainly for the UB split and LL. And on days when I don't want to do an entire upper or lower body split, I'd do my own hybrids of segments. It's not as finely chaptered as Cathe's newer workouts, but I've done just fine skipping or fast-forwarding in places.

I am doing it as is now and have completed Step& Intervals, Kickbox, and 10*10*10. I didn't like Kickbox - I'm a billy Blanks fan and this one seemed a little to slow and light to me. 10*10*10 was ok, but again, the kickboxing is not as intense as I'd like it. KPC and KickMax sem much better (I ahve those but haven't done them yet).

I like the weight breakouts especially for someone like me who has been slacking for months and needs to get back into the swing of things. I am waiting for Timesaver to get here...
I have both CTX and timesaver. I really love CTX nad its great when you are short on time. I find the workouts to easy on timesaver and don't do these anymore.
Yep I would have to agree with everyone. If I had to choose between the 2 I would choose CTX, but.......... I have to say I really like using the timesaver as a QUICK add after doing weights. (Sometimes 10 minutes CAN make such a difference:D
I have and love CTX for it's variety, compactness and versatility!

I personally chose not to get the timesaver when I purchased the BB series...figured it would be sort of repetative in style of CTX and in content of the premixes in the BB series....

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Lisa, another vote for CTX. My reasons have already been stated by others so I won't repeat, but I will tell you I use portions of this every week with all kinds of other workouts. I use this for quick 30 minute cardio to tacking pieces on to other workouts. CTX is probably my most used set for this very reason.

Edited to add: I love Timesaver as well, but I don't use pieces of Timesaver like I do CTX. When I use Timesaver I usually do an entire workout.

I prefer CTX, but Timesaver is good too.

However, if I had to select between the two, CTX would be the one I'd buy!

It packs a LOT into a little time.

I use an 8 in step for this series though -- just to add more intensity.

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