I just got my CTX DVD's a couple of weeks ago, and while I have not been able to do all the workouts, yet, I am pleased overall with the series. The cardio workouts are exceptionally good and intense for being only about 30 minutes each. Definitely good choices when you want a good cardio workout in less time! I know I'm huffin' and puffin' at the end of Step & Intervals!
I wasn't as thrilled about the Upper Body Split as I'd hoped, though. I definitely prefer PUB in combination with some S&H sets over the UBS. I guess I just felt that I wasn't working my muscles very much....the movements were too fast and I felt like I wasn't able to maintain control as much as I would like. I prefer a slower count when I do upper body work -- faster counts just don't tax my muscles as much. There were a couple of exercises (the Arnold Press, for example), that I will definitely incorporate into my upper body workouts, but at a much slower pace.
I'm looking forward to doing Leaner Legs...it looks like a killer workout!
And, I just love the All Abs section! Wow! Just awesome!
All-in-all, definitely worth the money and a necessary addition to any Cathe library.