CTX DVD Programming Maps


For all the combo queens out there...here are the programming maps for the CTX DVDs.

Disc 1

Power Circuit
2-2 Warm-up
2-3 Low impact
2-4 High impact
2-5 Step circuits
2-6 Kickbox circuits
2-7 Back
2-8 Planks
2-9 Abs
2-10 Stretch

3-2 Warm-up
3-3 Kickbox
3-4 Hi/lo
3-5 Step
3-6 Triceps
3-7 Stretch

Step & Intervals
5-2 Warm-up
5-3 Step
5-4 Intervals
5-5 Chest
5-6 Stretch

All Step
4-2 Warm-up
4-3 Step
4-4 Shoulders
4-5 Abs
4-6 Stretch

Disc 2

Leaner Legs
2-2 Warm-up
2-3 Legs
2-4 Abs
2-5 Stretch

3-2 Warm-up
3-3 Kickbox
3-4 Arm drills
3-5 Biceps
3-6 Abs/planks
3-7 Stretch

Upper Body Split
5-1 Back
5-2 Chest
5-3 Shoulders
5-4 Triceps
5-5 Biceps

All Abs
4-1 All Step
4-2 Leaner Legs
4-3 Kickbox
4-4 Power Circuit

http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/danishflag.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/name5.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/devils.gif
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
LOL, Cathe!

Aren't you observant? ;-) Actually the 142 lost was right *before* I left to come and see you. I haven't had the guts to weigh myself again since I've been home! I've been back "on program" since Monday, so hopefully whatever I gained on all the goodies will be gone in a few days. :) It was all worth it, of course!

http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/danishflag.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/name5.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/devils.gif
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
What a great achievement!

I can't imagine having to lose 25 lbs, let alone 142! You are a great success story....any thoughts on getting your story over to the "Fitness" or "Shape" magazine folks? Or the Success Story section here on this site? I'd love to read about how you did it....especially the eating part.

It can be done!!!!! I hope we do a little to give you the continued support you need to take more off and keep it off. How much more do you want to lose?
RE: What a great achievement!

Hi Honeybunch -- I still have a ways to go, but can assure you that whenever I do finally reach my goal, I'll be submitting my story anywhere that'll take it! :) I'm also considering doing a journal-type thing on VF, similar to the Courtney Rubin articles in Shape where you get to follow her trials and tribulations (mostly the latter, poor thing) on a monthly basis. I'm trying to find the right balance between what would be motivating for me (and others) and what would be too much pressure!

http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/danishflag.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/name5.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/devils.gif
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
DVD Chapter Divisions/Times

This is my first time writing, but I've been a long time "lurker." I love all of Cathe's videos and couldn't wait for the DVD's to be ready! Well I got mine today and couldn't wait to get started! They're really great! The only thing that I wanted was a Programming Map (thanks Pamela! and major congratulations on your weight loss! You go Girl!) and the times to go with it.
I like to do my cardio for about an hour and usually queue up different sections according to their times. So tonight my husband and I managed to get all the times written down (according to our DVD player.) In case anyone else like to queue accoring to time I thought I'd post them here.

Again congratulations on the great new combos! Thanks for all the hard work Cathe and SNM!

Cathe DVDs

The 2 - Pack

Title 2: Circuit Max
Chapter 2 - Warm-Up .................9:39
Chapter 3 - Cardio & Strength.......45:45
Chapter 4 - Floor Work...............4:33
Chapter 5 - Stretch..................5:41

Title 3: Cardio Kicks

Chapter 2 - Warm-up.................12:13
Chapter 3 - Kicks & Punches.........23:27
Chapter 4 - Power Drills............15:57
Chapter 5 - Stretch..................7:06

The 6 - Pack

***DISC 1***

Title 2: Power Circuit

Chapter 2 - Warm-up.................4:37
Chapter 3 - Lo - Impact.............3:15
Chapter 4 - Hi - Impact.............3:58
Chapter 5 - Step Circuits..........10:17
Chapter 6 - Kickbox Circuits.......11:11
Chapter 7 - Back...................13:13
Chapter 8 - Planks..................5:38
Chapter 9 - Abs.....................5:19
Chapter 10 - Stretch................3:16

Title 3: 10-10-10

Chapter 2 - Warm-up.................5:56
Chapter 3 - Kickbox.................5:23
Chapter 4 - Hi - Lo.................8:19
Chapter 5 - Step...................10:09
Chapter 6 - Triceps................11:50
Chapter 7 - Stretch.................3:49

Title 4: All Step

Chapter 2 - Warm-Up.................5:42
Chapter 3 - Step Aerobics..........22:06
Chapter 4 - Shoulders..............10:08
Chapter 5 - Abs.................... 9:25
Chapter 6 - Stretch.................5:40

Title 5: Step & Intervals

Chapter 2 - Warm-Up.................8:29
Chapter 3 - Step Aerobics..........10:09
Chapter 4 - Intervals..............10:43
Chapter 5 - Chest..................10:10
Chapter 6 - Stretch.................5:28

***DISC 2***

Title 2: Leaner Legs

Chapter 2 - Warm-Up.................2:44
Chapter 3 - Leg Work...............32:47
Chapter 4 - Abs.....................8:51
Chapter 5 - Stretch.................4:31

Title 3: Kickbox

Chapter 2 - Warm-Up.................9:06
Chapter 3 - Kickbox................15:15
Chapter 4 - Arm Drills..............7:21
Chapter 5 - Biceps.................11:05
Chapter 6 - Abs/Plank Work.........12:00
Chapter 7 - Stretch.................5:50

Title 4: All Abs

Chapter 1 - All Step................9:25
Chapter 2 - Leaner Legs.............8:51
Chapter 3 - Kickbox................12:00
Chapter 4 - Power Circuit...........5:19

Title 5: Upper Body Split

Chapter 1 - Back...................13:05
Chapter 2 - Chest..................10:10
Chapter 3 - Shoulders..............10:03
Chapter 4 - Triceps................11:49
Chapter 5 - Biceps.................10:40
Thanks Pamela & Nadine!

I printed this info off and I'm going to laminate it. I'm sure I'll be referring to this many times while combining different chapters. Thanks for taking the time to post it. Pamela, congratulations on your success and keep up the good work! :D Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thanks, Nadine!!!

I did a rough estimate of times yesterday to get the right overall length for my cardio workout and find out how long Upper Body Split was going to be, but being a rather anal gal (who, me??!), I'm glad to have the exact ones. :) Thanks for doing the "leg work" for us! (Now if only you could do the actual *workouts* on our behalf too, LOL!!!)

http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/danishflag.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/name5.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/devils.gif
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
RE: Thanks Pamela & Nadine!

Your welcome, I'm glad to be of help. It was a little daunting, but with my husband working the !#*%$#& DVD player, and me typing, it went ALOT quicker than it looked(and with fewer broken electronics!) :)

Now the trouble I'm having is remembering what each chapters moves are to know which to program!:)

Pamela, I'm afaid I can't do the workout for you, but heaven knows I sweat enough for more than one person! (EEWWWW)

I'll be thinking of you, how's that?


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