

Crossfit-I'm so defeated :(

So I've decided to pursue adding Crossfit into my workout schedule. I went to a Crossfit gym today that my friend goes to just to observe. Before I go on, I would like to say that I honestly consider myself in very good shape. I do mostly Cathe workouts and I do them hard. I can complete every workout I do with her. So today I'm watching this class and they're doing Olympic style lifts (kind of like clean and press without the press, just from floor to shoulder and back down). A lot of the women who where similar to my appearance were lifting between 80 and 95lb barbells. So i come home and put 80lbs on my barbell and try to do what they were doing....O..M..G. I could barely even do one rep with 60lbs!! In they class, they were doing 15 reps. I feel totally defeated and almost depressed. However, I am inspired and motivated to begin doing Crossfit.
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Don't feel defeated. My son does crossfit and is constantly telling me about his workouts and injuries from those workouts. They workout in a completely different arena than we do. They are very strong but they go about it in a completely different way. They do strong man stuff. I think they could lift train cars if they had to. You can do crossfit if you want to. You will just begin training in a different way and it will take some time to acclimate to the new style. But you can do it and because you are already so strong you can make the transition in record time. Good luck. You'll blow them away.
Hi Shanon, I admire you for wanting to pursue Crossfit but please be careful - there have been lots of injuries with this type of workout. :)
Olympic Lifts

So I've decided to pursue adding Crossfit into my workout schedule. I went to a Crossfit gym today that my friend goes to just to observe. Before I go on, I would like to say that I honestly consider myself in very good shape. I do mostly Cathe workouts and I do them hard. I can complete every workout I do with her. So today I'm watching this class and they're doing Olympic style lifts (kind of like clean and press without the press, just from floor to shoulder and back down). A lot of the women who where similar to my appearance were lifting between 80 and 95lb barbells. So i come home and put 80lbs on my barbell and try to do what they were doing....O..M..G. I could barely even do one rep with 60lbs!! In they class, they were doing 15 reps. I feel totally defeated and almost depressed. However, I am inspired and motivated to begin doing Crossfit.

Don't feel defeated!. An Olympic lift has much more to do with technique than it does strength. It takes years and proper coaching to develop the technique to do an Olympic lift properly and this is why many professionalism feel this exercise is not appropriate for group fitness classes. This is an exercise that has been hotly debated among fitness professionals lately. Many fitness professionals feel that there are safer and more effective exercises that you can do than an Olympic Lift that also don't require a lot of technique training.
Well the last thing I want is an injury. That would be absolutely devastating. I'm just so inspired by the results I have seen with crossfit. I work out so, so hard but I just don't feel like I'm getting out of my workout what I put in. I FEEL like I should be toned and defined, and maybe I am underneath my layer of padding. I'm going to give the crossfit a shot. They give you 3 intro classes to teach form and technique. Another thing that is appealing to me is camaraderie crossfit groups tend to have. We'll see how it goes! :D
I completely understand feeling a bit of despair after seeing the Crossfit class and knowing that you have been able to complete the Cathe dvds.

I, personally, think that being able to do Cathe dads is a feat that only 10% of the general American population could do anyway, so please let the defeated-ness GO!:rolleyes:

On the Crossfit subject, I know that there will always be someone who is fitter, thinner, more beautiful than me. What I am working on doing is defining what I want to do and be in terms of my fitness.

For instance, when I started cycling it was like this big, deep black pit that kept sucking more and more time and more and more distance from me on a regular basis. It got to the point where sometimes I was doing 4-6 hour rides. And then I thought, "what am I doing and why?" So what if I can ride 65 miles, is that what I want to do? I realized at that point that I needed to determine for ME how much of MY LIFE I wanted to devote to fitness and then be ok with that.

I realized that working out 1 to 1.5 hours per day is plenty for me and healthy as well!

I am simply sharing my experience and wish you the best with your Crossfit endeavors if you choose to do that!
I, too, am intrigued by Crossfit because I always want to be in better and better shape. However, this does seem like an injury factory, so I've been reluctant to take the leap. Luckily there is not a gym near my house.:) I have several coworkers who do this and they end up getting injured on a semi-regular basis. I've never been injured working out with Cathe.

I am certainly not saying that it's not worth pursuing...I am just saying be very careful. Crossfit seems to have a very macho kind of vibe around it, which drives people to top themselves, sometimes at the expense of their own readiness or limitations. But, if you have a friend that is doing it and doing well, s/he must have found a way to make it work for them.

Good luck!! It looks like a great workout and a lot of fun, and folks who do this workout regularly look like they are in amazing shape.

AMEN TRALAIVEN! I'd probably have a hardcore body too if my profession was fitness. It's my hobby that has great benefits. I agree, I don't think there's many people that can do Cathe's workouts which is why I love them so much; they never get easy.
I agree with you all! I love Cathe to death. I do, however, like to have a well rounded fitness regimen. I love to road bike (totally agree this sport can suck you in, but I never go more than 25 miles), I love to do Cathe, I love to swim. I just want to experience crossfit. I love to be challenged and I feel this will challenge me in a different way. I may end up hating it, but why not give it a chance :)
If you decide to try crossfit, please go very slow and use much lighter weights than you think you can handle. Let your joints and spinal cord adjust to the new workouts for at least 6 months before upping your weights. You can take classes later.

A friend of mine was doing this type of training one on one with a trainer. When she told me the kind of weights she was using, I freaked out. I tried to convince her to stop. I showed her STS and told her she can do that safely at home. She liked it and agreed to do it after she was done with the trainer. She had paid in advance. About 4 months into her training with a fitness professional with over 25 years experience training clients in his private studio, she ended up at the doctor's office in massive pain. She found out that she had 6 herniated/compressed/bulging vertebrae in her back. She was in massive pain and needed an operation which she refused to do. Instead she went to a chiropractor 2X a day for 6 months and once a day after that. I took her over a year to be able to walk her dog again. This is a woman who walked her dog 2 to 3x a day everyday since I've known her. Muscles can handle way more than joints do. She is now at risk for life. She can't lift much. She has to be careful walking. She doesn't go anywhere before finding the right chiropractor. She still refuses surgery. I'm still running, biking and doing STS and all my other favorite workouts.

You have to have the right bodytype and you have to start early for olympic style lifting. Please be careful.
It's not all Olympic style lifting. There's all kinds of different exercises. It is only one small component. I'm a smart gal. I know how to be smart about taking on a new challenge. I don't plan on trying to out do everyone my first day. Honestly I'm very surprised it's so frowned upon here. Any type of lifting can be dangerous if you're not using the right form.
Just wanted to give an update for anyone wanting to try CrossFit. I'm just finishing up my first month. I've been going about 5 days a week and I absolutely LOVE it. I have totally become addicted. I can definitely see the potential to get injured and there are a few at my box that have been injured; however, I have been going lightish on my weight until I have the technique down pat. I have to say, this is the fastest I've seen results ever. Mostly in my upper body. So for those that wanted to try it, I say go for it! It's been a wonderful experience for me.
Hi Shannon,
When I saw your response to my kettlebell question, I was going to ask you about Crossfit, since you referenced it in your response. There is now a Crossfit gym (or box, as you said) in my neighborhood, so I am definitely tempted to try it.

Please be careful. Seen way too many injuries with Crossfit. Puts a huge strain on the joints. eg Box Jumps etc. Take it slow, if they allow it.
They had the European finals on Eurosport UK on Sunday. They were all closer to pro athletes in body definition. gave me food for thought for adding variation to a circuit. Rope climbs, pull ups are out. Adjust according to what you normally do. One athlete was Russian silver medalist weight lifting at Bejing. |Interesting concept that MUST be adapted for your own fitness leval or its INJURY big time.
I bought a groupon for a local crossfit gym. It's good for 2 months, the first month you go 2X a week and you are in the elements class. They teach you proper form and technique. The 2nd month you go right into the crossfit workouts. I bought the groupon with the intention of developing the proper skills and technique to do the power/olympic moves. I do not plan on continuing the program after the 2nd month. I can see why you can easily get sucked in, but here is why I can't...

The commute...I have to drive a total of 40 minutes, I don't have time for that. Just not possible to continue with 4 children, work, super busy schedule.

I do see the risk of injury, especially back problems.

I prefer split strength workouts. I love firing up 2-3 body parts a day!

It's too expensive. I have a huge selection of Cathe workouts that I love and give me great results, why spend $150 a month! I have most of the equipment that they use at home anyway and they post the WODS (if I am ever in the mood).

Anyway, I think it's always great to try something new. If it works for you, then that's an extra bonus! And I am enjoying it so far, almost done elements and the instructors at the gym are fabulous!! However, I have seen plenty of individuals at the gym who still have improper form.

So I am glad that I am trying it and maybe someday I will commit, if one ever opens up 5 minutes from me:D
I totally understand what it's like to work full time, take care of four kids and have a busy schedule. For me that's part of the reason I'm enjoying crossfit so much. It's MY time. My kids may be younger, 10, 7, 7 and 7, and they aren't involved in too much, yet, but I still need time away. I do have to take them sometimes, but the child care is free and my 4 kids love going. If I had to pay 150 per month, I doubt I would go either. Luckily I only pay $75 per month for unlimited access. It's 12 miles away, which isn't too bad. I've met some really great like minded people, which is also a bonus. Even though I love Cathe workouts, I felt stagnant and ready for a change due to issues within myself. It's been one of the most positive experiences in recent times for me and to me that is a victory.

As far as injuries go, Cathe has taught me so much in regard to proper form. I know how important it is and it's always in the back of my mind. I have seen a lot of terrible form at the box, but in the end, you're responsible for learning proper technique and always using it.

And addressing the fact that it's hard on your joints...definitely not anymore so than a HiiT workout by Cathe.

I know crossfit isn't for everyone and there are many negative attitudes towards it, but I'm glad I didn't let the negativity affect me and went with my gut in making my decision to join a box.

I will never leave Cathe, tho! She is and will always be top dog in my book!

I think it's great that you got into Crossfit! I personally believe that sometimes we need to venture outside our comfort zone to see the full potential that lies within ourselves (this has proved true for myself). Kuddos to you! I look forward to hearing your progress.

Take care,

I know a couple of people that do Crossfit and not one of them has ever gotten injured. I actually went to an affiliate years ago but they were more of a boot camp style gym that did Crossfit inspired workouts but the trainer did have a certification from Crossfit.

I don't go to that gym anymore but the majority of the workouts I do are Crossfit inspired workouts. I don't do the Olympic lifting or the handstands but I have done many of their workouts and have never gotten injured. I go at my own pace and modify if I have to.

Every Memorial Day Weekend my sisters and I do the Crossfit workout "Murph". We are all in our 50's and enjoy and look forward to the annual challenge. If anyone is interested in doing it, here it is:

1 mile run
100 Pull ups (jumping)
200 Push ups
300 Squats
100 mile run


It's fun to step outside your comfort zone and experience other forms of workouts and exercises.

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