Critter in my house!! Mortifying! (LONG)

steel wool

I'm reading this post and a wire under the desk rubs up against my toe. I about jump out of my skin! This won't get rid of them, but can help keep them out. Put steel wool in cracks around plumbing. I mean cram it in there tight! They can't chew through it. I hope it's not a female...... Refering to the "they're not alone" comment. You are going to have to do something about it's friends. I 've never heard of only one rat. Sorry to dump that on you. I wish you the best, and vote for the exterminator. Rats are a pretty serious issue.
This is a war between you and Rhoda, use all means available to rid of the diseased ridden home invaders! Call in the big guns if you have to. Good luck!
Please, please, please tell us the rat is gone today!!!! Ohhhh, this brings back terrible memories of when we had a mouse. I have never been so grossed out in all my life. Blahhhhh!
A Chernobyl roach is a ginormous, huge, monster roach. (it's my own term). This sucker was so big you could have put a saddle on it and your little mouse could have ridden it. It was about 3-4 inches in length and about two inches across. HUGE. Freakishly large, even for NY. Yuck!!!

Ewwwwww! That would put me right over the edge:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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