Hi girls!
I'm back for personals.
Belinda- You are doing awesome with STS, you go girl!
On your Tracey Stahle question, I have two of her kickbox dvds and I like them. I don't own any of her other stuff, so I cant attest to those workouts. I can say that I've viewed clips of her other stuff on collage video.com and I didn't see anything that wowed me. I do also have her Walking Stronger dvd and that's a good one to. That's all I know about her dvds. Cathe is a tough act to follow. I hope that helps. Great workout today,WTG!
Heather- I'm so excited for you for Suday's race
Nice workout yesterday with 4 mile run. Its smart to have today as a rest day gearing up for Sunday. I know I'll be cheering for you Sunday here in Albany, Oregon you go girl!! Rest well today!
Debbie- Nice job with your workout today. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, I hope your doing better now. Take it easy and rest.
Jessica-Congrats on the Turbo Kick butt kicking last night. I see you did Core Fusion Bootcamp today, I was going to ask what you thought about it having done it? In today's mail I got my Core Fusion collection: Thighs & Glutes, Body Sculpt, and Pilates Plus today! I'm thinking I might want to get CF Lean and Toned and Arms and Abs those sound good what do you think? I've seen that reviews are sort of 50/50 on CF Bootcamp dvd. I'm sort of questioning that one. I will have to wait to buy Lean and Toned and Arms and Abs dvds though. I figured I was off to a good start with what I purchased. I really liked CF Energy Flow and wished I had time for more the other day but I was in a bit of a time crunch, so I figured even 20 minutes would be worthwhile and it was!
My back felt so much better after I did it and I could walk better afterwards so, that makes it a keeper for me.
Take care girlfriend!
Roxie- Have a great time tonight with your dinner plans. Excellent idea to do EB Burn and Firm Pilates before you go, WTG! Have a great workout with EB and a wonderful dinner with your family. Hugs! I hope your mom is feeling better.
Shout outs of hello's and hugs to Chris, Melissa, and Jolene. I hope all is well with you all and that you are taking it easy.
Hugs to everyone!