***Crazy Strong & Loving It! for 4/28

Today was Triceps. Had a decent workout. My head is all stuffed up again. This weather changing is killing me. It was 85 yesterday and today only 70.


And my HRM kept losing my HR. I need to change the battary. I keep forgetting to do that.

10 minute warmup on treadmill.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise.

2 minute rest between each set.

Close Grip Barbell Press:
50# - 8 sets/10-9 reps
***Love this exercise! Probably could have gone to 55#.

Lying Dumbbell Extensions:
16's - 8 sets/10-8 reps
***These burn like crazy.

Overhead Dumbbell Extension:
25# - 8 sets/12-8 reps
***Had to stop early on two sets. These are killer.

Double-Arm Kickbacks:
5's - 8 sets/14-12 reps
***Another great burn.

Tricep Band Pulldown:
Purple Band - 8 sets/14 reps
***These really burn. I really like this exercise.

Got on the treadmill and did Cardio Coach #6 w/Candace and did Challenge #1. I did the 5 - 1 minute sprints and with each freakin' sprint my HR monitor lost my HR. I was so pissed. So I know the calorie burn isn't exactly dead-on.

58 minutes total
6 minutes below zone
48 minutes in zone
3 minutes above zone
410 calories burned

That is all....
Today was Drill Max Timesaver premix #1 and also Medicine Ball Abs. I ALMOST didn't get up this morning. I slept for crap last night. I swear I was up 5 times during the night. I was getting very annoyed! I almost called in "tired" this morning. :) My back and chest have some doms from yesterday. :)

Debbie - I hear you on the HRM. Mine died over a month ago and to be honest I don't even miss it. I think it frustrated me more than anything. Its nice not having to worry about it while working out now.
Good Morning,

Today is suppose to be a rest day but I am going to do SB combos 1,2 and 3. This is the last week of the burn phase then I enter the push phase the workouts are only 30min in length and you only do 8 reps but they are slow and you are suppose to go real heavy I guess I need to invest in some heavier wts then 5,8,10,12 and 15s.

Debbie-will cutting carbs help me lose wt?
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Good morning. I did Drill Max premix 1 and medicine ball abs this morning. Got a good sweat going so that felt good. My back is a bit tight so I think I will do some stretching this afternoon after I do mow max.

Have a good day everyone.

Hey guys! I only have a minute- crazy busy day. I did Rhythmic Step today- I love this workout! I burned 547 calories, I think.

Thanks for asking about the calf! It is better this week but the OTHER one is bugging me a bit. At least now I know that taking it easy and stretching seems to help. It hurts much less than the other so that's good.

Roxie: I know I'm not Debbie, but I had a few suggestions for you if you want to lose weight. I lost 70 pounds after my second bed rest pregnancy. I know Chris has lost some weight too and kept it off for a number of years. I suggest you not worry so much about cutting carbs or anything like that right now. Go to www.myfitnesspal.com and it will give you an approximate number of calories to eat per day if you want to lose weight. It will also suggest a ratio of carbs, protein and fat. Enter your meals everyday and see where you are- then if you are losing weight ask yourself how you feel. If you feel good and you have energy, don't mess with what is working. If you think you might need more protein, then try that. You can adjust the settings in MFP to help you shoot for your macro goals. Or if you think that is a bit overwhelming, you might investigate Weight Watchers. I did it for a long time- IMO it is a great program to teach you about portion control and how to eat to lose weight. I don't think it is right if you are more than moderately active. But it is also a place to start if you're feeling lost. I hope that helps. :)

Now I have to run!
Patti - Thanks for that website. I don't normally count calories - I just kind of guess-ti-mate. I went on their site though and entered what I had for today (just to see if I was in the ballpark with my guesses) and boy was I surprised! No wonder I haven't been losing as much weight as I've been wanting too - I'm eating way too many calories! Must make adjustments immediately!
Checking in -

I've been out of town again. I saw Belinda's info in OD! Holy cow! Poor thing. That's great that her husband took the time to post her info for us.
Debbie - are you gonna post your next rotation for us moochers?
I'll check back with my workout later.....
Checking in -

I've been out of town again. I saw Belinda's info in OD! Holy cow! Poor thing. That's great that her husband took the time to post her info for us.
Debbie - are you gonna post your next rotation for us moochers?
I'll check back with my workout later.....

My next rotation is free style. I doubt anyone would want a rotation without Cathe's workouts in it.
Patti-I already use myfitness pal and it says I only need 1200cal a day and I think that is to low but I do log all my food some days better than others.
Patti-I already use myfitness pal and it says I only need 1200cal a day and I think that is to low but I do log all my food some days better than others.

Roxie, give me your stats and I'll figure it out for you. Need your height, weight and age. Also, how many hours a week do you workout.

1200 is definitely too low.
Roxie, give me your stats and I'll figure it out for you. Need your height, weight and age. Also, how many hours a week do you workout.

1200 is definitely too low.

43 5ft 125lbs I am currently doing wts. 3days a week and cardio suppose to be 2 but I add in an extra day for 30-45min. Avg 6 days a week.
Checking in (again) -

I did the Lower Body Circuit premix from LIC. About an hour, about 400 calories - surprise!
I would love to know how to use drop sets (and wave loading, etc). I guess I could just research it online...or buy STS!
Anyway, girlies, enjoy your afternoon! Take care....
Hey Girls!

Today it is the last day of our unusual summer weather. It's over 90 today :eek: I love it!, I tried to get to the park for a run before it got too hot, but it was almost 80. I did run, and did stair and hill intervals, but it was HOT, and I got thirsty fast. So I only did 40 minutes. came home and did Weights & Plates Abs. I think I need to do that more, since the plates seemed just as difficult as the first time for me again! :eek:

Karen & Bev: DM Premix is tough! I like it!

Roxie: I agree with Debbie and Patti. Really, "they" say, calories burned need to be more than calories taken in to lose weight. As long as the food choices are pretty healthy, I mean you can't eat McDonald's for your calories in every day! I did Weight Watchers and actually still do. I alternate between counting points and doing the "Core" program, which you don't count , just choose only certain foods. Right now , they have a combination of the 2. Checking out your calorie and breakdown of the calories is usually quite enlightening. I did it a few times at SparkPeople or Fitday.com, and found that my diet was way too low fat. But start with getting the calories figured out.

Debbie: TOUGH sounding workout as always! I hate when my HRM is on the blink!

Patti: Glad to hear your calf is doing better! I love Rhythmic Step too. You just don't even realize your sweating and breathing hard doing that one, it's just fun! Do you think Step bothered your other calf? Keep up the stretching!!

Wendy: sounds like a good workout today! LIC is a good one, always!

Nora: Did you ask about using a weighted vest and Plyo? I don't think you really could, because I think it would be too hard to take it on and off for the Plyo moves. i don't think you need that heavy of weights , in fact I think the % of 1RM is 70. I was surprised at the DOMS I got the first time!! (and the 2nd!). The first Plyo kind of shocked me, and I didn't love it, but the 2nd week, i kind of knew what was coming, and liked it SO much more! AND the 2nd one used the Step for the Plyo moves more, which I love, Kind of like IMAX3!
Ok everyone thought I would post my eats for today and I would like any suggestions or opinions on them.

Brkfst-rice krispy bar
am snack-yogurt
Lunch-natural pb on whole wheat, baked cheetos,cherry tomatoes, red grapes
PM snack-cheese stick and an apple
Supper-tuna potatoe casserole made with all light ingredients.
Roxie: Rice krispy bar- like the one with marshmellows? I guess my thought is why not eat something that is a whole grain rather than a refined one. How about steel oats cooked in the crock pot overnight? Or a protein pancake? What kind of yogurt are you eating? Is it sweetened with sugar? I would also suggest you dump the baked Cheetos- another refined carb. You might want a little more fat too- like adding another serving of almonds in there somewhere. As for the tuna casserole, potatoes are so-so. They usually cause an insulin spike which can signal the body to store fat. But you have it paired with protein here so it is probably OK. What else is in the casserole? Your pm snack that includes a carb and a protein looks pretty good. Hope that helps! I'm sure Debbie, Chris and others will probably have some thoughts for you too. :)
Roxie: Oh and if you need recipes for anything let me know. I'm your girl for that! :) I post a lot of recipes on the HC check-in.
Good Afternoon Ladies:)

I was able to get my workout finished early today so that's cool.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Volume 5 my mix= 33 min
Calories Burned= 405
Distance= 2.42 Miles
My mix of Cardio Coach Volume 5 as follows:
Warmup-(5:17)BPM= 110 @end of warmup 60% of MHR.
Steady State 1- (3:03) BPM=129 (73% MHR)
Steady State 2-(3:10) BPM= 129
Challenge 2- (9:36)BPM on sprints= 140,143,144,146,146= 77%,79%, 80%,82%,82% of MHR. Due to my knee injuries I can't use incline on my treadmill. So, I can only run faster to get heart rate up. My Max speed is 6.8 mph on this workout I know my HR should be higher but I think that is due to not using the incline. I'm trying to be careful and not overdue it while my knees are trying to get better. I have to run with soft knee braces on both legs now. So, I'm being cautious about how fast and how hard a impact on the knees, lots of modifying but I'm hangin' in there.

Drill Max- Premix1=Cardio Blast= 39 min
Calories Burned= 426

STS-Ab Circuits-Med. Ball Abs= 10 min
Calories burned= 105

Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga= 25 min
Calories burned= 62

That's it for me today ladies. You guys always inspire me with your workouts. You guys rock! Have a great day and see ya at tomorrow's check in.;)


I totally agree with Patti on the Rice Krispie Bar for breakfast. There are SO many other good choices. I'm addicted to my oatmeal in the morning, I just do 1/2 C of Quick Cooking Quaker Oats out of the canister, 1/2 C Skim Milk, 1/2 C Water... Cook in microwave for 1 minute on high. And then I add different things. Lately it's been a cut up apple and cinnamon and a drizzle of Sugar Free Maple Syrup.

Yogurt is tough. I ate the nonfat Yoplait types for so long, but about the last year been doing the Greek Nonfat Yogurts. They are SO much better for you, I usually cheat, though, and add a tablespoon of flavored, sugar-free, fat-free instant pudding mix :eek: But you can not beat the protein in Greek Yogurt!

I've been doing the High Fiber Flat Outs or Tortillas for my "breads". HUGE amount of fiber in those babies!

I make so many different things for supper. I have alot of recipes too! I love tried and true healthy recipes though. I'll have to search yours out, patti! In fact, I got an idea from you recently that I am IN LOVE with! The frozen berries , partially thawed, in a FF Greek Yogurt!
Patti-I always plan on eating something better in the morning, but I run out of time. I don't have a problem dumping the cheetos. My yogurt is fat free yoplait made with splenda. The casserole contains lowfat celery, light may and dry mustard that is it and the potatoes are canned sliced. Thanks for your help.

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