Crazy DVD.....


I just got my Terminator DVD yesterday and of course I had to try it last night when I got home.In the meantime I had worked out yesterday morning and I did 10-10-10 and cardio and weights.I was thinking what the harm I will do some more......
Then I thought wait a minute? I am doing cardio and weights AGAIN AND IMAX2.I am off of my rocker.I would never put those two together in the same day,let alone after doing a gruesome workkout already for one day.
I tried it anyway.I got through 1/2 of Imax emtreme.My body just couldn't handle all of the impact(my ankles have been acting up), and lets face it .It is 10 at night and I have been up since 7.At some point in the day you need to let your body rest:p
I didn't realize what I awesome DVD it is.I am canadian so the dvd costs me $72.Which when I saw the bill yesterday I was kind of it really worth it? Almost $100 for a dvd.But each workout MUST be over 1 hour long? Does anyone know?
Anyways, I am just rambling but I think this DVD is going to be great for anyone who needs to get over plateaus.Its like nothing I have tried before.I think I am going to do the Gaulant today.THis was one purchase that I do not feel bad about...
Oh Lori I can so relate to you! I sware it could have been me typing your post yesterday! I had a similar experience...

I did IMAX2 Extreme yesterday morning. Then I had a very bad day at work. After I put my 2 year old to bed I did Muscle Endurance. I was soooooo tempted to do another one that I almost did 1/2 of Gauntlet or something? I did do a few segments from Boot Camp plus tons of core from both ME & Bootcamp. I thought the same thing.... it was 10 at night and I was rarin' to go! I decided to stop and let my body rest!

Today I am doing C&W!

I absolutely LOVE the new dvds and particularly the Terminator! Well worth the money. I bought mine during pre-sale so it was definitely worth it:)
You guys should form your own support group for exercise addiction.
And I am only half-kidding. Are you freakin' insane?? I bow to you both!!:):)

Okay... I have seriously went off the deep end! Today not only did I do C&W but I also did PLB floor section and PUB shoulders/abs! I seriously could have kept going but I made myself stop!

Maybe it is a full moon??? I usually go crazy when it is a full moon!

Who knows what I will do in the morning?? The crazy thing is I am not that sore! I think my EAS betagen MUST be helping! I think I might do Imax2 in the morning:)

Lori - how did you make it thru the day? Did you put your head back on?

I just tried the Viper and I am completely exhausted!! That workout is 80 minutes long!!! I am really pooped!! That was really tough!!!! But I feel great too!!! I wonder if IMAX extreme and the Guantlet are as hard or harder than this one. I'll have to try those next, after I recuperate of course!

Danielle :D
RE: Viper

Danielle - I haven't tried Viper yet! Glad you liked it. Did it seem like more cardio or more wts??? Did you feel awesome when you were done?

I LoVE both the Gauntlet and Imax extreme! Imax Extreme is terriffic for those days you just want to really jam and are in the mood for cardio!!!!!!!!! Try it!
RE: Viper

Hi LuvCardio!

I think it is about an equal amount of both...but the workout is so long, there is a ton of cardio in it!

Even though there's 1 cardio segment from C & W and 1 cardio segment from IMAX2, then 2 to 3 segments from Muscle Endurance, the cardio segments seem longer. This is repeated 4 times. I just felt like the cardio was going on and on and on forever!!!! Hee-Hee!! But soooooo fun!!

I sucked down 2 bottles of water!!!

Yes, I felt awesome afterwards, but I am so tired right now!!!

Thanks for telling me about the other two! Can't wait to try those!!
RE: Viper

I was to tired to put my head back on! I did the viper yesterday and what a rush.Just imagine doing C&W and then putting four intervals in there.When I got to the last one ,I didn't think I was going to make it.So, I did the last C&W section and then I was thinking...I beat you any money that they have interval #9 for the last interval.Sure enough, there it was just waiting to kill me.The weight section was hard to but atleast it gave me a break from doing cardio.
I think today, after work, I am going to try the terminator again.I figured I would doing something that didn't have weights in it.
Wish me luck,
RE: Viper

oops, I met imax extreme! see I am so frazzled that I don't even know what I am saying:7 :7 :7 :7
Now you can wish me luck,
RE: Viper

Dani/Lori - thanks so much for the updated info.

Lori - you have proven yourself to be as crazy as I!!! I think we are truly all Cathe addicts. The cool thing is I am not feeling overtrained at all this past week!

I still can't decide what to do tomorrow! It will definitely be one off of the Terminator. Thinking maybe Gauntlet! I want a TOUGH total body with weights! But who knows.... maybe it'll be Viper.

I am thinking it will be Imax Extreme on Sunday or Monday! I think I might start working some S&H in this next week.

What's up for you two this weekend?
RE: Viper

Not much going on here.Or,I should say where fitness is concerned.We are going to the cabin tonight and I have to work today.So, when I get off it will be time to hit the road.I was hoping to get up before work and do the Gauntlet.But I was to tired and I woke up with a head ache....always a great way to start your day.We went out for dinner last night and we didn't finish eating until 10:30 and I felt awful going to bed on a full stomach.I have been trying not to eat after 8.
I will be doing the gauntlet tomorrow when I get back though.It is the only one I haven't tried.I did imax extreme last night before we went out and it wasn't to bad,it was a great workout.I found the viper much more difficult.But when I had treid imax extreme before it was 9 in the night and I had already did C&W and 10-10-10 in the morning.So, it seemed like it was a tiresome workout.I think it ended just in time.I probably wouldn't of been able to do much more.
Yep, I am crazy.Ecspecially if I go ahead and do Amys Fat Loss Rotationn she has posted.I have to see where I can fit this DVD into it.
Anyway, everyone have a good weekend.Hopefully I won't eat to much while I am gone.I need to take a break today ankles are telling me to:-(
Lori :7
RE: Viper

I'm back again! Well, I didn't go anywhere yesterday afternoon b/c it is way to cold here to leave your house.Beleive it or not but it as been -30.It's usually not that cold here.I hate it.
So, I came home from work, had a little cat nap and then I did the Gaunlet.It wasn't to bad.I survived.I was actually behind,we were further along then I thought and I was getting all ready for the next section, thinking that it was going to be the dreadful #9 interval.When I looked Cathe was on the floor, ready for a stretch.But it was a nice surprise.I must have been counting to 8 instead of 7.
I'm not sure what I will try today.I am going to do amy's rotation but I am not really in the mood to do MIC.Then I thought about doing Imax extreme in it's place but I don't want to get tired of doing Imax 2 and C&W to soon.I may do 2 CTX workouts.:7 Even though I have had these awhile, I still love them....but I may get sucked in to the viper again.In my opinion that must be the toughest workoout on the DVD:p
RE: Viper


You were not counting wrong in the Gauntlet - there is realy only 6 sections - I think the cover states there are repeated 7 times. They use Intervals #1,4,7,10,3 and 6. No, they do not use #9!

RE: Viper

Oh, I probably wouldn't have figured that out until the next round.I guess if we wanted to do it 7 times we could easily skip back a few sections.I was quit relived when I knew I didn't have to do interval #9.It is at the end of the other two workouts,so I figured they were going to back us work our hardest ALL the time.
Thanks for the info..

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