Hi girls!
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Vol 1- Warm up, SS, Challenge 1,SS, 2 Sprints of Ch 2.= 18 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 221
Distance in Miles= 1.59 Miles
I'm slowly working my way up to doing the entire Cardio Coach Vol. workout. Since hysterectomy running was something I couldnot do with out pain- running 1 day needing 7 days after for pain in hips and knees to recover from. Now its different and so is my approach to build up to complete an entire Cardio Coach Vol. 1 workout and then add more as I am able.
Shift Shop- Speed 35= 39 Min
MV= 9.60
CB= 511
Insanity Max 30- Cardio Challenge= 33 Min
MV= 11.50
CB= 518
Total calories burned = 1250

Debbie- WTG with today's workout of Back & Chest from Ramped Up Upper Body and a 2 mile walk on treadmill as well. Awesome job way to get it all in there with strength and cardio. Have a blessed day!
Belinda- Awesome workout today with STS D22 plus a short walk. Bravo, WTG!!! Now go have a great & blessed Monday.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what the doctor say about some breast tenderness I have been having, its under the breast all along the front where my bra touches. We have been having very hot weather and I have been sweating tons and feeling sore there like chaffing or rub burns type of thing. I very nervous about this and hope the doc will say nothing to worry about but in the meantine I'd sure appreciate healing prayers and well wishes for everything to be ok. Thanks in advance girls.

Hello's and waves to: Roxie & Jodi- Hope you're both well and having a blessed day!

Hugs & blessings

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Vol 1- Warm up, SS, Challenge 1,SS, 2 Sprints of Ch 2.= 18 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 221
Distance in Miles= 1.59 Miles
I'm slowly working my way up to doing the entire Cardio Coach Vol. workout. Since hysterectomy running was something I couldnot do with out pain- running 1 day needing 7 days after for pain in hips and knees to recover from. Now its different and so is my approach to build up to complete an entire Cardio Coach Vol. 1 workout and then add more as I am able.
Shift Shop- Speed 35= 39 Min
MV= 9.60
CB= 511
Insanity Max 30- Cardio Challenge= 33 Min
MV= 11.50
CB= 518
Total calories burned = 1250
Debbie- WTG with today's workout of Back & Chest from Ramped Up Upper Body and a 2 mile walk on treadmill as well. Awesome job way to get it all in there with strength and cardio. Have a blessed day!
Belinda- Awesome workout today with STS D22 plus a short walk. Bravo, WTG!!! Now go have a great & blessed Monday.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what the doctor say about some breast tenderness I have been having, its under the breast all along the front where my bra touches. We have been having very hot weather and I have been sweating tons and feeling sore there like chaffing or rub burns type of thing. I very nervous about this and hope the doc will say nothing to worry about but in the meantine I'd sure appreciate healing prayers and well wishes for everything to be ok. Thanks in advance girls.
Hello's and waves to: Roxie & Jodi- Hope you're both well and having a blessed day!
Hugs & blessings