Couple nutrition questions


Am I wasting my calories on whole flaxseeds? I think I read a post that said flaxseed has to be ground up to be of any benefit. If this is true can I mince mine up in a food processor and get the same benefit as ground? I also read it has to be refrigerated. I've had my whole flaxseeds for 2 weeks now - unrefrigerated. Should I throw them out?

Thanks for helping me understand.
I have read and heard that they need ground up in some way---food processor, coffee grinder, whatever. Otherwise I believe they have a tendency to pass out of our system whole?? Not sure.

I'll be no help on the flaxseeds left unrefridgerated. Personally, I would use them anyway, but refridge from now on.
Yup, it has to be ground. I don't think that food processor would grind them (not sure).
When it's grounded it has to be refrigerated, but when it's whole it it can last unrefrigerated for years.
I tried grinding flax seed in my food processor but it only spun them around. Instead, I use a blender with a small jar. Nice to know that they can last a year. I have a pound of it in my pantry that I wasnt using because I wasnt sure about it.

My health food store has the whole flax seeds stored in an unrefrigerated bin. Therefore I am thinking that it is after they are ground up, is when they need to be refrigerated.

For later reference, you can also find them preground and vacuum packed (kind of like coffee) on a shelf in the store (again unrefrigerated where I shop)...the package says once it is opened, to refrigerate them.

I think you are still ok as long as you kind find a way to grind them.

I bought a cheap coffee grinder that is only used for grinding flax seeds. I grind about 1/4 c. at a time and keep them ground seeds in a small Tupperware container in the fridge.
Flaxseed is GREAT! It has the good fats and fiber. My nails are stronger, and my hair is soooooo soft now. :)
Here is a great site I found on Flaxseed. Also, check out the recipe section.

I read somewhere (not sure if itwas on the site I'm listing) that whole flax seed can be used for cleansing of the colon. The outside shells create something(after sitting in the stomache) that helps the cleansing process.
I got tired of having to grind flaxseeds so I started buying the oil instead. A tblsp twice a day and I'm good to go. :)
You can also get it in pill form - one huge advantage of Flaxseed oil is Omega-3 fatty acids. As a vegetarian, this is really the only way I can get it! 2 pills a day meet omega requirements, at only 10 calories per pill...
The nice thing about the ground flaxseed is the fiber. The gound flaxseed also has the Omega-3 oils (least pretty sure it does). I buy Red Mill brand which is already ground and which I can find at almost any major grocery store in my area: Safeway, Albertson's, Whole Food Markets--then store it in the refrigerator.

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