Core Max vs Ab Hits - is one enough?


Hi - I am about to order quite a few of the CATHE dvds. I am definitely getting the Core Max. Is Ab Hits one that is enjoyed a lot around here, or will Core Max take its place? I don't want to order two, but only use one! I will have the Slow and Heavy series, the MIS and Body Max that I read parts of the Ab Hits come from. I also pre-ordered STS and will get the ab dvd that comes with that as well. I want to order today so any opinions ASAP are appreciated! Thank you!
I have both and honestly probably use Ab Hits more as well. I have a 5 disk cd player and just leave it in one of the slots all the time so when I'm done with my workout I can skip over to it quickly and depending on time do anywhere from a 6 minute routine to 15 min. Plus it has 5 addtional ab w/o's along with the 12. I know all of the ab routines come from her older dvd's but I only have 5 of those actual workouts so this works great for me. Regardless, both Core Max and Ab Hits are great I'm just telling you what works best for me.

I have both and am glad for it. The CoreMax rocks, but has only 3 workouts on it (each one is 20 minutes). The AbHits has about 10 workouts on it and most are around 10 minutes. Having the variety is really nice.
I'll be the Minority Report and put in a plug for Core Max. Although Ab Hits (which I also have and would never, EVER get rid of) does have more stand-alone routines as well as premixes from those routines, Core Max includes the original three routines AND at least three premixes as well.

Also, IMHO Core Max incorporates more innovative core-working techniques (including use of the stability ball, use of the med ball, hover planks rather than straight-arm planks; there are others as well) that have characterized core work in the 2000's than does Ab Hits. I find I get better ab/core work with the New Millenium stuff than I do with traditional supine crunch variations that mostly characterize Ab Hits's routines.

I vote, if you have other Cathe core routines that have plenty of plank work (if you have CTX that's primo), then get Core Max if you wish only to get one trunk-burning disc.

I do think, however, if you get both of them you'll use both of them.


Thank you, to everyone! From what I read, I would not be sorry to have both so that is what I am going to do. I do like variety and I don't have the older CATHE workouts, aside from a couple that I am going to get. Thanks again for the expertise and experience :)
To me, it's no contest: CoreMax wins!! The stability ball core workout on CoreMax may be one of my favorite Cathe routines of all time. It is so comprehensive. Right now it's the only workout I do aside from cardio, because I've learned that without a strong core, nothing else is possible. Ab Hits is just a mishmosh of ab workouts from other Cathe workouts. CoreMax is it's own full workout, and there are three of them at that.

ETA: I agree 100% with everything Ajock said. :)
I vote for ab hits. Core max is to long for me and I start to get bored, mostly with #2 and #3 routines. The only routines I use in Core Max is #1 and tough abs. I like the variety and varying lengths of the ab hits.

I really love and use both of these DVDs. Anyway you can't go wrong with either, but I find that I reach for ab hits a lot more than core max. The reason being that I am not as fond of 20 minutes of ab work - like someone else here said, I get bored. I find myself looking at the clock after about 12-15 minutes of ab work. Also I like to add on an ab workout after some other workout, and often just don't have time for 20 minutes in addition to whatever workout came first. Ab hits allows many choices in terms of both time and style of core work.

~ Ann ~
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