
Circuit Max kicks my great big butt every time .......:7 Just as well, cos something has to once in a while }(
Ladies and Gents, I modified the whole damned thing tonight, and I still got a brilliant workout ! :D

See Ya !

Anna :)
Yeah, CM is pretty brutal Anna! I LOVE it and I'm still modifying parts of it too! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Ah... that reminds me, I have been avoiding CM for about the last two months. :) I do IMAX, IMAX2, spinning, etc. but CM makes me shutter just to think about it. Thinking about that first hi/lo section just to get the workout started makes me want to avoid it. But when I finish that tape I feel like I have conquered the world! Heather:
Anna - first let me say I just love your posts!! I love all those phrases :)

I tried CM once (if you happened to read my post about my cardion endurance stinking, you will realize this was a huge mistake!). I don't remember if I went all the way thru it, but I think I did. Needless to say, it's not coming out again for a long while!!

And, to make things worse, it scared me 100% away from BodyMax, which I sold on ebay.

I hope someday the courage comes back to try CM again.. Maybe in a long time!! Once I believe my cardio endurance is a little better..
Yep! I am with Annette on this one...One of my favorite total body workouts...just add a few push ups and your set! Boot camp gives me the same kind of workout! Wish Cathe would make more of these type workouts! Hang in there Anna, just love your spunk!

Anna, I had to click on your thread just to see what "COR BLIMEY" means. If it's some vulgar British obscenity, then yes, it applies to Circuit Max!! I had to trade CM. I tried it twice and just couldn't face it again. It's evil, I tell ya! }(
I haven't done this one in a year or more, and even then, I think I stopped before completion. But all of you are making me want to put this one on my rotation for this week -- I've been doing BootCamp, IMAX2 and C&W so much that maybe I can get through it now? Let's hope so, 'cuz this one kicks! If I can make it through this, I will feel SO accomplished. Good for you Anna for doing it, you have much more courage than I!


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