~~~Coolers~~~~ Wednesday


Just getting us started. Today will be a rest day as I have a meeting at the daycare (before/after school program) this evening after work. I am the volunteer treasurer for the program and we haven't met all summer. My legs/abs really need a rest anyways. Hope to get one more workout in tomorrow before I leave on my shopping weekend.

Have a great day! Kim
Kim, Enjoy your rest day! Sounds like everyone besides Laurie/Renfaire starts getting busy this time of year. Have you made a shopping list yet?

Jeanette, LOL on seeing the elk. I could never understand how hunters could go through weather conditions, driving conditions, come home without meat, and say that they had a great time!!!! My father was like that too. He would sometimes not kill a turkey if he didn't need the meat since his thrill came from being able to call one to him. :rolleyes:

Laurie, LOL on waking up to moonlight and thinking you've overslept! I can't say that's ever happened to me in the east or west!:D My middle ds is a Packer fan to the dismay of his father. :D Eagle fans are usually loyal and passionate. The school didn't close early for the game. We just talked our teacher into letting us go home early.

Patricia, When I first started the X, Plyo was a HARD! It got easier. Then Cathe got hard! LOL Hope your car doesn't need too much work!

Debra, How's classes coming along?

Well ladies, I've got a full day. I have an ethics and communications test followed by a massage theory practical practice. All that means to say is that I'm practicing for the real massage test on a stranger from another class. I hope I don't get too tired. I slept all night long and still overslept! Dang, I feel like Debra!:eek:;)

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Morning Coolers,

My workout for today was 2m run and half of One on One Plyo Legs with Tony! Will get the rest of that workout done after work today.

So far I really like Plyo Legs. Tony does talk between exercises, but there is a total of 20, and he is staying right on the alotted time he gives himself. The total time of the workout is 64 min, and 60 min of it is the workout itself. He expects you to do a 5 min warm up. They have Tony jumping rope when the camera starts, and then he takes you into some stretches. He has taken some of the familiar excercises from P90X and the master series Plyo Legs, and taken them up a notch. He uses weighted balls for the Mary Katherine Lunges and the Frog Leaps. The Groucho walk is different in that you start in a really low crouch with hands on the floor. You then take one leg and lift it high! Much more effective than how they where done in P90X! :D Still have not seen him spit, so don't know how gross that will be. Guess I'm going to find out tonight! :eek:

Kim, Will have to check out that Sept rotation. Sounds like she is torturing your poor abs and legs. :eek: Enjoy your rest day! We watched the BL too, interesting that two of the guys are in such bad shape that they can't work out as much as the others.

Patricia, So have they gotten back to you on your car? Hope it isn't anything serious that cost $$$. :confused: Good for you gettting that shoulder checked out. We have had to many people having to recoupe from shoulder problems.

Wendy, Sorry to hear that you are so tired. You have been quite busy lately!

Jeanette, So glad that you are enjoying your time off. Good thing that construction barrel didn't do any more damage. :eek: LOL about seeing Elk! :D My DH is not a hunter, but two of my BIL's seem to live for hunting. :D :rolleyes: Cardio Kicks is just what it says cardio with a kickboxing influence. :) It is I think Cathe's first attempt at kickboxing, so her form isn't all that great. I doesn't have the Combos like KPC does, and the cardio portion goes from low, intermediate to high. Don't know if that helped you much, but they sell the DVD with both CK and Circuit Max (which is a great workout) :)

Have a great day!

Okay...now for a real post....:p

Hi!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been around...I just don't seem to have time lately for everything I want to do...:(. Classes are going fine...I will have my first physics test coming up...but I feel pretty confident about the material so far...but we haven't gotten to anything complicated yet!!! :eek::eek::eek: The diva is doing well and looking forward to her dad coming in town this weekend. The doodle and the Tick are fat and happy as usual. :rolleyes: CBL and I had a great weekend together. The game was fun and it was good to see my BFF, too. :D:D:D

Let's see...as far as workouts are concerned...Sunday was pretty much a rest day...although I did do a lot of walking and climbing stairs at the game. :eek::eek: Monday...back to SH with chest and back plus I added on some rows from CTX back too. Yesterday I did CTX Power Circuits without the back work, but I did do the planks and the abs. Today will be SH shoulders and a little yoga with Eoin.

I am not going to try to go back too far with personals...but let me catch up a bit!

Good luck on your test and your practical exam...I am sure you will do great!!!! :cool::cool: And I will hope for your sake, that everyone keeps themselves draped properly...LOLOLOL!! ;) You are sounding like me with the fatigue...You need to get yourself to a doc to do a little blood work to make sure everything is okay. :( I apparently will just have to live with feeling tired all the time since all my blood work is always normal. :confused: So sorry you missed your massage!!! :mad: I have one tomorrow that I am looking forward to...I really like my new gal. :)

Have a nice rest day...It sounds like you will get lots of walking time in for your shopping trip!! :p I forgot until Patricia mentioned it the other day about DSW shoes...That is a great store!! :) And there is one in the Mall of America.

It sounds like you are enjoying your new Tony workouts! Good for you!! I must have missed some sort of discussion about Tony spitting....ugh. :rolleyes: I guess DH will be back tonight?! :) I am a big Packers fan, too. I always hated the Vikings!! :cool:

Glad you are getting some extra sleep time in while you are off work. I am always amazed at how early you get up!! :eek: Sounds like your golf game is really improving! :D LOL about your DH 'seeing' an elk!! Couldn't they have just gone to the zoo for that??? ;) I am glad no one was hurt with their accident...sounds like it could have been bad. :( Hope you get your bike ride in today with no threatening weather. I am sure you are busily cleaning those darn bathrooms while I type...LOL...Better you than me!! :eek:

Sorry to hear about your car problems...what a PITA!! :confused: Did you guys get your email straightened out yesterday?? I always hated PlyoX during my run...It seemed like lots of boy exercises. :rolleyes: I ended up subbing Imax2 for that one towards the end of my 90 days....I think you could also use BC or the 4DS BC from Cathe when it gets to be too much. :rolleyes::eek::p Hope your shoulder is okay....Ask Wendy about hers...she will have some tips for you on doing the push-ups. :)

Okay...that does it for me now...I am going to take a cue from Wendy and take a little nap. :rolleyes: I have been feeling more fatigued lately again. :confused: I keep feeling like I am going to catch something, but whatever it is never really materializes. See you all later!!
Good morning,
Today was a leisurely wakeup for me. Got up around 7, heated up some coffee and got back in bed to do a little reading. Dogs were looking at me like, aren't you getting up to let us out to run? Anyway, I did Bootcamp from the Intensity Series today, leaving all the core work for the end, which I like better. Tonite is a bike ride with a girlfriend and inbetween now and then, I've got to clean those bathrooms!!!

Debra, glad to hear from you, I've missed your posts, but just post when you can. I watched your XDH's video. I kept thinking, how could he make the choice between you and Julia and a career in Russia? I just don't get it. Anyway, it's all better anyway. His loss...... Glad you had a good time this weekend. LOL about going to the zoo to see the elk!!! Ain't that the truth! Guess they won't be satisfied with just that. You also made me laugh, thinking I'd have those bathrooms cleaned while you were typing. Nope, not yet. But soon...

Laurie, why does Tony spit in the workout? Does he spit into a rag, on the floor, in a cup??? OMG! I can't believe they didn't edit it out? You like Plyo Legs??? I would be lieing to say I liked PlyoX. Towards the end, I subbed Cathe's workouts in myself. I just couldn't do it week after week. I've gotten to where I really like variety and I think STS will fit the bill for that, or at least I'm hoping. Thanks for the 411 on Cardio Kicks. I'll have to view a clip. I like circuits so maybe Circuit Max will interest me enough to get it.

Wendy, hope you have more energy today. Not fun being tired. I think if I was a massage person, I would have to carefully pick my clients. I don't think I could massage guys. How do you handle that, you know, the kind that might not be too ummm, nice. You know, the nasty ones. What do they teach about that?

Kim, enjoy your rest day today!!! Bet you are excited about your shopping trip
. I'll be spending a bit tomorrow too, if I can find some clothes.

BBL tonite,
Evening All

Just finished Shoulders & Arms along with Ab Ripper. Still feeling it in my abs from Monday:):D:eek::eek:

Pretty much all caught up at work thankfully. Had internet problems again this morning but not too much of an issue for me as I had a dentist appt 1st thing. Finally got around to finding a dentist after being here a year and he seems really nice and I felt comfortable with him right away plus he is close to work so easy to duck out during the day.
Somehow I posted with out realizing it so lets start over. I swear I don't know if there is something wrong with my keyboard or if its Vista but it does funny things ALL THE TIME. Grrrr:mad::mad:


Jeanette - sounds like you had a good day yesterday. My Mom asks me for help with the computer too but I'm not much better:(:( My DH likes to send pictures of moose and deer to my father to show him what they look like b/c the last few years he hasn't shot one (just gets to share in with what others in the group got).:) Sounds like you're taking separate vacations from DH?

Debra - well, apparently my alternator has gone but I couldn't pick up the car today b/c the alternator that they replaced wasn't working either:mad: I hope I don't get hit with a higher repair bill for double the labour. My computer was taking too long to open the video of XDH but will take a look at it later. Wow, VP of Best Buy? Sounds like a great position, why leave? I'm sure there is a long storey there.

Laurie - So how bad was the spitting? I had read about that over on VF. This is why I w/o at home to stave off any embarrassements. I enjoy Plyo X as it really seems to go by fast. Sounds like this latest video really takes it up another notch.

Wendy - hope you got some rest. Wonder if you're going thru the same thing I was a bit this summer. Might just be overdoing things and take a break.

Kim - sounds like you're taking a trip south to help out their economy too. Yes, I highly recommend DSW - find their clearance racks and they even had further markdowns at the cash. I was in heaven:D:D

Okay, its bed time.

See you tomorrow.
Hi all..Just hopping back on to say goodnight!! My workout went as planned today...if you can believe that...LOL!! :eek::rolleyes:

Sorry about all the car trouble...Hope it doesn't end up costing you too much! There is a long story behind XDH and Best Buy and his subsequent move to Russia...but too long to go into here!! :rolleyes: How are you liking the X so far?? Besides those sore abs, of course! :eek:

I can see the look on your dogs' faces right now...LOL!! :p Poor pooches are missing daddy too! I am glad you are getting some rest in while DH is out in the great wilds looking for elk...To take a picture of...LOL!! ;) Thanks for saying that about XDH. I know he made a decision that he thought was right...and I guess, now that I think of it, still thinks is right. But...in the end, I am happier than I have been in years...so I guess it all works out for the best. :) Are those dishes washed yet? ;)

Well, ladies....that is it for me tonight...I probably won't get a chance to come by until late afternoon...if then. I have millions of errands to accomplish tomorrow...Nothing interesting enough to talk about...but none the less they must be done!! :eek::eek::eek:
Hi girls,
I had a good day today, no nap for a change. Besides my Boot Camp workout, I did manage to clean 2 bathrooms, clean our bedroom, wash my car and throw away some stuff that I no longer needed. I also did a 21 mile bike ride in the afternoon with a girlfriend. Also talked to my sister (who lives near here) on the phone for about an hour. She's just been so busy, we haven't connected since Grandma passed away. Tomorrow, Mom and I will be going to Reno to clothes shop and get Mom a laptop. We'll also do lunch. I'm looking forward to spending some good time with Mom.

Debra, dang, now I have to do the dishes too??? That's just asking too much! Manana. Or maybe the next day. :p The pups do miss their Daddy and I'm sure he'll be anxious to get back to them. We are disgusting how we love these creatures. The attached pictures are of the "girls" helping DH on the backhoe while working on the patio. They've got to always be near him. The other shot is where they are begging for some scraps.

Patricia, usually DH and I take a vacation to Oregon or go camping a few times together. This year, he put in for elk tags in Wyoming with DS. DH didn't get drawn, but DS did, and wanted DH to go with him anyway so that's how that went. I usually do a "girl's trip" with my friends, but no one seemed to be into it this year. Heck, I'm enjoying this so much, I might just do it again next month. I like having the house to myself and sleeping in. I liked Shoulders and Arms, the "glamour muscles".

Going to leave around 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Not sure what workout I'll do, of course, I can work out in the evening if I want. Nice to have that option. I seem to have more strength a little later in the morning, as opposed to 4 a.m. Imagine that!!!

Night, night.
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