Coolers.............Marvelous Monday!!!


Todays workout was a 2 mile run, and BBS Timesaver #1 Chest & Triceps. Saturday I ran for 4 miles, and Sunday I did the BBS Timesaver #5, which is the Leg workout. Have to say that one was really pretty fun. :)

Oldest DD did really well on her race Saturday. She came in 15th with a time of 16:14. By the time there race started at 11:00 am, it was up around 85 degrees. :eek: She was so tired after that, but she went shopping for bridesmaids dresses. :)

Debra, Hope you had a great weekend. :)

Patricia, WTG on keeping up with those X workouts. What week are you on?

Jeanette, I don't know what color for the dress yet. I did look at some, but didn't like any that I saw. I will be heading out on Sunday to check out some different stores. Hopefully I will find something. :) Wow you really put together some great workouts.

Kim, Oh we have the geese all over the place too! I'm just thankful that we do not live by a body of water, or a corn field. :D They seem to love those two places.

Wendy, LOL about the glute raises in ME. :D Did you get the barbell set, I know that Walmart sells a set that is somewhat like the kind Cathe uses. Been thinking of getting that set myself.

Have a great day!

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Hey There!

I'm on my way to get my computer fixed. Every time I type a letter, a different letter shows up! That can't be good! I'm also going to cancel my internet on my BlackBerry and only use it as a modem.

Congrats! Your dd is doing so well with running!!! I'm going to stop off at Walmart and check out the barbells today. I'd like to do B&G and Eoin tonight.

Hi to all who follows!

Kids and I off school/work today. Did Imax 3 but spent hours on the computer this morning booking stuff for our trip, excursions on the islands, transport from the hotel etc. so feel like I'm neglecting the kids. It's almost noon and they're still in their pjs so will catch up on personals later. :D:D
Afternoon All:

I have Chest & Back + ARX on tap tonight. Thankfully these workouts lend them self to watching t.v. at the same time. I have 3 t.v. shows to somehow fit in also. Taped Dexter last night but probably won't be able to get to that. I was so excited when I saw last night it was back on but there was no way I could stay up to watch it. DS was up at 6am Sat & Sun so not able to rest and catch up on sleep from the work week.:mad:

Kim - did you watch Survivor this weekend? I thought it started off really well. And of course Amazing Race started up last night. Already had my Cooler chat about those at work today! Hey, I'd still be in my p.j.'s too if I could be.:D:D

Laurie - tonight starts off my 3rd week of the X. Starting to notice an improvement in my ab strength. I think I might have to insist on DH installing my pull-bar tonight as my bands are soon not going to do the trick! Great news on your DS's race!

Wendy - hope nothing too seriously wrong with your computer. I wonder if it is Vista. The other day I was typing an email and I have no idea what key I hit but nothing I did worked on the keyboard after that. I had to re-boot:mad::mad:

Will pop back in later.
Back for personals

Patricia I did watch Survivor and enjoyed the first episode. I've never watched Amazing Race but my sister always does. That's great that you're noticing strength improvements with the X. How do you watch tv and do the X?? I'm glad that you're getting some nice weather to enjoy the cottage, we will most likely head to my mom's cottage for Thanksgiving weekend. That's funny that your chiropractor has done the X, I don't know anyone that has done it although a girl from work saw the informercial and talked about buying it she's not so great with follow through so I doubt it will happen

Wendy Did you buy the barbell?? I did ME last night, I forgot how hard this workout is!

Laurie Congrats to your dd! Was she happy with the time? Is it a relative's wedding??

Jeanette How frustrating on the Jeep not starting! Good thing your BIL was able to come out and get you. Thank goodness for cellphones.

Debra Waving to Debra! Hope you're having a less stressful week!
Hey Ladies,

I didn't find the barbell set at Walmart. I wonder if they carry it anymore. I buy another stability ball. And, I got a pair of shoes...

Well, I am soooo stupid!!!! My Geek told me that my Num Lock was ON!:eek: Who knew I had Num Lock on my laptop!!!!:eek::eek::D:D:D All was not in vain as Geek Squad did fix my Micro Trend Antivirus software. It wasn't running scans properly. I also kept my internet service on my Blackberry. I would have costed more to cancel it and start over with a new plan with a separate internet modem.

Gotta feed the girls. I'll catch up on personals tonight.

Hi!! I'm here, I'm here!! :eek::eek::eek:

I had a good weekend...Good times with bowling on Saturday night...although my game was in the toilet! But I finally started working out again today after a week-long break.:eek: I ended up with a mish mosh of kickboxing and 4DS legs. And let me just say, it has been a while since I did weighted legs (because of my sore glute) and my legs were weak after I finished!!!:eek::eek::eek:

quickie personals...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL about the NUM LOCK...Those darn controls!!! Was your geek laughing his arse off?? But at least something good came out of the visit. :eek: I got my barbell online from Wal-Mart, so I don't know if they still carry it in the store. Being the laziest Xer, I didn't want to load it in my car!! :p

Glad you had a good day off with the kids...And good for you for dong Imax3!!! :eek:

Sorry about the car mishap...but it sounds like you had a good weekend overall! I guess all the girls have been all over DH this weekend. :)

I am glad you are doing well with the X. :D Have you been following the eating plan or just doing your won thing? I followed the plan for the first 3 months...but then my old habits came right back!! :rolleyes:

Sounds like you had a busy weekend as usual. :) It sounds like DD has found her niche with XCountry! Too bad about not finding a dress...but I guess it gives you a good excuse to go out again! ;)

Hope everyone has a great evening!!
Well C&B and ARX done
Even had DS wanting to w/o out with me. Had him try a few pushups and when he saw the decline pushups and wanted to try that too! I have the TJ gloves and he put them on and started throwing punches. It was cute except that I had to keep reminding him not to hit me but an imaginary opponent!:D:D

Wendy - I was watching a Cdn t.v. program earlier today about inventors wanting to find investors to buy into their invention. One of them today was a touch screen monitor for the "older generation" with LARGE FONTS. Maybe this would be good for you too!:):) Wendy, I'll email you about Slim in 6 and Burn it Up. Remember I got a cheap copy at that used DVD store in T.O.? I even picked up extra copies of 2 of the Slim Series at the Thrift Store her recently. Thought they would be good to have on hand for trading over on VF.

Deb - sounds like you had fun bowling. I'm thinking of organizing a bowling afternoon this fall for work. I used to be President of a bowling league and it made for a great social night out. I think my ending average was around 175. What, you mean caring all your text books around lately haven't kept your legs in shape?:p Nope, no intention of following the eating plan - that's too much work and lately I can't seem to go a day w/o binging on candy:mad::mad:

Hope everyone else had a good day.
Hi girls,
No workout for me this morning, my rest day and I just did some stretches in front of the TV set. Can't even remember what I was watching. After work today, DH and I went grocery shopping. Had a good time. Tomorrow night is golf with the ladies. I think DH will accompany us, driving a cart and carrying the ice chest in it.

Patricia, that's pretty cute about your DS wanting to work out with you. Wow, 175 is a great average. My mom used to bowl in a coffee league and had a good time. Wish she'd get out and do more social events. I'm with you on the sweets, had a PB cup(2) this afternoon.:D

Debra, glad the bowling was fun. Leg workouts, ummm, I've kind of gotten away from them. Need to get back into them for sure. Yep, all is right in the world now that DH is back with his girls.

Wendy, nice shoes! I need a new stability ball too. Mine has bumps all over it, I think for the "massage" value. Leaves dents all over me. Glad you got your computer fixed up. Don't worry about the "num lock" thing. I'm sure they've heard everything imaginable.

Kim, you have plans for Thanksgiving already? My kind of girl! I love Thanksgiving, my most favorite of holidays. I love planning it, though I never cook for it. Christmas is usually here and Thanksgiving is at one of 2 of my sisters house.

Laurie, you always have good workouts. Any more races planned? Fall is definitely in the air here, though it hasn't cooled down a whole lot. Will be in the 80's tomorrow. We did have thunderstorms today and a big bolt of lightning went across the sky. Hopefully, no forest fires will start.

Gotta run,
B&G minus ab segment is DONE! I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to complete most of the exercises. I did draw the line with the fire hydrant high end pulses. My lower back can't handle too many high ends. I added my own additional stretches afterwards instead of playing with Eoin. I'll play with him tomorrow night since I have a 2 hour massage scheduled early in the morning.:):)

Do you ever pull out XStretch? I was thinking of doing that tomorrow instead of Eoin. Oh! You are too sweet!!!! re: Had a good time grocery shopping with dh. :) I bet you and the Captain will be one of those couples in your late years walking hand in hand that everyone envys. LOL about your dh carting around your alcohol!!!! Don't buy your stability ball from Walmart! I got a Gold's Gym stability ball. It's a new and improved version.:rolleyes: It has sand in it!!!:eek: Doesn't work very well for bouncing during the B&G warm-up!!! I much prefer my stability ball from Dicks. Oh! And they are selling a pink one at Dicks for Breast Cancer Awareness. I wish I saw that one before I bought this one! It's a good thing the num lock thing happened. I needed to get my antivirus software up and running.

Shuush! I can see. I just don't bother looking.:D Yeah, I remember you buying videos in T.O. I wanted to preview them, but never got the chance. Don't worry about following the X's eating plan. Ask the other ladies... I ate like crazy and I still lost weight. Then again, I am a freak of nature.;):D

Don't worry about your leg strength. Give it some time. Be paitient. It will come back in no time. I was thinking the same thing tonight. I was quite glad that I didn't bring dumbbells heavier than 15 pounds to tempt me to go heavy. Ease back into it. Okay!!! My Geek was laughing at me laughing!!! I was actually crying cause I was laughing so hard. He was such a fun guy! I might have to check out Walmart's online shop.

How are your biceps today? Mine are still sore from ME!!! I remember doing ME after finishing the X and thinking that Cathe tortured people with her bicep exercises. Don't get me wrong. I matched her and kept up. Later... Much later, I discovered that my barbell weighed over 15.5 pounds!!!!:eek::eek::eek: So, I was lifting over 10 pounds more than Cathe. These days, I take a conservative approach... I go a little lighter than Cathe. Oh, I saw your post on OD. I have to agree about seeing a doctor. There's soooo many muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the forearm and wrist and hands and arms.

I think you'd look pretty in a jewel toned dark blue dress. It's tough finding dresses these days. Most stores don't sell dresses. I think it's because our society lives in jeans. What's BBS? My mind isn't thinking very clearly right now.

Sweet Dreams!!!

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