Only 24 hours left till I see ds!
Just starting us off. I was just having a look at Cathe's August rotation and I think I'll do it starting on Monday. Planning a little run today to try out my new running shoes and then we're away for the weekend as Monday is a Canadian holiday. Would you all believe that I lost 3 lbs this week without working out? I'm happy about that but sort of confirmed that it was time to switch workouts.
DD and I had a nice day yesterday, meet DH for lunch, did some clothes shopping for her, went to a craft store and bought her a rug hooking kit and taught her how to do it. She has been watching me cross-stitch and wanted to try but I thought she would be too young. She's starting to scrapbook too, turning into a crafty little thing. Then we went for our hair appts so got a trim and some light brunette streaks in her blonde hair . I got a trim and the my hair a little darker than usual, my hair goes super blonde in the sun so she decided to darken in a bit and let it lighten naturally.
Today we going to pack for the weekend, do some baking, groceries, I'm going to run while she rides her scooter as the TM is packed away waiting the carpet.
Debra Safe travels to you and dd today. Hope you have a great time at the beach.
Wendy Hope you're feeling better for your trip! I still can't believe that you workout during the night like that, I guess it's better than lying there not sleeping. Does it wake anyone up? No, we haven't seen Penelope, actually I haven't heard about it. DD's birthday sleepover is in a few weeks maybe it would be a good one to rent?? DH is going to bug Home Depot about the carpet today, they never promise it would be ready for this week. They said 4-6 weeks and it's been 5 but I had put a request in for this week as it would have worked out so well.
Jeanette Is DH having a potluck at work? Glad you got some things done around the house yesterday. Are you working in the yard tonight?
Patricia Hope you have a quiet day at work!
Just starting us off. I was just having a look at Cathe's August rotation and I think I'll do it starting on Monday. Planning a little run today to try out my new running shoes and then we're away for the weekend as Monday is a Canadian holiday. Would you all believe that I lost 3 lbs this week without working out? I'm happy about that but sort of confirmed that it was time to switch workouts.
DD and I had a nice day yesterday, meet DH for lunch, did some clothes shopping for her, went to a craft store and bought her a rug hooking kit and taught her how to do it. She has been watching me cross-stitch and wanted to try but I thought she would be too young. She's starting to scrapbook too, turning into a crafty little thing. Then we went for our hair appts so got a trim and some light brunette streaks in her blonde hair . I got a trim and the my hair a little darker than usual, my hair goes super blonde in the sun so she decided to darken in a bit and let it lighten naturally.
Today we going to pack for the weekend, do some baking, groceries, I'm going to run while she rides her scooter as the TM is packed away waiting the carpet.
Debra Safe travels to you and dd today. Hope you have a great time at the beach.
Wendy Hope you're feeling better for your trip! I still can't believe that you workout during the night like that, I guess it's better than lying there not sleeping. Does it wake anyone up? No, we haven't seen Penelope, actually I haven't heard about it. DD's birthday sleepover is in a few weeks maybe it would be a good one to rent?? DH is going to bug Home Depot about the carpet today, they never promise it would be ready for this week. They said 4-6 weeks and it's been 5 but I had put a request in for this week as it would have worked out so well.
Jeanette Is DH having a potluck at work? Glad you got some things done around the house yesterday. Are you working in the yard tonight?
Patricia Hope you have a quiet day at work!