CoNtRoL the DaMaGe in Aug!

Hi Ladies,

I took a vacation day to spend with the girls. :D They really liked the waterpark we went to last week so we are heading back there today. It's supposed to be 93 so we'll want to be in the water. I hope to be there around 10:30 then we can leave around 1pm. It's starts getting crowded after lunch time. Unfortunately DS isn't going with us as planned. He has some errands to run this morning. He said he may join us if he gets done in time.

This morning will be GS C&T and either a HIIT w/o or the BR w/o for today. Yesterday I did Biceps & Shoulders at the rec ctr and 30 minute interval on the EXT. Oh my gosh, my buns were on fire the last 10 minutes. The interval routine I picked really jacked up the's just what I need.:)

Wendy-you probably just need a couple of days to get back to reality from your vacation. My sister is a vet tech but she did go to school for it. I don't think the pay is very good though. The office she works at has had several owners in the 6 yrs she's been there. It was nice to get the triathlon behind me. I wore a wetsuit so the swim was still difficult but manageable. The bike/run segments were fine. We have a local firefighter calendar, shirt's off etc, well the firefighters from the calendar were the ones handing out water at the water stations!;) I hope you find something you like that pays well and it close to home.

Lori-I bet you are sore, you crazy girl! That's so sad about your high school friend. You just have to deal with what life throws at you. Now that my parents are gone, I'd be okay living anywhere I think. Although, I'm very close with my younger sister and that would be the toughest for me. We talk on the phone and go out together etc. Well I'm feeling too jiggly for my liking right now. I'll have 2 full weeks of weight lifting behind me, but I'm leaving on vacation Saturday. I can probably still BR or ZWOW though. Then I may start STS and jump over to XTrain whenever that comes out.

Laura-I'm sure yoga would do this body good...probably not going to happen though.:eek: We are still in the high 80's to low 90's during the day but dropping into the 60's at night. I'm just so sick of the heat.

Well I better get my w/o on if I want to get to the waterpark early!


Hey girlies!

EEEOUCH - DOMS - hammies - butt - quads and bit into lower back :confused: We opted for LB Trisets ... man .. killer workout .. those bend over/down elevated lunges are tuff .. puke factor indeed!

Lori - saw the pics of the boys .. OMG .. you make beautiful babies!!! gorgeous boys!!! Sad about your friend - sometimes an unexpected meeting will give us perspective -like - hey ... MY LIFE isnt that bad ~~ maybe you will be able to meet w/her at some time .. sounds like she needs some company .. :( .. and good luck w/the DIVA/high maintenance client .. yikes!! :confused:

Di - have fun at the water park - i know the girls will - our temps are about what yours are .. except we BARELY get into the UPPER 60's at night .. think it was 69 this morning .. but hey .. I will take that for sure .. I am SOOOOO ready for the fall weather to get here!!

Wendy - I used to work for a vet (my vet) forever ago ... LOVED it .. it was THE best job . . very rewarding!! there were just a few things I hated about it .. that was euthenasia and bone surgery .. THE worst sounds .. makes me quiver to think about it!

OK - todays plan - If the body allows .. is XFACTOR w/SIL after work!! she is just as sore as me .. eeeouch!!! have a great day!
Hey Girls:)

Just sitting down for a few minutes while the baby FINALLY naps...dear Lord! I'm hoping he isn't cutting out a nap already, maybe its to warm for him. I'd like to have a coffee right about now too but same warm. A iced one would be good though:D

Diana** enjoy the water park with the girls. Where are you going on vaca this time? I think I will just keeping doing what I'm doing until xtrain is released. I'm thinking of flip flopping between series but not sure how long I should stick with one thing. I enjoy slow and heavy but it takes to looooong.

Laura** happy to hear your sore :p. I'm not as sore as I thought I was going to be but I still know I worked out.

My workout was cardio mixed in with B&G. I also did the floor work. Hurts in the right places:)

I may bbl!

Good Afternoon Girls. :)

Later then usual check ins for me these days...Maybe that's why my work outs aren't happening early? :confused: Oh well....

Anyway--just finished 55 minutes of Kundalini Yoga. Did Fat Free again but put together a different work out today. Felt great. I can definitely tell that I was away from yoga and good stretching for the week I was on vacation though! :eek:

Heading to the gym with DH after work for a run...:)

So I emailed my resume/cover letter off to that animal hospital and got an auto response stating that my contact was out of the office until firther notice (great!:rolleyes:) and to contact this other person. So I sent the email to him but I can't find it in my sent folder so now I have no idea if it went!? I sent it 2 times and now I guess I'll wait. If I don't hear anything maybe a follow up phone is an order?? I know they say that's good to do anyway as it really shows interest...

Laura:: I'm with you on the DOMS! Mine is still lingering from Monday's work out! ESPECIALLY in my abs and now my calves are on fire from y'day's jump rope!!!! :eek: I stayed in the room when my dog several years ago when he was euthenized. It sucked but I didn't have the heart to leave him either.

Diana:: Sounds like the tri was a good experience for you. So are you done with them for good or just for now? ;) The fact that it's a low paying job is why I won't go to school for the vet assistant or tech stuff but since they some places are willing to hire those who haven't gone to school for the assistant position I figured I'd give it a shot. It's something different and I've always wanted to work with animals...

Lori:: Yikes, your poor friend. That's sad. I hope the ex is atleast doing his part in helping to support his baby! Hopefully things will get better for her some how...

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Good Morning

6:30 seems to be the baby's new wake up time. DS use to wake at this is a little better.

I'm a little sore from yesterday's workout. I also went heavier the I have in the past. I think today will be arms, abs and cardio...just unsure of which order and what workouts. Today is the last day DS has soccer (not that he's went lately) and today they have games and pizza for the kids. I'm hoping to get DS to go. He also has his last appt with the behavioural specialist this afternoon. So I need to fit my workout into his bust schedule. I'm not concerned about soccer though.

Wendy** nice run yesterday....oh, and yoga of course:p. Hopefully they received your resume. Remember back when employees would like to have resumes dropped off times have changed!

I am going to go home sat or sun for a few days. My in laws are going away for a week and the only way my mil would leave is if I went home. So get this....we talk about it on mon cause dd works for her and she wanted to know when we were going to be back so she could fit her into the schedule. I tell her she can work thurs through whenever next week cause I would come back on thurs. Yesterday's she says she put her on the schedule for wed and I'm thinking, did you not hear anything I said?? And what was all the jibberish about you not wanting to leave me he by myself but yet your doing up a schedule that's forcing me to stay in town? I'm just going to have to get dd to tell her today when she goes to work that she can't work on wed. It's all bad enough that I have to come back on Thursday with a long weekend ahead:mad:.

Alright...I will bbl to report my workout.

Good Morning Ladies. :)

Checking in super early this morning. Hopefully that means I will get my work out done early too! :rolleyes:

Today's plan is Yoga Works: Body Slim for sure. Not decided on what else yet...??

Lori:: I remember back when I was like 18 and working in an office and a woman came in to drop off her resume and had to have the person who she gave it to in the company sign a sheet verifying she really did it for unemployment or she couldn't collect! They don't do that anymore either!
So what kind of business does your MIL have?

Hi Ladies,

I had a great day yesterday with the girls. Since school has already started there weren't too many people at the waterpark. I did take them on the big slides by myself and they thought it was great fun. We spent most of the time on the kiddie slides though.

We are leaving on Saturday to spend a week up in the mountains. I guess Zach is working so he's not coming, and Cody/Jerod will only be there for the weekend since they have work/school. I'm driving up with MIL Saturday night and she's spending a few days with us too. It will be nice to get away for a bit.

This morning will be cardio of some sort, perhaps a BR since it's getting late. Lunch is legs at the rec ctr and bootcamp class tonight. We'll see if I can fit this all in. By the way, I'm super sore this morning...Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps. I used 30's on GS Chest the past couple of times and my chest is screaming!

Wendy-guess our residential early bird is back! Although I'm not happy at my work, I'm very fortunate to have a job. I've sent out resume's but only had a couple of interviews. Although the interviews went well, I wasn't chosen. I know it's hard to find work right now. Good luck in your job search. I worked overnights at both Target and Kohl's unloading trucks and stocking shelves. I only did it on Friday & Sat nights as a second job to help pay for DS1's baseball. It wasn't bad and the pay was pretty good for P/T.

Lori-What's up with your MIL??? Thursday.....I said Thursday!!!:p

Laura-Good Morning!:)

BodyRock it is this morning!
THURS .. what a loooong week this has been..

let me say once again .. EEEEOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH ... my hammies are JUST as sore today as they were ystdy .. my back is better tho .. SIL and I did XFACTOR ... was a good workout and KILLED my hammies AGAIN!!! Today is supposed to be heavy weights at the CC! then tonight have a "31" party .. ugh .. that crap is so expensive .. it is the new "IT" stuff tho .. handbags - organizers - carry alls etc ... only reason I am going is to help out my friend that is giving it tho!

Lori - IA w/Di "THURS I said THURS" .. LOL .. funny!! glad the baby has a later wake up time .. an hour is an hour!!

DI - chk out Zuzana's last AB routine .. it looks awesome .. think it was latest workout .. of course it looks killer and good cardio w/o too!

Wendy - keeping fingers crossed on the job front .. I can remember spending time picking out the paper for my resume's .. to make it stand out ... mine for this company (22 years ago) was a crisp blush pink and slight scented .. LOL .. HOW FUNNY IS THAT!!!!!

OK .. gotta get to work .. have a great day .. I am about to go pop some MORE ibuprofen! we got another hurricane to watch .. this one looks like it is headed straight to us!! :confused: to skirt Tampa .. then go up near where we fish ... then up to us ... keep your eyes peeled!!! wont get here till some time next week ... and could change course .. but one nevers knows mother nature's fury!
Hi Girls

We didn't get to soccer, mainly b/c the baby needed a nap. I will have to make it a point to run out later and drop off his jersey though. He doesn't seem to be to bothered by the fact he isn't going.

I got my workout in early though. I did 20 mins on the tm, DWP, and threshold ladders (which is a 20 mins spin workout...not easy). Then I did 4DS shoul,bics and tris...that's when I realized that my UB was still tired from Monday's workout! Lol. I would still like to fit abs in at some point today.

Wendy** hope your sweating as I type this! I like getting my workouts in earlier but it usually means I'm hungrier through out the day. When I worked at woke up super early it probably did nothing for me cause I'm sure I ate twice as much. I had a nice thick bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and flax so that should take a little while to digest. Times have changed! Not sure if it's for the better or not.

Diana** I don't think she actually listens to me. It's so weird. It made no sense at all to me. For one thing she did exactly what I said not to do and a couple of weeks ago she went on and on about how she didn't want to go away if I was going to stay here. And I'm not leaving dd here alone while everyone is away. I probably wouldn't have a house to come back to! I'm sure you will enjoy your week away! One day it will be just you and DH going on these boring will that be:eek::p...

I have no plans today after DS's appt. I don't know what we will do...

Laura** we were posting at the same time. You seem to be in a good mood! :) I don't overly enjoy those kinds of parties either. My sil through one a while back and it's the only reason I went. Now her friend is throwing one and I'm sure I will be expected to go to that one too....but there is a good chance I could get out of that one. Have a good day at work!

Hey, back to report that part 1 of my work out is done::

Body Blast Timesaver #1 weight work - Chest and Triceps.

Heading to park with DS now...

Will do yoga after lunch!;)

BBL with personals!:cool:

ETA:: (4:30pm) The rest of my work out is done now too! 30 minutes of Kundalini cardio plus Yoga Works: Body Slim for a total of 75 mins of sweating, strengthening and stretching! Felt great!:D
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Good Morning

Not a good sleep last night. I don't know how many times the baby was awake...I lost count. He was doing so good sleeping through the night and now he's back to waking up again.

I'm not sure what workout I will do today. I will probably start early again to have it out of the way. I am going to my parents house this weekend. I may wait until Sunday sometime though but I am debating tomorrow evening when DD gets off of work.

Wendy** I have no clue where my body blast series is. Im wondering if I didn't sell it in a yard sale. To me it was her least toughest series ( if that makes sense) but I do want to buy KPC/LG again. I owned it on VHS. If it were on DVD I probably wouldn't have sold it. Did you get your laundry done? Ha! Post vaca laundry is always the worst. I don't know if it's b/c there is to much of it or b/c it's depressing!

I will bbl to report my workout. I'm hoping to get together with a friend today to break up the afternoon. My summer babysitting is coming to an end. Today is my last day and apparently his mom is coming for the whole month of sept and then they are going to fl in oct for 2 weeks so I don't know if I will have the girls that much over the next little while. My sister also comes home in about 4 weeks for a little while, she leaves again around the end of oct and before ya know it, the end of nov will be here and I will be off to see DH graduate! The first troop member was sent home yesterday. He was an older guy, in his 50s. He ended up with a chest infection and wasn't well. I don't know if he decided it wasnt for him or if they sent him home. I think he was having trouble keeping up. But he is also a surgerion so I don't think he'll starve or anything.


Good Morning Ladies,

So glad it's Friday and I leave on vacation tomorrow. Although we are all going up at separate times it will be nice once I get there. Tonight we are going to Jerod's scrimmage, then home for dinner, laundry and packing!

I skipped out on bootcamp last night due to a bad belly. Too much bubble gum I suspect or a protein bar that I ate in the afternoon. I do fine with protein shakes, but most of the bars do not sit well with me. I should've opted for m&m's which do sit well with me.:p

After my first week back on WW, I'm up .5...WTF! I'm guessing this half a pound may have something to do with that disgusting protein bar I had yesterday....and of course skipping bootcamp too. I don't expect to lose anything on vacation but hopefully I can stay within a couple pounds and be happy with that.

This morning will be cardio TBD and abs. I may step since I haven't done that in over a week. My legs are sore from yesterday's w/o and my abs too. I've been doing some weighted ab work to get some definition back in that area.

Laura-so whadja buy at the 31 party last night? There is a Jennifer Lopez bag I want at kohl's but it's $109 so I'm waiting for it to go on sale.

Lori-sorry baby Stephen seems to have fallen away from his sleep schedule. Hopefully he'll be back on track soon. I'm sure you are looking forward to your sisters visit.

Wendy-what's on your agenda today? Were you able to get your resume dropped off at the vet's? I really need to come up with a plan for a career change. I'm so afraid to take the leap since I'm the breadwinner in the family. We have student loans for DS2 and still have college to worry about for DS3. DH is hopefully that he will get a football scholarship but I don't want to count on that. I need the money fairy to stop by....but then again don't we all. DH hasn't had a pay increase in 5 years, but at least they are done with the furlough days and that helps a bit.

bbl to report my w/o!
TGIF finally!

COME ON 5 O'clock! well .. me and SIL skipped out on heavy weights ystdy .. we both were hurting soooo bad ... :eek: .. so I am gonna hit them today for sure!!! hoping the temps will allow a short run if my legs hold out this afternoon - tmrw is either Cathe - Bob or Horizontal BC ...and it is also SIL BIRTHDAY :eek: sooooo I am SURE there will be CABS flowing freely by afternoon! :cool:

Lori - sorry the baby is not cooperating sleeping - my friend brought her baby and child to the party last night .. soooo funny .. the older one is just learning to say words .. well she saw a FOX on the tv screen ..her DGM tells .. "this is a fox .. can you say fox" .. so she points at it and says "FOK" .. everyone burst out laughing .. the rest of the night she was walking around saying "FOK > FOK > FOK" .. LOL .. omg .. priceless ..

DI - of course I ended up buying some stuff .. but GIFTS for Christmas .. bought my aunt and a couple others some cute stuff!! Where are you going on vaca??? {sorry if you told us .. i forget}

Wendy - still got fingers crossed on the vet job! whats on tap for today?

OK .. COME ON 5 oclock!! have a great one!!
Hello Ladies.:)

Well my work out is done...

Body Blast Time Saver Biceps/Core weight work + cardio from S&G plus extra long warm up and stretching at end.

Next up is food shopping.

I should be exhausted but for some reason I'm not. I was up for 3 hours again in the middle of the night. :( This time though I got out of bed for about an hour and folded laundry and washed dishes so I'm a bit ahead of the game today. ;)

Well, unfortunately the veterinary hospital is requiring certification and/or work experience for the assistant position but the gentleman I am in contact with wil forward my information onto the Client Services Dept for me so there may still be a possibility of a job there. Time will tell...

That's all for now but I'll come back for personals later~:cool:
Good Morning:)

The baby slept better last night but still started his day before 6:30:confused:. I was in a good sleep too....oh boo! It's a good thing I'm a morning person. And what do people do who don't drink coffee??? It a a amazes me.

Yesterday's workout ended up being 40 mins on the TM mixed in with AB. I didn't know what I wanted to do so that's what I pulled out. Havent really thought about today's workout yet. My inlaws are going away today so it won't be a run outside cause I have no one to watch the boys. And I haven't decided if I will go home this evening or tomorrow. I still haven't found anyone to watch the dog. I'd rather have someone sleep here then just pop in to let him out. Worse case scenario I will take him with me even though it's not ideal cause he barks so much and my mom runs a B&B.

I decided to have everyone is for dinner yesterday evening. My friend as fed me so many times since DH left so I wanted to return the favor. I took a pack of ribs out and knew it was to much for us so I had my in laws here as well. 7 adults and 5 kids and there was still lots left over. It's a good thing I invited all of them. My house was crazy for a little while but the evening passed quickly.

Diana** enjoy your vaca! I wish I were going on some kind of vaca right about now. I guess I could look at going to my mothers as a vacation! Lol

Wendy** I had lots of energy yesterday as well. Even after my workout I could have done more. Ya never know with the job front! I'm sure your smashing personality will help:D.

Laura** it's always fun when kids learn to talk b/c one never knows how they will pronounce stuff. I remember when my niece started saying *hit. Just so happened we were changing her pamper at the time but she wasn't very old and its not a word anyone said around her so she couldn't have been actually saying it. But the more we laughed, the more she said it! And to think she just graduated from high school...I'm getting old!

I will bbl!

Hi ladies,

Since I'm not leaving til tonight or tomorrow morning, I have time to w/o today. I plan on doing an Amy Bento All Pump Xtreme and maybe a cardio w/o too!

Yesterday I did BM2 Cardio Blast premix and burned a whopping 518 cals. Let me just say I loved seeing that big calorie burn!:D I know that HIIT burns more calories after the fact, but it was awesome seeing that big number!

Lori-we're not going anywhere exciting, just our condo in the mountains. It's just nice to be off work etc. I'm a little concerned that our 16yr old will be home with his brothers for a week without us. If we could remove the middle son, the oldest and yougest are fine together. Sounds like you fed an army last night! Enjoy your time at your parents house. Can't your SIL take care of your dog?

Wendy-Wow, you certainly took advantage of being awake during the night!:p I ususally play a computer game or read the news online! I'm hoping to maintain my WW points while on vacation...crossing my fingers on that one. I thought the vet's may require certification, but hope they have another position for you!

Laura-Happy bday to DSIL! Well at least you've already started shopping for xmas! We are just going to the mountains, about an hour and half drive. Not sure when we are coming back, guessing probably Thursday.

Hello Ladies. :)

I did one of my new yoga dvds this morning. I'm sure that this does not surprise you! :p It's called Yoga Beauty Body (Kundalini yoga) and it's a short one. Only an hour long!;) I enjoyed it!

Diana:: So I must've missed but where are you off to on vacation this time?? Isn't All Pump Extreme over 100 minutes long? :eek:

Lori:: Your rib dinner sounds fun. No way you were lonely with all of those people in your house! ;) My "smashing" personality you say? Obviously you don't know me very well! LOL :p

Laura:: Hope you have fun celebrating SIL's Birthday!:D

Ok, that's all for now. We are going up by my mom and her S/O for swimming and dinner this afternoon so I probably won't be back til the morning. Ciao Bellas!:cool:
Hi Ladies,

Back to report All Pump Xtreme is done. Yes Wendy, I had obviously forgottent its 2 hours long which why I don't do it. It would best used as a split. Needless to say, no time for cardio now....UGH.

Wendy-we are just going to our condo in the mountains for the week. This is the last week with the girls, they leave next Saturday. What is Kundalini yoga anyway. Glad you liked your new workout. I recently read that yoga is a better stress reliever than walking!


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