CoNtRoL the DaMaGe in Aug!

Good Morning:)

I have the key pad separated on the iPad and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone have any ideas?

I didnt sleep real well last night. I keep tossing and turning and having weird dreams. I don't think I would remember the dreams if I didn't wake up so much. The baby woke at 3 and i nursed him back to sleep. But then at 5:18 he tried to start his day. He eventually went back to sleep around 6:30:rolleyes:

I'm pretty sore from yesterday's punching combos. And I thought I was gonna miss my weights. Makes it hard to carry the baby around. (this key board is driving me nuts). Today I plan on going for a long run. Probably the same route I went the last time when the dog chased me:mad:. My buns are still sore from that run.

Yay...fixed the keyboard! Never thought to google it! Mr.Google knows envy thing.

Wendy** that sucks about the job. I remember looking at a job online like that and wondering why the salary had such a wie range...and that's why..stupid sales. I hate sales jobs. When I use to cut hair my boss always wanted me to push products, mainly cause she had a gabbling addiction and she needed helping paying for it....anyway, needless to say I didn't do it. It was more like "here it is, buy some if you want". I think she even tried the commission route which probably just bit her in the backside. I'm sure the perfect job will come along.....

Laura** what are your plans for today??

Diana** hope you are enjoying your vaca time with the girls!

I can't believe one week from today DS goes to school! Kind of gives me a bad belly! Ugh!

I was contacted last night by a girl who wants me to start training her. I tend to stick to people I know for legal i have no lawyers! Ha! In her email she told me that she was extremely sick while she was pregnant and has some kind of disorder that has caused her metabolism to slow down and now the weight is t budging. That's pretty bad luck! It's all bad enough! I can't imagine. Poor girl

Anyway...must get more coffee. I'll be back after my run.

Lori :)
Hi Ladies,

Not much to report. DH and I have just been playing with the girls, letting them ride their bikes, taking then to the parks etc. No workouts have been had, just walking. We are enjoying this last week with them for sure.

I'm hoping we head back home tomorrow afternoon. The girls leave early on Saturday morning and I want to have time to do their laundry, pack, go through their room etc.

Laura-glad you missed the brunt of the storm. I'll definitely need to kick my workouts into high gear when I get back....oh and clean up this diet too. It hasn't been terrible, but I could be doing much better for sure. It seems I've only done CF and TTM a few times each and they are running together in my head.:confused:

Wendy-when you mentioned the informational meeting, I immediately thought of sales. I recall going to one of those back in my younger day. Have you tried looking at nearby Banks or accounting jobs? If you were doing collections you probably have some accounting too. SS Lower Body Blast is one of my "go to's" for legs. It's short and does the job nicely!

Lori-You have certainly been a busy girl! No matter where you are or how many children you are watching, you manage to get a workout in. I didn't bring any with me, but Zuzanna posted a no equip needed w/o.....I should be doing it, but I'm enjoying my morning coffee and chatting with DH. When are you heading back home? I wasn't as emotional with my 3rd child going to school as I was my first or second.

Hi Girls

Just back from 16k....10 miles in your American language. It was ok. The sun started to come out so it got warm. Oh and about 2 k in I realized the dog was chasing me again. I told DS to make him stay with him, I kept glancing and there was no dog...I don't know why I looked behind again a little later and there he was. So then I had to back track. I hate back tracking! I heard someone blowing their horn behind me on the way back, I'm guessing the dog was in the road and at that time I didn't care, I was to pissed again.

Diana** enjoy the girls, you will have plenty of time to workout when they are gone. I guess you like making sure all their things are packed. Stumbling upon their belongings after they are gone probably stings to much. Will you have them again at Christmas time? I'm sure their mom liked the break. I don't think I would care to much about school if DS didn't have issues with his speech and understanding. It takes him a little while to process what someone is asking him. And I know a teacher doesn't have that much time on her hands. He has come along way though. Im impressed with what he cane say. He sometimes gets his sentences mixed up or he puts words in sentences where they don't belong. I don't remember what he said yesterday but he had the word "for" put in there and it didn't belong. I'm sure he will be ok. He's just a little behind. Probably no worse then a child that was born later in the year. He knows how to write his name and he knows most of the letters in the alphabet.

I'm not sure what we will do for the rest of the day....we will be heading up tomorrow morning cause dd has to work at 12. Must go get a shower!

WED - hump day

Hey girlies!

I got a run in ystdy - but it was 1/2 @$$ and sloppy one! :confused: the sun came out ystdy - but I "thought" that the burst of breezes we were getting from Isaac that it would be cool enought to run comfrotably even tho the temp was 96 degree .. HA :confused: I am a dumb@$$ .. b/c the air was HEAVY .. HOT ... and the breeze was like breathing in air from a sauna .. so I ended up walking and running .. I was scared I was gonna overheat ... my quads started cramping and could feel my face tingling from heat .. :confused: oh well I DID IT .. and was a sweaty mess too!

the storm went more West .. we are still under it's cloud cover today .. we are to get rain .. but it wont be anything like they were saying we were gonna get .. I am sooooo worried about my friends that stayed in LA .. I think the one in New Orleans will be fine .. but the ones in Port Sulfer .. I think it is FLOODED .. and I am worried about them!

Lori .. 10 miles .. WTG -maybe one day i can say I ran that far .. I think longest I have ran is 8 miles .. I dont see how you do it .. and the DOG .. OMG .. bless your heart .. geesh how aggravating!! Do you get your clients to sign a liability release ... ??? you can find generic ones online if you dont have one .. not foolproof but it certainly would help if something happened!!! DH just called and wants me to find one for his hunting lease people and our boat! SAD when you have to worry about someone back stabbing you when you are doign nothing but HELPING them :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Wendy - booooo on the SALES .. . I dont blame you .. I hate sales ... ya check w/the banks and local utilities .. since you have a background in collections that should help!!! saw the pics on FB .. OMG JOEY IS SOOOO GROWN UP ... man.. and of course handsome .. beautiful family you have!!

Di - enjoy the girls ... workouts can wait .. I am sure runnin after them is kinda sorta a workout .. LOL .. they are SUCH CUTIE PIES!!!

Ok .. soooo today is heavy weights ..then a hair cut and color .. I am going shorter .. she didnt cut it as short as I wanted last time ... think she got to talking and actually FORGOT to cut the back .. :confused:.. I am gonna get low lites and high lites too :D have a great one!
Hello! :)

Never added to my work out last night but boy are my quads sore from the SS premix that I did!!!

Today's work out was a 30 minute run ala ITread this was actually alot more walking then running in this one but that's ok...something different! Then I did Baron's Long and Lean Yoga this afternoon.

This morning I got a call to set up an interview appointment. I was so excited. I made the apptmnt for tmrw afternoon and had a babysitter ready to go! Then I talked to DH....he knew of the company and said they want you to sell knock off perfume on the street. Um no. IDTS! So now I have to call them back to cancel the interview! :( I also got an email asking me for an interview from a company who saw my resume on one of the websites I am using for job hunting. Well, low and behold, it's for another insurance sales job!!!! Really??? UGH!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

Oh and the icing on the cake is that I applied for 10+ jobs using a resume with a friggin' typo in it that I just noticed this morning!!!!!:eek::eek: It's a small one IMO which I've since corrected but I hope it doesn't hurt me. I never noticed it until now so hopefully no one else will either!:p These sales job people sure haven't noticed it! That's for sure!:rolleyes:

Laura:: I have no problem working in banking again - I've been looking there - but I have absolutely no desire to go into collections again! Not unless I absolutely positively have to!!!! Fingers crossed that it doesn't come to that!:) I did apply for one job that mentioned some collections work but it was in the mix with a bunch of other duties which made it seem to NOT be the main focus so I am giving that one a chance but that's as far as I will take it for now. So you are going shorter with your hair and I am letting mine grow a bit! We are never satisfied! LOL :p

Lori:: In our "american language"?? LOL - Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there? :p Nice run just the same!;)

Di:: Glad you are enjoying your vacation!!! Why didn't ya warn me re the information meeting!?! :eek::p:D LOL

BBL or in the AM!:cool:
Hey Girls

I'm just veg'in before I put the baby in the tub. Guess my 10 miles is out the window cause I had a ice cream this afternoon and cake at dinner:p. But dinner was only a bowl of soup so I could have ate a lot worse.

Laura** me and the doge aren't best friends nor will we ever be! Ha! I don't know how you run in that heat. I took multiple breaks today as well. I wore my run In the sun crops and what a load of crap that is. They are and the sun don't mix. They have mesh done the sides, I guess so you don't get to hot. I'm sure it probably works but I don't think black running crops are good for summer days. I still love them cause they are lulu though:D. I have a generic form in one of my books that I plan on photo copying. I haven't heard from her since. She may think I'm to pricy...oh well.

Wendy** me? Sarcastic? :p I'm not actually. But often I will tell you gals what I ran in km and I know most times you don't know...or dont care;). Wellthats sucky about the job interview. I'm guessing all the good sales people have been scooped up. I think I would rather wait on tables then be a sales person. I wouldn't even be able to handle Avon for cryin out loud.

I will bb in the a.m. DD has to work at 12 so I have to be on the road by 10:30. I will wait until I get home to workout. The PS series may have arrived by now

Good Morning

Enjoying my much needed coffee this morning. I didn't wake up as much as the night before but I was still awake a few times. I'm looking forward to getting back in my own bed tonight. DD has to work at 12 so I need to be out of here but 10:30 the latest.

I will wait until I get home to do my workout. I'm not sure what it will be yet. Probably UB heavy weights. I may do slow and heavy again. I was going to take the time and do up some kind of rotation while I was here but that didn't get done. Sometimes I like having the DVDs in front of me or I forget about some of them.

I will check back in later today. Going to do my workout when I get home and get sorted out. After dinner we have to go get DD's school supplies.

Good Morning.

Today's work out plan is shoulders from BB Timesaver now that my neck seems to be mended enough to handle it. I will also do some cardio and/or yoga depending on how much time I have and what I'm in the mood for.

My quads still hurt this morning!:eek:

Going to pick up my MIL this morning so I need to work out on the early side this morning. Hoping this coffee cup motivates me! :rolleyes:

MIL is coming with us to AC this weekend. So is DS. We leave tmrw so I could go up and get her in the morning tmrw instead but it's less hectic if I just do it today. I plan on taking MIL and DS bowling and out to lunch today. Should be fun. :)

Lori:: Around here they actually use KMs to measure distances of races quite often such as the 5k, 10k, 15k, 50 and 100k's. But unless it's a race I've done so I know the mileage conversion, I never know what you are talking about. :confused: So thank you for clarifying finally!!!:p Funny you should mention Avon...I never did that but I DID try selling Partylite products some years ago. As expected, I sucked at it so I quit inside of 6 months. :rolleyes:

K, time for a banana and one more quick cup of coffee and then I gotta get crackin' so BBL!:cool:
Hi Ladies,

It will be another busy morning with the girls. We are heading home this afternoon, but want to let the girls play in the hot tub and ride their bikes this morning.

Since Lori hasn't come up with a rotation ;), I've sort of decided to do Insanity in the mornings, and keep with the Ms. Fit weight rotation at lunch. That combo should work nicely for a while. If the impact is too much for me, I can switch to Asylum. I'm feeling a little "fluffy" and Insanity usually takes care of that in short order!:D

Jerod plays JV football but will have the opportunity to play Varsity as well. I'm glad he's still playing JV because he gets plenty of playing time. I'm afraid if they move him to V he may not get as much playing time. Anyway, he called to say he's dressing for the Varsity game tomorrow night!:D He's also starting in the JV game on Saturday! Go Jerod!!! DH is hoping he gets a football scholarship. I wish he loved doing homework as much as he loves football.:eek:

Lori-I was silently waiting for your rotation so that I could follow it if I liked it. Seeing how you were going to be focusing on weights it would work perfect for get crackin'!:p Nice run....thanks for converting. Most races are listed as km's, but we normally think and run in terms of miles.

Laura-How's your new 'do? Hope all your friends are safe and sound. I've been watching on the news how all homeowners who lost their homes in the fires are being screwed by their insurance companies. It's just awful.

Wendy-hopefully a job will come through for you soon. I've had typo's on my resume before too....I hate when that happens. Definitely keep SS Lower Body Blast premix on your radar, its a goodie for sure!

I hope to w/o tonight too...probably only weights though....for some reason cardio just doesn't work for me later in the day...unless of course it's a class. Speaking of class....I have bootcamp tonight. I'll figure it out later....


Morning Ladies ..

DOMS: quads, tris and bis from heavy weights! Today is YOGA :eek: yes Wendy .. another yoga session .. woot woot I am doing good :eek: :p ...tonight is GGT for SIL Bday! :cool: the yoga wont take care of the CAB calories consumed .. but better than none at all!!

Lori - yes our races or done in 5 k 10k etc .. and I kinda sorta know a round about conversion .. can get close in my head what your are loggin! wish my legs were getting close to logging what you are tho!! :p I had on black top and black short on my HOT HUMID run the other day too .. that is my favorite top tho .. yes it gets hot ..but it breaths .. It is NIKE .. and has larger arm holes and larger racer back .. loose fit .. and has side panels that breath ... love it .. just cant find it in another color!

Wendy - well crap .. that is a big let down .. you got all excited then find out it was sales .. on street no less ... guh!!! well keeping fingers crossed something good comes by you!! re: my hair - I went a little shorter .. and it feels soooo much better .. DH hate short hair .. soooo this is a happy medium for us both! I love the color too! perfect!! Have fun in AC .. We are supposed to be going to Biloxi .. ummmmmm .. think that is on hold now tho!! :confused:

DI - have safe trip home! dont get me started on insurance companies and getting screwed by them .. they make me sick!!! pay out your @$$ and they dont do anything when you need them!! My friends in LA .. we talked to them last night ... they are good ... had a ruff go of it .. and TONS of rain .. but they are fine!! the one in New Orleans said anotehr day .. you wont be able to tell there was a hurricane there .. but the other one .. ummmm ..he has major clean up to deal with once water recedes .. I am just glad everyone is safe!!

OK .. better run .. have a great one .. tmrw is FULL MOON .. and a BLUE MOON .. very rare .. if the skies allow .. check it out!

Can't hang around really but wanted to report my work out from this morning...

Body Blast Timesaver shoulder work with w/u and stretch but no cardio plus 40 minutes of Kundalini yoga - 20 minutes of Bliss Hips (hip opening segment) and 20 mins of Dance the Chakras (cardio dance segments).

Tomorrow I will likely do some sort of circuit to hit everything in one fell swoop before leaving for the weekend!

BBL if I can but I gotta to cooking dinner now b/c I have a nail appointment at 6:45! I was out all day with my MIL and DS. We went to lunch and bowling after we picked her up...

Ciao for now!:cool:
Hi Girls

We ended up leaving earlier then planned. The baby was ready for his nap around 9:30, I text DD cause she slept at a friends house and she was awake. We were home by 11 and I really havent stopped since. My parents are coming for the night. My mom thinks I'm going to be lonely. I probably wouldn't be tonight. But tomorrow, sat and sun I will be. No inlaws around and DD will be at work.

I ended up doing a mindy workout, which was spin tabata and intervals off of the bike and then I did high reps.

Diana** want in on my rotation;). I can't have both of us looking hot! I was waiting to see when my DVDs were gonna get here. Maybe ps will will show up tomorrow. Have a good workout tonight.

Laura** you mean the tank top isn't lulu :p well...that's just nuts! I don't think mesh panels would help much In that heat. Sounds like Wendy has gotten to you! Lol. I keep thinking I should do some yoga but I never get around to it.

Wendy** I didn't know you were going away this weekend...wish I were!!! I'm sure you'll have fun!

I'll bbl!
Hi Ladies,

A tad sad this morning as this is our last day with the girls, they are heading home in the morning. We've had a great summer with them. Since MIL and SIL helped out with daycare DH and I were able to take a vacation together this past week! Last summer we took different weeks off so we could take care of the girls.

I braved the scale and am only up 2lbs much to my surprise. For some reason though....ugh...this fluff around the mid section has got to go. Not sure what I will do this morning. Thinking SS Lower Body Blast and the first Insanity w/o!:D

The girls are up....bbl for personals!
Hey Girls. :)

This morning I did Circuit Max. An oldie but a goodie! :)

I am mostly packed but have some stuff left to plus finishing getting myself and DS ready. We are planning to leave here around noon. :D

Have a great weekend, ladies and I'll probably be back here on Monday at some point!

Ciao for now!:cool:

HOLY CRAPOLA we are SWAMPED .. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

this is quick check in ... to say I am alive .. LOL .. GGT was fun .. we got to laugh have some CABS .. and relax ... today is another story .. soooooooo fffn busy ..

hello to all .. workout for me .. b/c by the time I get off today .. the only thing I want is peace and quiet and a nice cool adult beverage!! :p

TMRW .. TTM is on tap ... or maybe Horizontal BC ..

Wendy .. have fun .. safe trip .. and WIN!!!

DI .. sorry the girls are leaving .. I know yall have had a blast ..

Lori .. I am needing some more lulu .. BAD .... I havent found the tops I like as much .. for running .. dont like anything constricting when I run .. want a loose top ..

OK .. taken me forever to write this .. will try to check in this weekend .. LONG weekend .. WOOT WOOT!! have a great one!
Good Morning

It was quiet here yesterday. Figured I would have lots to read.

The baby is up bright and early again...although its not that bright out. It's dark and dingy and I can hear thunder. I guess we are in for a down pour.

Yesterday I went for a 11.5 k run. Thats all I did. I was going to do weights in the evening but I went to a friends house for coffee and I didn't come home until 8'ish last night. By the time I got the boys in bed the last thing on my mind was working out. I think I'm going to do PUB this morning and cardio after I take DD to work at 11.

She wants to go to my parents house again this evening...only cause she met a boy. I dont really want to go again this evening...maybe tomorrow for just one night. I know DS isn't going to be happy about this. He just got home and he isn't going to want to leave again. But Monday is a holiday and I have a feeling that it's going to be pretty lonely/quiet around here the next 3 days.

Wendy** hope your having a great time!

Diana** how are you feeling this morning?? Hope you guys aren't to upset:(. I know that icky lonely feeling all to well. Did you get your insanity workout in?

Laura** lulu has a new tank that I ordered if I need another tank top! I ordered it out of the gc my friend gave me for my birthday. It's called the speed squad. It sounds similar to the Nike one you discribed. It looks super cute. It was also $52 with no bra:confused: which I don't normally like but b/c it's so cute I didn't care. I almost need to go through my stuff and sell some of it!

I will bbl! The thunder is crazzzzzy!


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