Good Morning
The baby slept till almost 7 this morning! I think he has finally adjusted to the time difference. Its 3.5 hours difference from here and where we use to live. They say you need a day for every hour...obviously that's not true when your not even 1
Yesterday I didn't workout again...I know such a lazy arse! And the scale was hovering 119.9 this morning....terrible!
My TM has been moved into the house and I will be getting on that this morning! I can't wait!!!! And I want to do UB as well. Maybe GS bic, tris and shoul.
So I will give you girls more of the scoop on the guy in the basement.....this is a weird set up, Im not thrilled about it by no means but he's harmless and it could be a lot worse.
So when we were looking for a place there wasn't much to rent. DH's field trainer said that he found a spot for us. One of the guys he works with was willing to rent us the top part of his house but the catch was, there was a guy in the basement whom we had to share the kitchen with. There's no door to separate us. It's like your normal split entry home. He goes downstairs and we go up. He is an engineer and works all week but he does choose to work from home sometimes (like yesterday). He was married but his wife left and took their baby back to Egypt and this is why he has a soft spot for the boys. He doesn't hang out up here....he just cooks and goes back downstairs but we make small talk with him. The guy who owned the house decided last minute to move in with his GF and rent this place to us. Im guessing he rented the basement out b/c he was never here anyway. The guy in the basement must be in shock. He went from being alone, to a family of 5 living upstairs. I keep telling myself that we aren't going to be here for long and to just make the best of it. That's all I can really do. I'm not packing up my stuff until I buy a house. It's not that bad....
Laura** I's cold! People think that where we come from it's cold...but it's never this cold. The guy in the basement said that he wanted to move east and some point in time but he said he heard it's really cold!
It's a different cold...but it's not like this. When I went out last week I thought my skin was going to fall off!!
Diana** So how was your weigh in morning? I looked for beans at the grocery store yesterday but I didn't find any. That's what I wanted to make today for dinner. I've never made beans before.
Wendy** This thing is gross and it get's bigger and grosser! I asked her something last night about the spider and she said something about "molting". I had never heard of this before. But its when the spider gets bigger and sheds...(so there is no green face icon). She could also die while this is happening. I think DD thinks she like Charlotte from Charlotte's web....but she was pretty, this thing isn't. So when they shed, they lie on their back for a few days until their shell hardens again. She could also die while this is happening (sniff, sniff) Either way it's G-R-O-S-S! As long as she stays in the cage...Im ok!
Anyone excited about the new workouts?? I guess the Jersey girl will be getting her workouts before us! I should go check out the job bank again and see if there is anything there that interest me!