Consistency vs. variety

Thanks Melanie!

I'm glad you reminded me of the new month. I started that April rotation and will try to keep to it. I think I do waaay too much variety and need to get some monthly consistency in.
I remember when Cathe only had a few weight tapes and people were doing 8-12 weeks of Maximum Intensity Strength, then 8-12 weeks with the Pure Strength series, then 3 weeks with the Slow Heavy series (search the really old posts to see).

I think the general recommendation (in the beginninng) is to stick with the same weights workout for a while before moving on. As the person becomes more advanced and gets to know what their body responds to, things can be switched around more often.

I agree its difficult to stick to one series when there are so many and variety is more fun.
I'd like to know the answer to this too. I used to do the Firm back in the 80's and 90's and I always wondered if I wasn't getting as strong as I could be because I was doing something different everyday.
I dont think Cathe is going to reply. I saw she replied to others is the answer posted else where?
Hey ladies.....I think that Cathe's answer to the body part question does help us out. I'm thinking that too much variety won't get us any gains. Four weeks or so of one body part a day to see any changes.... If we use different tapes all the time, then there is no consistency and thus no visible gains. Makes logical sense, now if I can just make myself do some workouts consistently. Arrggg.:p
So if we want to keep things consistent long enough to do some good I am wondering how many different tapes I should use in a rotation? Lets say I am doing 3 total body days and 3 cardio days and doing this for a month. I would get bored if I used 1 total body and 1 cardio tape the whole month, but to do a different one each day would probably be to much variety.
I'm wondering the same sort of thing. If I wanted to do a one-body-part-per-day rotation, and I made my own out of pieces of Cathe's weight workouts, would doing the same thing each week be better than doing something similar but with pieces of **different** workouts each week? I think I'm like most people and LOVE the variety, but of course want what's best for my body.

Rhea G,

If I undertand your question, I think you can have a consistent rotation but variety in the DVDs you use as long as they are the same type.

For example, if you are doing total body weight training, use muscle endurance or muscle max or any other total body workout that is similar. That way you're not doing the exact same workout for 4+ weeks.

Right now I'm working out 5x/week alternating cardio(mostly step) and total body. I have 3 total body workouts and a lot of step DVDs to mix into the rotation.

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