Cons of losing weight?


I have been thinking about this subject for awhile but have been too embarrassed to post about it, but I wondered what your thoughts were on the down side to losing weight.

For example, my "ideal" weight is somewhere down in the 130s. Well, that's not going to happen, but when I lost weight about two summers ago, I did get down to about 153. It was great getting into smaller jeans, etc., but I did notice some not so attractive changes in my body which made me wonder if losing so much weight was such a great thing after all.

The most drastic change was in my chest area - and I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to say - I lost my boobies! They really became unattractive and just not shaped right. They pretty much deflated.
I wondered what do I do to fix this? Surgery would never be an option. I wanted my boobies back!

Well, since then I've gained back about 5-8 lbs, depending on the TOTM, and my boobies are back. So are a bit of my hips and tummy, but really, is losing so much weight such a great thing if it means you deflate? I can only imagine I would be a walking sack of bones if I could ever get to my "ideal" weight.

I also noticed lately that my upper arms are HUGE! I was looking at some pictures of myself taken this past summer and I was SHOCKED to see how developed my upper arms were. I had man arms! Yuck!

Please share your experiences!

Susan G.
Sorry you had such negative experiences, Susan. I honestly can't think of any down sides, from my own personal experience, to losing over 60 pounds. I have my endurance back, I'm sure I've added years to my life in terms of cardiovasular health, I feel more energetic and "alive", my knees and other joints no longer ache, and I'm getting great muscle definition thanks to Cathe's awesome workouts!! I can't really say I deflated anywhere, but then I do believe keeping up with the workouts probably helped, as I've seen people post about this subject on the WW message boards. According to those weight charts, I'm at the top end of my so-called "ideal" weight, but to be honest with you, at a size 6 I feel I look fabulous - especially for a 46 year old woman - and I really wouldn't care if I never dropped another pound, or another size for that matter. I think it's a very personal thing, and each of us has to be comfortable in our own bodies. You have to maintain or lose weight - or in some cases gain weight - to the point where YOU are happy with your body, not some chart's "ideal" of where you should be.

I'm sorry you aren't happy with the changes your body has gone through, but think of the health of your heart, your blood vessels, and the way you've helped stabilize your blood sugar levels by losing weight. You've added years to your life, and I'm sure you feel better and have more energy. Just keep up the great work!! It's an interesting subject, and I'll be curious to see what others have to say!

Happy New Year!!

I will say that as I have gotten older the body has changed just a bit. I never really had a booty, but I will say that when I am slacking in my eating and exercising, I have a rear end and my boobs are a bit bigger. This is husband actually doesn't mind (bless his heart:) )but if I was just going on how I felt I would have to say I love how I FEEL so much more when I am faithful to working out and eating right. I know what you mean though, with the whole deflation thing. Kind of sad:(
Yep... I can relate.. the ONLY thing I HATE about being on the smaller side 5 2 112 is when my face looks drawns... UGH I find lots of water helps but just wish I could add some fat to my face. I've been this same size (all except for freshman year in college) the difference is before I was thin now got some muscles :)

I have always liked being small chested - no pain running etc but yes I definetely can relate to the deflating with age thing... The only way I compensate is just buying XS shirts (they always seem to have more of these left when things go on sale).
I hope I didn't give the impression that I was sorry I had lost weight. Overall, it has been such a positive thing - don't get me wrong!

I think that sometimes when we see stories on TV where people have such dramatic weight losses, you never see the flip side - the sagging skin, the stretch marks, etc.

Too bad we can't pick and choose where we can lose our weight. :p I am probably not the first person to have the mistaken impression that I would lose wight all over - not dramatically in certain spots and hardly in others.

Does the deflating think have to do just with age or with weight loss too? I've never had kids so subsequently I've never had "working boobs" - LOL! Does that make them sag too?

Susan G.
Well....when I was in the process of losing 23 pounds on WW I got this comment and made a note to myself to NEVER say this to anyone losing weight...."Are you losing weight? Your face looks thinner." Gee thanks! That's why I'm depriving myself of M&M's and working my rear end off (at least I thought I was working my rear end off) with Cathe...tee my face could look thinner.

Have you had kids? If so did you nurse them? When I lost weight the first time I lost my boobs too, or at least they flattened out and I could still stuff them into a D cup but they were flabby and hanging outside a bra. When I talked to my doctor he just about laughed in my face when I said that I had old lady breasts!!:eek: ;( :7 :+ I had just recently within a year weaned my last child so the lactation consultant said that because I had just weaned that what I had lost was my milk ducts and tissue. She told me that they would reconstitute themselves and be back. She was right all of a sudden without gaining any weight my boobs were back and full again. This effect might be true with normal non nursing weight loss too, and you just need to give your body time to adjust to the weight loss. Otherwise a good push up bra always does wonders. :7

I am back to my old DD self now and trying to lose again. But even at my smallest I was a D cup so I have never been small chested.:+ :-(

And as for other comments I always look like I have lost in my face before it shows up anyplace else.:D
I've had kids, and after losing a few pounds (I don't have a lot to lose), I've noticed the same thing. I tried hard adding cardio and core work to loose the flabby lower abs. I think it worked. But I also noticed I've lost some fat a little above the abs too. I really do not have 'big ones' to begin with, and now, it seems I'm all flat.

I have decided that I'm not going to lose anymore since I look acceptable in regular clothes (except in the chest area!). Even if I have super-flat tummy, at my age, I'm not wearing belly-baring top with hipsters. I have become to accept that I can't change one part of my body without affecting others. And I think this is the best that I can achieve physically... which is OK.

Actually what I really need is a tummy tuck, but surgery is out of the question for me. I don't want to risk my life for vanity, and I prefer to spend my money elsewhere... there a lot of people going to sleep hungry, and I can't waste that kind of money on vanity. I guess that make me not vanity conscious?
When I first lost the weight and I took a good look at myself in the mirror, I thought, "well, I guess this is why women get implants" but I never would consider it as a option for myself. Not to change the direction of the thread, but it's just a choice I would never make.

It's great hearing everyone's thoughts!

Susan G.

Edited for spelling errors.
Steppingfool and Susan G:

Yep... I can relate with how you feel. That was actually the biggest turnoff I had with the Firm. I REALLY DONT want to start anything on that.. but the implants just really wasnt what I aspired to. So much more like the look of cathe's crew :)

Steppingfool you make a great point - if we are ok the rest of our body then I guess we just gotta realize this is a good place to be and perhaps we will never be perfect! My abs are actually pretty good and I must admit do wear somewhat lowish jeans and show just a tad of skin (got my belly button pierced last year). I know I'm TOO old for it.. but i figure if my teenage daughter thinks its ok (of course she likes being able to share some clothes I think!)...

I still would love to FINALLY be happy with my legs. THey are better but still not where I'd like them to be.. though the BB series is great. Ok I think I just found my new years resolution. MAINTAIN weight but increase muscles and firm legs.
That wasn't a problem for me, can't lose what you never really had, I have always had a small chest. So I love the fact that I lost 29 lbs :7 .. I know I am alot healthier, and I take that over having big boobs..... I like being a size 6 and working on a 4 :7 ... although I would like to have a bigger chest, having surgery is NOT an option. So I love to exercise and lose the weight, I don't have any cons about losing weight, and I am 44 .... Rhonda :7
It really wasn't about the size, but the shape, or rather, the lack of shape my breasts had after I lost the weight. Losing weight was great, but I didn't find what it did to parts of my body very appealing.

I don't care about having large breasts, I just didn't reallize they would lose their shape so dramatically.

Susan G.
I hear ya! I lost 127 pounds. Talk about deflated! My husband and I joke about buying my bras in lengths instead of cup sizes. Yikes! It's been over three years now, and they haven't "reinflated," so I guess this is permanent. Oh, well, if that's the worse "con" in losing all this weight, I guess I can live with it.

>Well, since then I've gained back about 5-8 lbs, depending on
>the TOTM, and my boobies are back. So are a bit of my hips
>and tummy, but really, is losing so much weight such a great
>thing if it means you deflate? I can only imagine I would be
>a walking sack of bones if I could ever get to my "ideal"
>I also noticed lately that my upper arms are HUGE! I was
>looking at some pictures of myself taken this past summer and
>I was SHOCKED to see how developed my upper arms were. I had
>man arms! Yuck!

I have very low bodyfat and carry a decent amount of muscle.
I must look like a sack of bones w/man arms! lol
Too bad I turn so many male heads.
If YOU feel good about yourself that's all that matters.:)
Shari -

A big heaping help of congrats to you for losing so much weight and taking control of your health!!! And a double dose of congrats as well for keeping it off - that's where the "real" work isn't it?

If it's OK to ask, did your skin bounce back, or did it sag too?

Keep up the good work!


Susan G.
You know, I was shocked by how much my skin did bounce back. I'm 42 now, and I honestly did expect heaps of loose skin. I do have a little, but honestly nothing that would give away the fact that I once weighed almost 300 pounds. Other people have even commented on how they would never have guessed. I feel perfectly comfortable in shorts and a tank top and don't feel that I draw any unwanted attention to myself.

I truly believe that losing the weight slowly (much more slowly than I would have liked, of course) and exercising regularly helped immensely. Or maybe it's just because I have "thick" skin (or so the lady who tries to draw my blood for lab tests--what is the official title for that job?--tells me).

I might say I've been lucky. I never had boobs anyway! My weight has fluctuated over the yrs by 10 to 15 lbs. I go up or I go down, never changes in the chest. I gain usually just in my thighs and butt. For me I know its all about the way I eat. I of course have thought about implants, but as I run I don't think it would be a good idea. And it is nice to see Cathe's crew..."implantless"...:)...Carole
Susan, I believe so, I just don't know how to spell it lol, and I undertstand now what you mean in your post, just never had that problem. ... Rhonda:7
Carole, sounds like we have the same bodies, lol.

DH and I both like how Cathe and crew don't look fake.
I remember when I got a new Karen Voight tape a while back and DH was like, WOW what kind of exercise did she do for that?!!? I said, it's called the "pay-the-doctor" move. He noticed the difference from her Energy Sprint days. He's an older guy and just thinks implants look awful. Anyone notice the younger guys seem to think implants are more normal than older men? Must be cause the younger guys have grown-up looking at the fakes.
Sorry to ramble and change the topic!


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