Cons of losing weight?

Glad to hear you say you would not consider implants. Surgery is dangerous enough when you HAVE to have it, but for cosmetic purposes, why go there? Work with your natural body and get as healthy as you can. I do believe that your natural beauty will come out once you are at a healthy weight, and things will adjust themselves. There is nothing wrong with having a small chest. Look at Debra Messing!!! There are lots of other examples, but I think she is drop-dead gorgeous, and she's got nothing more than misquitoe bites, as they say. Make the best of what you've got to work with and you will look great!!

Carol, I just love your slide show! Your accomplishments are amazing!! If I worked for Weight Watchers, I would feature you in a commercial!

Nikita, I was shocked about Karen Voight myself. I have her first few tapes but not any new ones. I saw a pic of her in the Collage catalog, and noticed the implants. It is clearly a choice. I'm 44 my hubby is 46 and he usually makes "not so good" comments when he see's implants. He would support me either way though. He is a good guy though because he says mine are "cute"...that works for me...:)....yes, this topic was bound to change a bit...Carole
Wow Shari! I think 127 lbs is amazing! How long ago was that, I'm wondering? Glad you're not going through the skin thing I did too! Guess I got thin skin, not that I know what skin bounces back and what doesn't!
Don't feel bad! Just today my husband described my breasts as wallets with nipples! I could have smacked him! I did tell him to keep descriptions like that to himself if he ever wants to see me naked again. LOL! Hey, with a childhood nickname like boobless who'd have thunk these little things would sag but sag they do and they were working breasts as you so colorfully described it and they nourished three greedy little buggers so I have to cut them slack which they would have taken anyway!

Why don't we do what men do. Ever watched your man looking himself over in the mirror? He's checking out all the stuff that looks good and turning a blind eye to the less than perfect stuff! I zoom right in on my bagging saggers and my belly which has gotten smaller but wrinkles when I pull my tummy in! So, I say, we learn to admire our strength and the fact that we are working out and striving to keep many of age's maladies at bay by taking care of ourselves. These flaws are what real women look like and aren't really flaws, they are just the way our bodies are! I would never have lipo or get implants or a tummy tuck because to do so would betray who I am. Perfect for me! I was disappointed by Karen Voight. She had my ideal body and went and ruined it! Three of my sisters have implants in B, C and D and it works for them but I like all natural in my life and my body! Be who you are and love yourself for it because, you are gorgeous, baby! Bobbi
>...who'd have thunk these little things
>would sag but sag they do and they were working breasts as you
>so colorfully described it and they nourished three greedy
>little buggers so I have to cut them slack which they would
>have taken anyway!


I got a good laugh from this, Bobbi, as a currently lactating mom to my own "greedy little bugger"!

I was reading your post saying, "Yeah! That's right! Oh, yeah!" I was just tickled to death by your attitude and the fact that you laughed with your husband about the wallet remark, rather than being hurt and angry, as so many would have. You really are a TREASURE!

Emy, nursing was one of the best things I ever did and I am pretty sure I would have opted to do it even if I could have peeked into a crystal ball to that moment when the dear hubby made his crack. There's also a photo of me with my oldest daughter, Ali, now 15, who's a slip of a thing, maybe 10 months old, standing in front of me while I am bent over her, holding her hands. My husband looked at the pic and smiled and said, "cleavage!" I'd never had it before. Nor since! It's been my experience that you have nice firm breasts to attract your mate and bear his young who will then teach you that small things are subject to gravity just as strongly as large things!

Shari, I thought about killing him for a second. And you know how it is? It's only after you've given the evil eye and moved on that it occurs to you that you married a man with a full head of hair? LOL! And it's just as well because he can dish it out but he can't take it! Oh, no, it's my job to let him know how sexy balding is and how I know it's all that testosterone. Grrrrr! Bobbi

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