Commit to Get Fit Sunday, July 24th!

I didn't get to post yesterday, it was a bit of a hectic day. Stayed inside most of the day cleaning and doing tons and tons of laundry- sheets, blankets, clothes, etc. IT is the TOTM for me, an dI was happy to stay inside and just fold and fold and fold, lol. I did manage to do STS D24 and medicine ball abs.

I bit the bullet and pre-ordered the low impact series. I have never pre-ordered anything before, lol. I was on the fence about it, but seeing all those pics on facebook. . .I knew I had to get it. The only hting I am not too sure of is the barre workout. We shall see. I also ordered HR!!!! Cannot wait for that one to come. Maybe I can do it before the RT, lol.

Speaking of the RT. I need to get 4 pairs of workout pants/shorts, and a few more sports bras/tanks. Time is running out. I don't want to go with the kids in tow, because going clothes shopping for myself with them is freakin' torture! We are having our friends over today and doing the pool/bbq. SO I will have to go tomorrow or Tuesday the latest, probably in the evening.

Iris- Where are you girl?

Helene- Thanks again for ordering the shirts for us. I have no clue what to have on it. I think Trish had put Committed Cathletes? I liked that.

Amelia- Are you off today? Hang in there with work. Will things slow down once summer comes to an end?

Deb- it was hot at the game, but not as hot ad Friday/Saturday. Nikolas loves playing so much, he is not even phased by the heat, lol.

Lori- so glad you are feeling better. I know for myself, I always gained more weight in the first and last trimester than the 2nd for some reason. I also ate all kinds of ice cream though, lol.

Trish- HP is awesome. Hope you had a great time. Was it as hot there as it has been here. . . 95-100? They have some nice water rides.

Belinda- Have you convinced DH to come yet?

Melissa- whatcha doing this weekend?

Cookie- How is DS doing?

Okay, I will possibly be back later.

Good morning,

Kirstin - thanks for starting us off this moring:D I was so tired, so I stayed in bed. Congrats on odering the new series and HR, you will not regret it, I promise!!!:eek: Good job on STS D24 yesterday and laundrymax! I will go to the outlets today and buy more workout cloth with DD. I can't convince DH to come next week, the problem are the dogs (I have 2, DD has 1) the Fairfield in does not take dogs and the Residence Inn is booked out:mad::confused: Oh well, next time we will plan a little better in advance:D

Yesterday DH and I went to Gettysburg, PA. Amazing place! We had a lot of fun.

I will take a well deserve rest day. My body needs some rest. I will be back later.
Good morning

I'm not sure what im going to do today, CLX BC1 kinda kick my butt yesterday and I woke up with very tight legs:eek: or maybe it was pushing the lawn mower that did it? anyhoot, the rotation calls for a rest day but im thinking about doing LC1 and taking a rest day tomorrow.

Work is killing me:( we are short handed and im working full time hours. I don't like it:mad: Im hoping things will start easing up here in a couple of weeks. sigh:(

Belinda-glad you had fun yesterday, enjoy your rest day today.

Kristin-Yay on your new workouts. This is my first pre-order also...its very exciting:) HR is really fun too...

Deb-Nice job on GS legs yesterday

Lori-glad your feeling better. I will keep my fingers crossed for you about the job. Great jobs on the workouts.

Trish- Maybe I can come to Joisey next year, will have to wait and see. How was Hershey park?

Helene-How was your workout yesterday?

Cookie-How's your weekend going?

Melissa-What are you up too today?

well, if I decide to workout I will pop back in later. Have a great Sunday everybody:)
Morning ladies,

Busy day today. Aren't they all :rolleyes: ?

RS done. Was nice to get a good step workout in. BBQ and then water park. You know me, it's Sunday :)

Have a great one everybody.
Hey girls! I have been slacking this weekend on the check in's big time :eek: I've been doing good with eats and WOs, so I guess that counts for something? :eek:

This morning was 4DS HIS and HIIT Pyramid. I'm getting ready to leave for my tasting in a few is Malibu Black. It's actually pretty good too. Not as sweet as the regular Malibu.

Kristin, I can't wait for the low impact series to come out!! I usually never preorder either, but these looked SO good and I need some more low impact in my life ;) I've never done a barre workout but I hear they are awesome. I still need pants for the RT too.

Amelia, I'm sorry to hear work is still stressing you out :( Hopefully it will calm down soon!

Have a great day girls!
Hey all! So no workout for me today, but I needed a rest day anyway. I am starting to have DOMS in my Lats from yesterday's workout. I did pullovers with a 40# DB, guess that'll do it, ;)

Bb tomorrow!
Belinda, Gettysburg is a sad but beautiful place. Hope you were wearing sunscreen and drooling water.
Helene, sounds like you and Trisha are doing tankers. Great idea and teamwork. It will be a wonderful moment. Thanks again for agreeing to give me a ride.
Deb, thanks for the info. I'm getting so excited!
Melissa, my friend has been drinking Baybreezes. They have a beautiful color. It seems to be real popular.
Kristin, I'm looking forward to the presale I'm ready for the low impact.
Iris, hope things are well.
Lori, how are you feeling?
Amelia, I'm with you on being overwhelmed at work. Right now I'm at at training and there's homework! Class was from 8-5 today, and there's about 75 pages to read and write about. Not fun.
Well, it's hot and humid in MD, but the food is good. Unfortunately, the air quality in the workout room is really bad ( basement and no windows), and yesterday I got. Migraine from using it to do weights. I'm hoping to get my homework done tonight so I can at least get a walk in in the a.m. DHsays the son is doing well, but it sounded like a zo when I called. Five more days...

I practiced some combos from Step Moves, I will be in the back of the room for sure some steps are so hard for me to conquer:) We went back to my inlaws to go in the pool it was nice. DH & FIL were trying to get me to swim instead of doggie paddle:eek:

Belinda - Does the other hotel take dogs? We are pretty busy so you wouldn't see much of your DH.

Kristin - The new series looks interesting, the pictures always get me too!

Amelia - Ugh, on your work situation:( Hopefully it will change for you soon.

Helene & Trish - I have a busy day at work tomorrow, so whatever you guys decide is fine with me . . . thank you so much for doing it:)

Melissa - Malibu black sounds intense:) My favorite are seabreezes.

Cookie - HW, jeeze but I'm sure the food is really good in Maryland. I bet the seafood is really good, crabs (now I'm getting hungry:)).

Iris - How are things?

Lori - I hope your streak is still going.


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