Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Killer HIIT Legs Workout // Day 12 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work +20s rest x2)
Goblet Squat - 20#
Jump Squat
Carry Lunges - 2x 10's (she used one heavy DB holing it overhead the entire time.
Pop Lunges
Glute Bridge - 20#
Glute March - 20#
Sumo Squat - 20#
Heel Clicks

Circuit 2 (40s work +20s rest x2)
Squat Knee Taps
Pop Squat
Side Lunges - 20#
Side Lunge Hop
Squat Toe Taps
Curtsey + Squat - 20#
Deadlift + Lunge - 2x 15's
Squat + Hop - 20#
Cool Down

Debbie - the rotation does go quickly. That was very kind of you to clean your neighbors driveway. Or streets/drive way turned into ice.

Cookie - I hear you on the weather. I can't wait for it to get warmer. I am following my doctors orders. Did you get your dishwasher and sand? We had to stock up on pellets.

Good night.
'Evening! Boy, it was a hectic, non-stop day, and now I'm feeling ready to sit down and relax. Got in a Jessica Smith brain booster walk this morning - my brain needs a lot of boosting!

Deb, you are so caring and generous! Your neighbors are lucky to have you. Were things icy this morning? They sure are here.

Belinda, that workout sure is aptly titled: Killer Legs. How are you legs feeling after it? They won't deliver the dishwasher now til next Monday. My husband complains more about not having a dishwasher than me!

Today I walked at the gym & did Gym Style Legs. There is ice all around our house. The sand is helping, we just can't put down salt but sometimes I do if it's too bad.

Belinda - That does seem like a killer leg workout;) Hopefully it gets warmer for all of us.

Cookie - I could use that workout too:) I have ice skates somewhere in the garage, I may have to find them. Is you ds still with you? LOL on DH missing the dishwasher more than you.


Today I did a indoor walk plus SBF barre. Wednesday's is a rest day on Heather R. rotations.

Debbie - GS legs is a killer leg workout. Great job! The roads are finally clear. It's suppose to snow again tonight. I hope not.

Cookie - LOL, on the brain boosting. I also need it. Having a hard time walking down stairs. We do have have a lot. Sorry about your dishwasher. I am sure the weather isn't helping. That's funny your husband misses the dishwasher more than you do.

Good night.
'Evening! Did a kickboxing workout today.

Deb, why can't you use salt? Hope you don't mind me asking. Sometimes we use cat litter if we can't find sand, I think that tracks more into the house. Please be careful with the ice. People were out ice fishing today! I look at them and think crazy! Sitting on ice doesn't sound like any fun to me.

Belinda, about how long do you work out for each day? Just curious, since I'm lately cutting back to 30 minutes and trying to get in a lot of steps during the day.

Today was a walk outside it was in the 40’s but not for long:(. The temps are dropping a lot & some more snow coming in the morning. Someone said to me today they wished it would snow more this year:oops::rolleyes: Maybe im just getting too old for it:)

Belinda - Nice workouts & I’m sure your walk was better than being outside. Hopefully no snow for you.

Cookie - Nice kickboxing workout! Our driveway are pavers so salt could put holes in them. Our garage is on the north side of the house & our bedroom is on top, so there is a large part of the driveway that doesn’t get sun. Luckily today the temps were higher so a lot melted. It’s annoying because we built the house but didn’t realize it would be a problem. Ice fishing sounds interesting as long as it’s not us doing it;)

Good morning,

Chest, Tri's & Shoulders: Upper Body Strength Workout // Day 13 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done. This was a tough and sweaty one.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Chest Press - 15's
Chest Flys - 15's
Laydown Push Ups

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Around The World - 8's
Fist Pumps - 1st set 8's, 2nd set 5's, it was tough on my shoulders
Push Press - 8's

Circuit 3 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds) my upper body was fried by that point.
Tricep Press - 12's
Skull Crushers - 10's
Tricep Kickbacks - 8's

Circuit 4 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Close Grip Press - 12's
Single Arm Flys - 8's
T-Push Up

Circuit 5 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Walking Plank
L-Raises - 5's
Weighted Jacks 5's/3's

Circuit 6 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Laying Tricep Press (R)

Laying Tricep Press (L) first set felt my self cheating, 2nd set I did laying triceps crossbody Ext. w/10's
Inchworm + Hop - no hop!

Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - we didn't get any snow. Hopefully you didn't either. It rained instead. It's still very cold outside. Good job on that walk.

Cookie - I usually workout between 45 - 60 min. The workout I did today was around 40 min. SBF usually they around 15 - 30 min. Sometimes she adds longer once. I should cut my workout down, maybe once it gets warmer.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Took a rest day today.

Deb, we have slate and salt isn't supposed to be used with it, but it sure does get slippery. Was it hard building your own house? There's so many decisions to make.

Belinda, you must be very efficient with your workouts. My son leaves on Saturday to go back to Spain. I'm really going to miss him.

Today I walked at the gym & did Cathe GS back, shoulders & bi's. We did get about 2 inches of snow, but quickly melted away. My car had so much salt from the roads & I couldn't get it off the windows. I decided to throw buckets of hot water on them and it worked! My neighbors must think, I'm crazy. Next stop will be the car wash LOL.

Belinda - Your workout looks like a nice mix for upper body. The weatherman said temps should be warmer in February. Hopefully he is right:)

Cookie - We had slate slabs in our backyard and they were so slippery. It was hard building the house. It was 30 years ago and the boys were infants so it was a blur. I wouldn't do it again, especially now that I am older. I guess that's why I never wanted to do renovations:)

Hi everyone,

Core Strength & Booty BW Workout // Day 14 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Side Leg Lift (R)
Side Butt Kick (R)
Rear Lift (R)
Hamstring Curl (R)
Rainbow Kick (R)
Side Leg Lift (L)
Side Butt Kick (L)
Rear Lift (L)
Hamstring Curl (L)
Rainbow Kick (L)

Circuit 2 (40s work + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Dead Bug
Reverse Crunch + Kick Out
Pilates 100's
Plank Rocker
Side Bridge (R)
Side Bridge (L)
Single Leg Bicycle (R)
Single Leg Bicycle (L)
Bicycle Crunch

Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - I am surprised it worked with hot water and didn't freeze over. It's freezing cold outside. I don't want to take little Sadie out. Great job on your GS at the gym yesterday. I hope the weatherman is right about getting warmer in Feb.

Cookie - enjoy the rest of your son's stay. I know you will miss him. I try to be efficient with my workouts. I hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday.

Have a great Friday.

Today I walked at the gym & did Cathe GS Chest & tri's. It is so cold, I never want to leave the houseo_O It is in the single digits:(

Belinda - I think I will try the booty exercises from your workout this weekend, looks good!! Yesterday the temps here were around 35 so it didn't freeze, but DH said the same thing.

Cookie - Enjoy the rest of your time with your DS, goodbyes are tough.

Have a great weekend:)

I just finished 45MIN No Equipment HIIT Cardio Workout // Day 15 HR12WEEK 2.0. Had a great workout.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (45s work + 15s rest x2 rounds)
Butt Kicks
Station Sprints
Speed Skater
Jump Squats
Scissor Squat Hops
High Knees
Squat Knee Taps
Jumping Jacks
Plank Jacks

Circuit 2 (45s work + 15s rest x2 rounds)
Leap + Shuffle (R)
Leap + Shuffle (L)
Push Back Push Up
Touch Downs
Knees + Toes
Plank Tap Combo
Crab Dance
Pop Squats
Burpee Jacks
Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - I think you like the booty workout. It's very cold here too. I haven't been outside besides letting Sadie out. I am sick of this cold.

Cookie - enjoy your time with your son. It's always tough to see them go. Have you visit him in Spain?

Have a great weekend.

I am so sad Patricia Moreno has passed away. Rest in peace.She was so young. Prayers to her family. In her honor I pulled out Powerstrike Millenium Series #3.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. Yesterday was a rest day. My friends from HS came to visit and we stayed at my SILs house. One of them was babysitting her 1 1/2 year old grandson and my SILs house is baby equipped. One of our friends brought crumb cake and donuts from a bakery from our old neighborhood. They were so good, TG the leftovers weren't at my house;)

Belinda - I didn't get to try the booty workout but will this week. Nice workout! It was a little bit warmer but will be a rollercoaster with the temps this week.

Cookie - I hope you enjoyed the weekend with your ds & family.

Good morning,

Today I did Super BACK SCULPT Strength Workout // Day 16 HR12WEEK 2.0 Week 4.

Debbie - sounds like you had an amazing weekend. I will try to go for a short walk today. The sun is finally out. It's still cold.

Cookie - when is your son leaving? This week? Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Have a great Monday.
'Evening! Sorry it has been crazy busy here. Did get in an essentrics workout and a lot of steps tho.

Deb, glad you had such a good time with long-time friends. Those sweets sound awesome.

Belinda, how are you feeling? The dr told me today my psoriasis has gotten so bad, I should take four days and go to a warm, sunny climate - dr's orders!

Today was a walk outside, cold but the sun helped. I also did Cathe's Push & Pull.

Belinda - Nice workout! It does feel good when the sun is out but by Wednesday it gets very cold here. TG it's almost February.

Cookie - My Mom has psoriasis and she always said the sun & salt water helped her. At times it gets real bad for her too. I hope it gets better.


Today was leg day for me. I am sorry I don't have time to post my workout.

Debbie - great job on your walk. February can't came fast enough.

Cookie - sorry your psoriasis has gotten so bad. I hope you feel better soon. What is your doctor doing about it?

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a walk on the rebounder and did Essentrics.

Deb, that's one of my favorite workouts! We seem to like many of the same ones. Sorry to hear your mom has it.

Belinda, I'm going to do some phototherapy, since it is particularly bad on my scalp. Also have some topical treatments to apply. I also have lupus, so there's overlap in some things. Got an orthopedic bed for our large dog, and it is the smallest dog who has claimed it! Three beds and she thinks all are for her.

Today was a walk outside before the cold front tomorrow. I went to the dermatologist and she removed 3 forms of moles on my face. TG for masks because I have 3 bandaids on my face. I bought what is called bandaid spots so hopefully they will work.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a good leg day workout!

Cookie - Good idea to do walk on the rebounder. My Mom doesn't like the topical on her scalp, but she still does it.


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