Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Today is a rest day from Heather's R. rotations. I did Susanne Bowen Fitness Barre D30 Christmas UB and Barre Amped DVD UB. I plan on going for a walk shortly. It's in the 20's. maybe I will rethink it, lol.

Debbie - DD got a lot more snow than we did. We hardly got any snow. Thank goodness. It's in the 20's. We will not walk Sadie in those temperatures. She only goes out to do her business than goes right back inside. She also wears winter boots :)

Cookie - we didn't get a lot of snow. Not like DC. DD was snowed in. Everything is clear here. That is good your mom isn't far from where you live.

I have an ENT appointment early tomorrow morning.

Have a great day and workout
'Evening! Today was a planned rest day, and it came at a good time. Didn't sleep well last night at all. Actually took a nap this afternoon! That has only happened a very few times in my life.

Deb, it would have been hard to walk with these temps. Do you wear fleece-lined clothing? It's the wind that really does me in. Are your mom and brother alright?

Belinda, good luck on your ent appointment. The snow is the DC area is incredible! Those poor people. My son's dog has boots also. I swear that dog has more clothes than me.

Got a call from my sister earlier, the guy in the coma passed away today :( I feel horrible for my BIL, sister and everyone.

Cookie - Sadie has more clothes than me, lol. I just ordered her 2 new harness w/leaches and a few Valentines PJ's. You probably needed that sleep. Hope you get a good night sleep tonight.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it wasn't too bad, sun was shinning & 35 degrees. I was dressed warmer too.

My neighbor was supposed to drive to FL yesterday, but because of a case of shingles he postponed it. It's a good thing because I-95 in Virginia was backed up for 24 hours. This is one time getting the shingles was good.

Belinda - So sorry about you BILs relative:( Too many lives are cut short because of Covid:( Nice workouts today. It sounds like Sadie has quite the wardrobe:) She will be prepared.

Cookie - A nap sure does help. Too bad you couldn't plan more of them. We need to live where they have siestas everyday. I just found a pair of fleece leggings in my closet. I know the wind is the worse, I used a neck warmer today and wore it over my cheeks & nose. My Mom & brother are doing well.

Good morning,

Heather Roberson posted today's workout a little late, I was afraid she is skipping today's workouts. Glad I didn't started anything else. It was a great workouts. I just finished 40 MIN Upper Body PULL Workout // Day 3 HR12WEEK 2.0. My appointment got canceled again :( Oh well!!

Here is the breakdown:
Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s work/20 sec rest x2)
Single Arm Row (R)
Single Arm Row (L)
Bicep Rotation
Negative Bicep Curls
Rear Pull

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s work x2)
Underhand Row
Preacher Curl (R)
Preacher Curl (L)
Super V-Squeeze
Squat + Curl

Circuit 3 (40s work + 20s work x2)
Hammer Curls
Narrow/Wide Row
Super Human
Bicep Burnout
Ninja Hop + Curl
Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - it's in the 20's here. Not sure if I get a walk in or not. Have fun with your walk today. Glad your mom and brother are doing well.

Cookie - I hardly nap either unless I am sick. How are you feeling today?

I will be back later.
'Evening! Took another rest day. Today my stomach is doing well! Have a lot of work and am challenged to get it all done, think the stress is bothering me. Tomorrow will be a TB workout!

Deb, glad you have warm gear to walk and your mom and brother are good.. The only time I've heard of a case of shingles being good!

Belinda, so sorry about your relative. It is incredibly sad how many have passed due to Covid. Was your appointment postponed due to weather? Feeling better, but still tired and my stomach is not a happy organ.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. The weather wasn't too bad, it wasn't too icy & in the afternoon the temps were almost 40's.

Belinda - It looks like a good workout! I'm sorry your appointments keep getting cancelled:( Winter appointments always make me nervous. You prepare for them and have to wait if cancelled. We are expecting bad weather Friday morning & cold temps next week.

Cookie - I hope your stomach feels better. Stress does mess with our stomachs. I'm hoping you get your work all done.

Good morning,

I just finished 40 MIN Unilateral Leg Workout // Day 4 HR12WEEK 2.0. Great workout.

Warm Up

Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2)
Stationary Lunge (R)
Kickstand Deadlift (R)
Single Leg Bridge (R)
Side Lunge + Hop (R)
Stationary Lunge (L)
Kickstand Deadlift (L)
Single Leg Bridge (L)
Side Lunge + Hop (L)

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2)
Single Leg Deadlift (R)
Curtsey Lunge + Kick (R)
Stand Up + Drive (R) I had to modify this one, can't do anything on my knees than get up.
Leap + Shuffle (R)
Single Leg Deadlift (L)
Curtsey Lunge + Kick (L)
Stand Up + Drive (L)
Leap + Shuffle (L)
Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - I already got rescheduled for next week. Hopefully the weather isn't to bad for them to cancel again. It was almost in the 40's here too. I went for a short walk. DH and I tried to walk without Sadie, that didn't go well :( We watched her through he security camera, she was crying the entire time. We only left her for 5 mins :( DH walked alone, I watched Sadie (she didn't leave my side ) than I went for a short walk by myself.

Cookie - I am sorry your stomach was so upset yesterday. I hope you feel better today. I agree, stress with mess with your stomach. DD stomach gets up set when she has stress. Try to relax as much as you can and don't stress about keeping up with your workouts. Maybe a light walk.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Slept better and got in a walk today.

Deb, you and Belinda, are so good at being consistent! Glad you got your walk in yesterday. Even bundled up, it was chilly. We're supposed to have snow tomorrow - are you?

Belinda, Sadie has definitely bonded with you and your dh! Good advice - thanks! I did take it easier today. The problem is myself - I just put too much pressure upon myself.

Today was a walk outside & High Reps at the gym. I had a slight headache, ds had a bad one but slept it off when he came home from work. DH is running a slight fever and having stomach problems. Lots of germs, hopefully not Omicron.

Belinda - I like the exercises in your workout today:) It's great that you have the camera to watch Sadie, she is really attached to you and DH. Does the previous owner ever inquire about her?

Cookie - It's good to hear you are feeling better. It was getting colder today to walk but you did it:) We are getting about 2-4 inches tomorrow. Parts of NY & LI are getting more.

Hi everyone,

This is what I did today HIIT Cardio + Core Workout // Day 5 HR12WEEK 2.0 = 45 min. Heather shows lots of modifications. I did most on my rebounder. DH likes her workouts too.

Warm Up

Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Cross Over + Hop Spot Sprint
Walking Plank
Plank Jack
Single Leg Bicycle (R)
Single Leg Bicycle (L)
Bicycle Crunch
Inchworm + Hop
Jump Squat + Jack

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Squat Knee Taps Shuffle + Hop
Reverse Crunch + Kick Out
Frog Crunch
Bent Arm Jacks
Plank Reach
Burpee Clap
High Knee Twist

Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - Sadie is attached to us. She is the cutest little dog. I pinch myself ever day, still can't believe someone just dumped her. What could she possible have done? The previous owner gave up her rights when they gave her up. When we fostered Sadie (it was foster to adopt), Sadie had her old rabies tag on with a phone number on it. We were concerned she wasn't up to date with her shots. Turned out the number was Sadies old vet. They where confused/or thought we stoled Sadie. While we were on the phone with the vet finding out about her shots, they called the previous owner to confirm our story that we fostered and will adopt her. The previous owner confirmed the gave up Sadie to the shelter, she was confused since Sadie had all her shots. She didn't ask about Sadie or how she was doing. A few weeks ago, we ask the previous vet to transfer her medical records to our vet. We had to sent them the adoption papers. After that everything went smoothly. The previous vet staff said that Sadie was one of their favorites. The probably just as confused as we are why she ended up at the shelter :( She we adopted Sadie, the adoption was at a pet store. They took pictures of every dog (they all got adopted) that got adopted. All the pictures are posted on FB. I downloaded the picture with Sadie and us. I am pretty sure the previous owner/daugher are following the shelter's FB page. I know who they (since Sadie had her old tags on with the name/ phone number) are but they have no idea who we are. They can only see a picture from us with no name/tags on FB. Sadie was dropped of the shelter 40 min before we arrived that day. She wore her old collar with her old tags. Once I saw her, I knew she was mine.

Cookie - glad you got some sleep. Are you feeling any better today? Sadie defiantly has bonded with us. She is a sweetheart. For the life of me I can't understand who anyone dumps her at the shelter :( I am happy they did, lol. I love her to pieces.

See you all tomorrow. Who is planning on getting Cathe's new series? I thinking I may sign up for On Demand.
'Evening! Got in steps with UptotheBeat workout with the oldies songs. It was pretty cold here today.

Deb, hope you're feeling better. How's your ds? We got about 3 inches of snow? Did you get much?

Belinda, glad Sadie is in such a loving home now. Perhaps it was a disagreement between the mother and daughter and nothing really to do with Sadie that prompted her going to the shelter.

Today we woke up to 6 inches of snow, a lot more than they said :oops: No walk but shoveled the sidewalk & DH did the walkway & deck. He was so much faster than me LOL. I also did CL 358 Express Kickboxing.

Belinda - Wow, that is a really feel good story about how you adopted Sadie:) It was meant to be. Nice Hiit workout. I didn't see anything about the new series but will check it out.

Cookie - Fun workout, love oldies songs:) My DH's stomach still not 100% but getting better. I have been making him hot water with fresh ginger, not sure if it's helping

Have a great weekend:)

Today was a walk outside, cold just about 30 but the sun was shining & no wind. The next few days it's supposed to get really cold here:(

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Good morning,

Sorry for not checkin in yesterday. I wasn't feeling well. I have been very tired lately.

Debbie - yes, it was meant to be with Sadie. I couldn't be happier. She is such a sweet, little dog. Love her so much. I haven't been walking lately it's way to cold to walk. Hope your husband is feeling better.

Cookie - I think you right. From what we know from the shelter, the daughter went off to collage. The mom ended up with Sadie, she was too much for the mom. I think there is more to the story. I am glad she is with us. It feels like she has always been with us. She is so much fun to be around.

I will be back to report my workout. I am a little off schedule.

DH and I did this workout this morning.

Shoulders, Chest & Triceps Superset Workout // Day 6 HR12WEEK 2.0 = 47 min.

Warm Up
Superset 1 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Front + Side Raise
Weighted Jacks

Superset 2 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Chest Press
T-Push Up

Superset 3 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Skull Crushers
Crab Dance

Superset 4 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Overhead Press
Combo Boxer Jacks

Superset 5 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Tricep Kickbacks Tricep
Push Up

Superset 6 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Walking Plank
Inchworm + Hop

Cool Down & Stretch

Good night.
'Evening! Boy, is it cold, icy, and windy today. The wind was so loud last night, it woke me up. Our patio and sidewalk are very icy - even the dogs had a hard time walking on it.

Deb, you're so caring! Hope your dh is feeling better today. There's no way I would have walked outside yesterday or today - you are much stronger than me.

Belinda, hope you're feeling better. Guess so, looking at our workout! Our pets become part of our families.

Today was a walk outside. It wasn't too cold, we were supposed to have bad weather but it missed us. I think it's warmer right now here but not for long.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workout in. I'm sure you are still tired from not feeling well. The weather doesn't help either.

Cookie - I think we are getting your weather either Monday or Tuesday:( Whenever I do a Cathe kickboxing, I'm always surprised when Cathe says we are still doing the warm-up. I always think it must be the workout:)

Hi everyone,

I did 40 MIN Tabata Legs & Abs Workout // Day 7 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done. I am glad Heather shows modifications. I did some on my rebounder, some modified.

Warm Up

Tabata 1 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Curtsey Lunges
Pop Lunges

Tabata 2 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Plank Ankle Reach
Plank Jacks

Tabata 3 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
In + Out Squat
Jump Squat + Jack

Tabata 4 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Reverse Crunch + Kick Out Bicycle Crunch

Tabata 5 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Side Lunge + Raise Side Lunge Hops

Tabata 6 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Plank Rocker
Rocking Chair

Tabata 7 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
Hold Squat
Pop Squat

Tabata 8 (20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds)
High Knee Twist Cross Over + Hop

Cool Down & Stretch

Debbie - it's starting to melt the snow. It's very cold outside.

Cookie - I am convinced the more meds I take the worst I feel. I am glad when I am done with it in 2 weeks.

Have a great Monday.

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