Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Got in a short walk today. Saw the eye surgeon today, and I've cracked the lens implant put in last week. Will have to wait a few months for the inflammation to go down before more surgery. No weight lifting, bending, yadda yadda.

Deb, hope Penne recovers smoothly from her surgery. Your friends sure know how to celebrate!!! That's awesome and sounds like a lot of fun. How long did it take your ds's eye to reecover?

Belinda, good luck tomorrow with the infusion. That glute workout sounds tough! Hope you receive good news about the RV soon.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was warmer today which was nice. Penne's surgery went well but very tired. I can't imagine how they perform surgery on a dog under 10lbs:confused:

Belinda - Sounds like a fun CL glute workout! Good luck with your infusion tomorrow. What will you do to pass the time? I thought you said it's several hours.

Cookie - Kudos for getting a walk in today. Sorry to hear you cracked the lens implant:( I'm sure it's frustrating. DS's eye is improving each day. She knocked me over when I was bending down to her level, but I am ok. She is strong.

'Evening! Got in a longer walk today. It got into the low 60s!

Deb, glad your ds's eye is improving. I'm a little concerned about a presentation I have to do on Thursday. Don't want to scare folks! Little dogs can be so strong - it's amazing. Are they doing puppy classes?

Belinda, hope the infusion went well and the time passed smoothly.

Today was a walk outside it was nice out! My computer crashed filling out papers for the oral appointment I have for tomorrow:(. The computer is old.

Belinda - I hope all went well with your infusion, you must be exhausted.

Cookie - it was even warmer by you, only 50’s here. I can’t complain rain the next couple of days. They have a dog trainer come to the house.

Good morning,

Sorry I didn‘t check in last night. I was exhausted. Not sure what knocked me out?

The infusion went well. No side effects, except I got really tired afterwards. The entire progress took almost 4 hours. The infusion has to be administered slowly. The slower the infusion the less side effects I will experience. The nurses were all very nice and checked on me constantly to make sure I was ok. I have my next infusion scheduled in 2 weeks. The nurse will confirm with my Rheum. They call this loading. I guess, so your body gets used to the full strength of the meds. Once I came home I slept for over 4 hours. I never sleep during the day, I guess I needed it.LOL.

My plan is to go for a walk and get a workout in today.

Debbie - great job on your walk. Sorry about your computer. They don‘t last long. Good luck with your appoitment today.

Cookie - great job with your walk yesterday. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow.

I will be back.

Push pull is done. I was sweating like crazy. I think the infusion had something to do with it.I didn‘t go very hearty. No walk, it‘s raining all day long.

Have a great evening.
'Evening! Went for a walk today and came home soaked!

Deb, glad you got to enjoy yesterday's nice weather and temps. We take the two littles to class, but it really is about training the humans, not so much the dogs, the trainer keeps reminding us! Will you get another computer?

Belinda, I'm glad to infusion went well. Your body must have needed a rest. Push pull is such a great workout.

Today was a walk at the gym & upper body. It was raining here all day. I need 2 wisdom/molar teeth pulled which I have been putting off. They said it isn't bad and will put bone in place for the one tooth for an implant. The surgeon seemed really nice and the office staff.

Old computer reset but working slowly, have another one on order.

Belinda - It's good you came home and caught up on sleep. Your probably not used to sitting for so long and sometimes that makes you tired. Great job getting your workout in today:). It doesn't even pay to fix old computers, cheaper to get a new one.

Cookie - The weather was deceiving it was warm out, rain would stop and than downpours. Sorry you got caught in it. It is very windy here now. It's true training is for the humans:)


Today I did a dance workout.

Debbie - how are you feeling after your dental work? great job on your walk and weight workout. I never nap, unless I am sick. I think the meds I had to take before the infusion knocked me out. I never responded sleepy like this before. Computers are so expensive.

Cookie - it rained all day yesterday. Sorry you got soaked. Great Job on your walk. My body sure needed that sleep. I never nap no mater how tired I am. Push Pull was great.

Good night.
'Evening! Took a rest day. It was so windy, it kept waking me up last night. Now there's flurries coming down. The fluctations in temps has been really amazing.

Deb, implants seem to be fairly common these days. I had one put in a few years ago. The whole process took a long time, but my worrying about doing it may have taken longer! It sure helps when you feel good about the dr and their practice. I'm thinking our trainer thinks my dh and I really need a lot of training!

Belinda, glad you're doing better today. I also only nap when I'm sick. Are there any things you're noticing today after having the infusion yesterday?

Today was a walk at the gym, too windy here. A tree fell across the street, the wind pulled it out roots and all,

Belinda - Nice dance workout. Are you still feeling tired? The good thing is you know what to expect next time. I went for dental consultation, will get done in May.

Cookie - Crazy temps, warm again next week. I was told about 5 months. I waited years to see the Dr. There is an infection under one tooth for months now but don’t feel it only shows on x-rays.

Evening! Essentrics today and it felt good to be able to do it again. Still no weight lifting tho. Got in a short walk.

Deb, glad you weren't in pain w/the infection. I had a crown that they couldn't replace, so then went for the implant. It really wasn't bad, at least for me. Hope no one was injured with that tree. The wind has been incredible this year.

Belinda, hope you're recovered from the infusion and are feeling positive effects from it. How's the bellydancing coming along?

I walked this morning. Had to run some errands.

Debbie - how are you doing? my energy is back. Thanks for asking. Next infusion should only take 2 hours from what I heard from another RP support group member. I guess, I will find out more soon. Glad you are not in pain w/the infection. Did you get something for it? That is scary about the tree. I no one got hurt.

Cookie - how are you doing?I did recovered from the infusion. My energy is back, still not trying to kill myself with workouts. It‘s hard to say if I am feeling positive effects from it? I am still on high doses of prednisone. The bellydancing is coming along great. Can you believe I am already doing it for 7 month. I am getting pretty good at it too. I think soon, I can do the intermediate classes.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Metabolic Blast. It was much nicer today. TG no one was hurt the tree feel at night. We went to go see my SILs new puppy it is a boxer. Really cute, playful but teething.

Belinda - Thanks, my tooth is good but dentist will call in meds if it starts to bother me. Great getting a walk in, hopefully nice weather by you too. That would be great if infusion takes less time.

Cookie - Nice work with Essentrics. Good to hear you experience with the implant. It is the same here can't replace the crown so only choice is an implant.


Walk outside this evening and belly dancing practice this morning.

Debbie - glad your dentist will call in meds, you probably need it to prevent an infection. Great job on your walk and Metabolic Blast. I am glad no one was hurt. Awww…boxer buppies are the cutest.

Cookie - I was suppose to get an implant, the doctor was wrong. In my case, she was wrong and too quick to get me an implant. I got a second option. Glad I did. If I do need one I would go that route.

Good night.
'Evening! Went for a walk today in the drizzly rain, and my hair sure did not like that! DD and her partner came in this afternoon, so went out to dinner. Had a very nice time.

Deb, puppies are so cute. Does seeing so many dogs lately get you thinking about one?

Belinda, that's great the infusion should take 1/2 the time next time. That will be nice. Great process with the belly dancing.

Today I did core work, didn't walk it was raining. We were supposed to go to dinner for my Mom's birthday, but she fell down the stairs. She is ok, thinks she broke some ribs. We went and she didn't want to go to Dr. because they don't do anything for broken ribs. I still thought she should go. We stayed with her and had a small celebration/cake. I've told her many times to wear sneakers/shoes but she wears socks and says she holds on to railing. I will check back her tomorrow and see if she will go for x-rays.

Belinda - Nice belly dancing & evening walk. It was warmer here in the evening.

Cookie - Walking in the rain . . . :) (makes me think of the song). I was supposed to wash my hair but didn't even bother today. It sounds like you had a nice dinner.

'Evening! Did JS's new cardio yoga fusion, and I'm glistening! Can't have any pressure on my knee, so am modifying all.

Deb, oh no! I hope your mom is okay. Were you able to convince her to go to dr? I broke three ribs and cracked two more one time, and it was extremely painful, but it is best she finds out exactly what's going on. Perhaps she might wear the socks that have grippers on the bottom? It is so hard convincing others, esp. parents, to take better care of themselves. Nice you had a cake and small celebration with her.

Belinda, hope you're having a great weekend.

I took a very long walk outside today. One alone and the other with DD and little Miss Sadie.

Debbie - oh no. I hope your mom is ok. Did you she end up going to see a doctor and get an xray? I am guilty of wearing socks around the house too. Happy birthday to your mom. Glad you still got to spent time with her and have cake too.

Cookie - what is going on with you knee? You need a break. How are you eyes doing? I am glad you modifying everything. I have to do the same.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. It was a beautiful day. My Mom's neighbor convinced her to go to the ER. She volunteers their so she is comfortable and knows people which is helpful. She fractured 3-4 ribs, they checked her out and everything else is good. Just have to wait for it to heal. I had such a bad migraine today, but I'm sure it's because of the worrying.

Thank you for your well wishes for my Mom.

Belinda - Nice getting in 2 walks, I'm sure Sadie enjoyed the Spring-like temps:) They did give her and x-ray. Does she sit nice in the stroller?

Cookie - Great idea on the grippers on the bottom. Will check it out:) It's crazy to me that you can't do anything for broken/fractured ribs :confused: Sorry you had to go through that. Hopefully you are healing from your fall.


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