Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


No workout to report today. I did get a lot of steps in today.

Debbie - glad you had a fun day with your HS friends and SIL house. I heard food trucks have amazing food. I only eating a hot dog in NY years ago from a food truck. I still have lots of left overs. The food and falafel were amazing and easy to make. I will make them instead of buying them. The chef said to use cooked chick peas instead of cans. I can see the end with Invisalign. I do have to get a permanent retainer (wire) on the inside upper/lower front teeth to prevent them from shifting.

Cookie - we sure have a lot of left overs. By the time I am done with Invisalign it's going to be be 5 years. Long time. I can't wait. glad you had fun at the Morgan Library and BBQ.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. It was nice out. Ugh, spent so much time doing taxes today, but it's ready to go to the accountant:)

Belinda - Nice work getting your steps in:) I would take homemade falafel over store bought;) Do you think they mean beans in a bag vs. canned?

Cookie - I love a day in NYC. DH not so much. It sounds like you had fun. I haven't heard of that library. It's funny I just recently renewed my library card and I was laughing with the front desk woman. When I left I thought as a child that would have been frowned upon. I wonder if you still must be quiet :oops:

'Evening! Got in a walk today. Getting outside always does a lot for me, and walking is the perfect antidote to sitting in meetings and doing paperwork!

Deb, well, you know me, it would be hard for me to not laugh or talk even in a library. I usually go at least once a week, since I always order books through the larger circulation hub but I always talk, ask for suggestions and look at the changing exhibits. The Personal Librarian is a good historical novel about the woman who was the first librarian at the Morgan. Great book. Taxes are horrible any time.

Belinda, glad you took a rest day. You need them. The falafel sounds really good. I usually cook our beans in the Instant Pot. Do you have one?
Hi everyone,

I took a walk outside today.

Debbie - good job with your walk yesterday. In the recipe she mention both. In the cooking class she mention she prefers bag of beans. Mine still turned out great.

Cookie - great job on your walk. Getting outside always does a lot for me too. Yes, I have 2 Insta Pot. How long do you cook your beans in the IP? I am always afraid they undercooked with the lectin. Do you soak your beans overnight?

I am trying to get everything cleaned and ready for next week. I bought a new recliner couch set in white today. It will take up to 5 weeks to get here. I am excited.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. Well wouldn't you know it, I spilled a glass of water on my taxes:mad:. I'm hoping it is parts they don't need.

Belinda - Nice day for a walk! You must be getting excited about going to FL. It will be nice if your couch set arrives shortly after vacation:) I'm sure Sadie is going with you on vacation.

Cookie - Walking outside does a lot for me too;) I'm sure it helps you get through the day at work. I remember you saying you used to walk & take the steps a lot in your building. My friend who I saw this weekend mentioned working from home she is putting on weight. I should suggest for her to take walking breaks.


Walk outside and SBF TB is done.

I am debating if I want to keep Cathe STS 2..0? The workouts are close to an hour except some premixes. I was hoping for shorter workouts. Hopefully she will list all the workout times this week.

Debbie - lol, spilling a glass of water on your taxes. I am sure it's fine. Great job on your walk and LB workout at the gym. I am getting excited for FL. I will meet up with my friend she lives in Tampa. That should be fun catching up with her. Sadie is going with us to FL. I already packed her stuff. My DH ask what she need a bag of stuff for, LOL? I am trying to bring a huge suitcase. I probably will pack my suitcase tomorrow. The hotel has a washer/dryer.

Cookie - I hope you having an amazing day today.

Great job everyone.
'Evening! An Essentrics day today! it was drizzly at lunchtime, so dh didn't want to walk. I should have gone without him!

Deb, yeah, I sure don't get as much steps anymore since most of my work is from home. Hope the taxes dry out okay. That must have been very frustrating!

Belinda, bet you're excited about the new furniture! 2 Instant Pots?!! Black beans I soak overnight, but the garbanzos, it depends. Sometimes I soak them, other times just cook in the Pot. How wonderful that you'll be seeing your friend.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It's cool but in the sun not too bad.

Belinda - Nice SBF TB workout & walk! Too funny about Sadie having her own bag :cool:. The other day at Homegoods I saw they sold doggie strollers. We went to the Riverwalk in Tampa during Covid to walk and eat outdoors it was nice.

Cookie - Nice getting Essentrics in. My DH doesn't like to walk in the rain either. The taxes dried out but some parts were smudged but told him I could reprint if he needs me to.

Hi again,

I had all good intentions to get a workout in. Did some errands with DH, came home and started packing my suitcase :)

Debbie - Sadie, has her own travel bag She also has this one, I like using it for the weekend when we stay at DD house.®-adventure-set-black.product.100784218.html Sadie has 2 strollers. We use this one the most,aps,200&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyT0VMV1BMSkgyRjBaJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDA0MDU0MVNEVTkxRDk2M0MzOCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzk4NTY5MUxDNzNTV1FDR1JaRiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Sadie also has this one Your outdoor walk and eating outside sounds perfect. I hope we can do it too and it's not too hot. Great job with your workout yesterday.

Cookie - I am excited about the new furniture. The couch set all recline, white leather. I bought the 2nd IP for my son for xmas last year. I ended up shipping him one to TX instead they have to carry one on the plane. I have an extra one sitting in my garage, lol. I only use one. I only paid $40 for the IP, got a great deal on it at the PX on base. I am always carful with beans, they contain a toxin called lectin. I want to make sure they all cooked properly. DH made a split pea dish, after cooking them for an hour the split peas were still a little crunchy. I hope we don't get sick from eating them. At first, I couldn't figure out what he put into the split peas? LOL. How long do you cook the garbanzos? I see people cook them for minutes?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga.

Belinda - I'm sure packing is a workout. I love the doggie bag, so many cool accessories, may be nicer than a diaper bag. The stroller is great, does Sadie sit up to look around?

Cookie - I saw a possibility for snow to the north, hopefully not by you.

Good morning,

I did SBF TB barre this morning. DH and I are done packing. I packed and repacked my suitcase.I love the doggie bag so much, I bought one for my kids dogs, lol. Sadie stands up in her stroller for the most part. She wants to know what's going on. She loves to walk, when she gets tired she wants in the stroller. She never last long in the stroller. Great job on your yoga and walk.

Cookie - enjoy your workout today.

"Evening! Did some rebounding today. Got snow and its cold again! Took my uncle to lunch and a doctor's appointment today, and had a really nice visit with him.

Deb, I've never been to that Riverwalk, but have been to the one in San Antonio. It was so windy here last night, it was rather frightening.

Belinda, that Sadie sure is treated well! Here's a link for cooking garbanzos in an Instant Pot:

Today was a walk outside. It was cold here today. I made my Easter sauce. It is now in the freezer happy it's done:)

Belinda - Nice work with SBF barre. It will be nice for you to get away. It must feel good to be packed and ready. When do you leave?

Cookie - It felt like snow but part of the day the sun was out. It's supposed to get better next week. I'm get scared too when it is windy, especially when you are trying to sleep.


I did a YT weight workout today. I had my hair done today. Sadie has an appointment.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. DD wanted us to have lunch with her before my hair appointment. I had good indention to walk today. We did had a lot of fun. Awesome job on your Easter sauce. I guess, I will be having Easter in FL. We are leaving Monday morning, we booked a hotel in Carolina then off to FL. We plan on only driving 6 hours on Monday. I am sure my knees will appreciate it.

Cookie - you have snow? I complain about the gloomy weather. I'll take gloomy over snow. Sorry about the wind. It was getting very windy in DC today too. Thank you on Sadie! I love her so much. I would do anything for her, lol. She is spoiled. Thanks for the link on the IP. I will check it out.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Lean legs at the gym. We are going for a bite to eat.

Belinda - You are trying to get it all in:) Nice work with YT workout! We stay in South Carolina on the way to FL. We are flying to FL after Easter, staying for a while and driving the car back.

Cookie - Hopefully the rain we are getting tomorrow is not snow for you.


Today was a walk outside, after the rain stopped. We did get thunderstorms at dinner time.

Have a nice weekend:)
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I started cleaning my house.

Debbie - I sure try to get it all in. Now I am a little behind the timeline. Oh well. I am surprised you went for a walk yesterday. It was so windy here. Great job. Driving to South Caroline is about a 6 hour drive, right? I hope my knee can handle it.

Hallo Cookie!

Yesterday I did SBF Intern. Mat workout.

'Evening! Got in a JS mobility workout and an ab one too. My dh is gone for two weeks and I had lots of plans for getting things done this weekend, but visitors came. Fun though.

Deb, bet having the sauce done is a relief. Just curious, what do you usually serve for Easter? Think I'm going to make reservations since I think I'll only have one son, daughter and her partner here. Am having an Easter egg hunt the day before for my great nieces and nephews. Really nice that you'll get to FL again.

Belinda, safe travels tomorrow. I got a smile out of the thought of you and Sadie sitting next to each other both getting your hairs done! Always lots to do before leaving!

Today was a walk outside. We went to dinner for my younger ds's birthday. It was nice but so many people LOL.

Belinda - You are good to get your cleaning in:) The wind didn't start here until 6pm, so we were lucky. It takes us almost 12 hours (with stops for lunch & dinner) but we are further north. Enjoy your vacation and safe travels tomorrow.

Cookie - Nice work with JS mobility workout. So I might slack if my DH was gone for 2 weeks;) I make a marinara sauce with meatballs & chicken. I buy ravioli's from a store that makes them fresh (so good) & pasta for my DH. It is so nice that you do an Easter egg hunt for your great nieces & nephews.

'Evening! Did some more mobility work today, since my left sciatica is bothering me.

Deb, your sauce and dinner sounds so good, it's seriously making me hungry! My dd and her partner are going to come here and my eldest son, so I'm just taking them to a buffet. After cooking for so many over the years, cooking for such a small group doesn't seem like fun. Hope your ds enjoyed his day and dinner.

Belinda, hope the drive is going well. Be safe!

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