
Belinda: Wow, you are cruising through STS already! Well done. We got snow here, did you send it over ?! ;) We do go and play in new RVs when they are in town. We go with the kids and they love visiting them and climbing on the beds and everything. It's better than an amusement park for them :p And yeah, some of them are down right luxurious, still I would rather stay somewhere. But I have never stayed in an RV so maybe I am missing something. And there is no way I would drive one either. That's what DHs are for. LOL

Melissa: No, it was supposed to be DWP but for some reason I don't like that Hiit as much so I did 40/20. I'll have to sub for the run today as well. Not sure with what though...... Oh, and this rotation better help me loose 10lbs minimum. LOL. I really am trying to eat better.

Amelia: I got to edit my food log for yesterday. :( I did OK and kept thinking that you were going to look and I can do it, and then I still reached for bad stuff after dinner. But I did good during dinner, DH wanted to eat out a we went to 99. I also didn't have much in the fridge so now I am better prepared. So the good news is that if it weren't for you looking I probably would have eating something with fries. But I had a piece of salmon with aspargus, grilled tomato and broccoli. I'll probably be done with the edit by lunchtime.

Cookie: OK then, look at your February calendar and give us a date! Cause if we ask in February it will have to be pushed back to March ;) Too funny saying that people going to college soon get snow days too.

Kristin: You are welcome. I remember how happy I was to hear no more push-ups. So you have two more disks with them. It doesn't sound that bad except I remember....... Really need to get decorations down. And now the ones outside are going to be buried under all that snow...

Hello to everyone that comes later. Enjoy your day and burn some extra calories with the snow if you are in the northeast..... and drive carefully.
Good Morning Ladies

Ughhhh at all this snow....I don't think I'll be going in today. :confused: I took a rest day yesterday, so might do double duty this morning and tonight. Need to get Legs, Shoulders, Abs, and Cardio in...... lol.

Belinda- Have you become an all out snow hater?? LOL. Cool beans you're doing STS again.

Helene- Thanks for the article! I will read that sometime today. :cool:

Deb- What are periodentical hormones?? Dang that's a big word....:confused: When do you find out?

Kristin- So I'm guessing you are out of school today! I didn't like all the push ups either when I started. But I started liking them more the stronger I got! ;) And you will too!

Amelia- Wow, can't get over the snow you guys got. I lived in SC for 8 years, and never got that much. A couple of inches, a couple of nasty ice storms, but not that much snow! Hope you still have power???

Cookie- Are you off today?? I hope?? I also love LIS! Ohhh and my client just laughs at me....LOL. She went to yoga for the first time the other night, and she said it was so quiet she was flat out afraid to make any

Lori- Ok seriously....Facebook...LOL :eek:

Melissa- It's got to be the final countdown!! :D Glad you could get things off your chest!! I love New Canaan too! I dream of someday living there

Trish- I honestly don't remember about the test!! LOL I just know there was a little bit of EVERYTHING! lol. Did you know the first time pass rate is only 60%??? I was shocked kind of....and

Sorry if I missed anyone!! Hello to all that follow!

Ohhhh and I don't see Doc until Monday, AND I dont' even go to have blood drawn until Friday morning because I have to fast, and there's no way I can do that and not kill an entire gym population until Friday...;)
Morning ladies,

I'm on the train so short and sweet check in for me. Took advantage of the snow and am on a later train even though there was only about 6 inches or so. I did my last squat rack leg wo this morning minus the deadlifts. My back is still tender from Monday. Had a good wo yesterday. Decided to add 40 mins of pilates before my 50 min elliptical wo. Think I burned 740 cals or so:).

That's it for now. Will be back once I am settled in with coffee at work.
Good Morning

Belinda-You always inspire me to get my workout done because when i log on, your workout is already go girl!

Helene-wtg on the healthier supper! Don't feel bad, i have to go a update yesterdays calorie total too:eek: nightime is always the hardest for me:( Its such a mental battle but i will win it! (as god as my witness, its not gonna lick me:p...watched Gone with the wind recently,lol)

Iris-So far so good, no power loss. Were still stuck at home...ATL just isn't a snow prepared state:confused: I hear ya on doubling up the workouts, i will do some legs then some lowmax...lets see if my legs can handle it:eek:

Trish- Awesome calorie burn this morning girl! WTG. Hows the eating going? Mine is a working progress:eek:. My husband was laughing at me the other day...he said "honey, if you had the same determination with your eating that you have with your workouts, you would be at your goal weight by now" ....:rolleyes: my response...."Oh HUSH - coming from a man who eats his fruitloops out of a mixing bowl!"....LOL

Hello to everyone i missed! Today will be legs first, then i will do a premix of lowmax. I may do my own lowerbody workout and just listen to music....

Hello everyone! We have LOTS of snow!!!! Of course the hole is open; well, they will open at noon. I doubt I will go in since it's an hour drive for me plus my road/driveway isnt even plowed yet. Honestly, tomorrow is my last day so do you think I care?? ;)

Just did Step Moves and Weights & Plates abs. Those plates are killers! I couldn't do all of the ones where you bring your legs in straight. I guess that's something to work on!

Belinda, did you do a round of STS before? For some reason I thought you did but maybe I'm confusing you with someone else lol. Holy crap, 3 feet of snow?! That is nuts!!! I think it would be kinda cool to travel in an RV and you're right, some of them are like hotels. The only thing I wouldn't be crazy about is sharing that small space w/ other people.

Helene, I am the total opposite! I love DWP over 40/ fact, I DREAD 40/20. I feel like a spaz when I do it! I subbed in Step Moves for the run today since I figured that was pretty steady-state. I also have to sub in for STS total body tomorrow. Great job on the eating last night!

Iris, wow you have a workout ahead of you!! LOL @ your client and yoga. I feel the same way!

Trish, awesome job on the WO/calorie burn today!!

Kristin, enjoy your snow day! I heard you guys got slammed.

Hello to anyone who follows!! BBL :D
Back again...

Belinda - So are you going to do your STS rotation with Total Body? That's going to be one tough M1 & M2 for sure!

Helene - How are you liking the Jan rotation so far? I am going to add it to my calendar for next week and see how many substitutions I will have to make.

Iris - 60% is not very encouraging! I know a guy that took it 3 times!!! I would have given up. That's just too much money to keep throwing away!

Amelia - I'm not sure what's up with the blender, but I'm going to give the installation another go over the weekend. When I clicked create video, the progress bar never moved past 10%:confused: Can't wait to get it working though. So, hating the snow yet? Oh and big ^5s on those inches girl:cool:! I hope to be down a few myself in the next few weeks. Night time snacking is the hardest for me, but I find if I set something aside for when I first walk in the door from work (a few graham crackers) and then warm my dinner (I usually cook it over the weekend), I can keep the cravings at bay. Otherwise, if I start cooking the family's dinner before I eat, I'm snacking the whole way through. LMAO @ the mixing bowl...gotta love our men!!

Melissa - Ok. It's time to get serious. Because of the snow we were permitted to wear jeans to work and I could barely get into my 'bigger' jeans! WTH!! The snacking is at an end and the sugar can kiss my a$$. I'm done! LOL! I've heard of spark people, but I don't think I've actually been on their site. The problem with switching sites is having to re-create your recipes & fav foods. Oh well, we'll keep each other motived right here:cool: Love that you're staying home another day....flipping the bird to the hole one more time:D Nice wo today!

Cookie - I've been studying on and off (mostly off) for the ACE for a year. Bought the books and shoved them in the back of the closet. It was very intimidating at first, but I think my new approach will be a winner;) No STS for me, I'm following you on the Jan rotation (at least I think you're doing that one!:p)

Kristin - I have one more disc in STS left and then it's on to the January rotation with some serious modifications because I don't have some of the DVDs like HIIT and MMA. The girls are home with DH. I'm sure we will have a snowman or two by the time I get home.

Deb - My STS rotation was 3 months. Don't think I could actually do a 6 month one:eek: How'd you fare with the snow? We got about 6 inches. My commute in to work was pretty smooth though.

Things are slow in the office today, so I'll be popping in on y'all.
Hello again,

Amelia: So I updated my totals. And I put EVERYTHING in. It was a bit more than I thought :eek:. It's really what I ate when I came home AFTER dinner that was so uncalled for. :confused: I logged in my food from today and for the rest of the day. Today's goal: stick to it to a T.

Trish: The drive to work wasn't that bad. Mostly because I was one of the only people going to work so it was clear. I looked at loseit, but I tried to enter my foods and they have like ..... NONE of it! I think I am going to stick to myfitnesspal. I tried to look at your food diary but all I could see is your total. Also, with MFP I can track my macros (which I set myself) and I couldn't find how to do that on loseit either. I can see the detail of what Amelia is eating on MFP which is really cool. They seem to have a good iPhone app. Oh and I can copy meals form the previous day. Sooooo helpful! Have you ever looked at it? I'll email you a screen shot of my eats if you are interested. Join us for the Jan rotation (Cookie, Melissa and I). It will be fun! I'm in my 'bigger' pants too :eek: Thankfully I got rid of my biggest pants though.

Melissa: Yep, SM is my sub for today too. Will do that tonight. Had to do snowblow max and shovel max this morning. Only one more day :eek: OMG! So exciting!

Iris: Staying in today are ya? Slacker.......;) Zumba is on Wednesday nights at 6:10PM. What d'ya think?

Cookie: Do you get snow days too?

Hi to everyone just lurking or coming by later!

Back to work......Enjoy the rest of the day.
Happy Wednesday! Today because of the snow, I got to sleep in a bit. Then we took the boys outside and had soooo much fun in the snow. I just finished disc 5 of STS. My tris and back are feeling it boy, even without the pull ups and chin ups, lol.

Dreading work tomorrow. The roads are going to be an icy mess!

Trish- Awesome re: STS! what kind of results did you get from it? i am hiping to get more definition. We didn't do a snowman, just snow angels, snowball fight and snow wrestling. Remember, I have boys :rolleyes::eek:;).

Melissa- you should call in tomorrow, lol! Enjoy your day! i gotta try weights and plates abs next!

Iris- definite snow day1 i think I'll like the push ups when I can do more of them, lol.

Amelia- how'd your workout go? Lowmax is awesome for cardio and legs!

Belinda- how'd disc 2 go?

Hi to cookie and Deb and Lori!

Hello lovlies!! Day off number two this week boy I'm feeling lucky! Used my time wisely and did LIC one of my favs today. Then spent the day shopping and watching movies w my princess :D it's sunny but deceptively cold here not complaining since we don't ever get snow lol.
Someday I will do personals I swear it's hard since I only have my trusty iPhone and by the time I write replies to a couple people I've forgotten what I wanted to say to everyone else lol. Maybe a piece of paper would be good for notes. I lurk all the time tho and enjoy hearing about you all.
Still dreaming of sts. Pretty sure you guys will motivate me to find a way to buy it :)
On my way home on the train. I love the emptiness!!

Helene - I actually have a mfp account but never used it. My ID is trishadams. Can you befriend me and I'll poke around some? I'm ready For the Jan rotation. I need to burn some blubber!!

Kristin - Sounds lik a fun day and what a great break in the middle of the week!

Heidi - I totally understand about checking in from the iPhone. I am really looking fwd to the workout manager app though. Right now I use a regular browser on my phone to record my STS actuals. See, the new app will another reason for STS 8).
Just came in from playing in the snow with the dog. Running in that stuff was a WO! I was sweating lol!! Now he is tired and is taking a nap ;)

Trish, I know what you mean about switching sites to track your food. I was gonna use the food diary here in the WO manager but I really don't want to add all my foods in again. It's pretty time consuming.

Kristin, do you have the tower or are you using the bands for STS? I use the bands but I don't feel they really do anything for me. Not sure if I want to spend the $$ on the tower though. Decisions!! LOL @ calling in tomorrow. It's tempting but I still have some personal stuff I want to rescue. And there are like 3 people that I actually like and want to say goodbye to ;) Tomorrow night a bunch of us are going out for my last day at the hole and the last night I will be in my 20s since I turn 30 on Friday!!! :(

Heidi, I'm so jealous of you right now for never getting snow! When I look at personals, I open a new tab in my browser and open an old check in that I can refer to to see what people wrote so I can comment.

Enjoy the rest of your night everyone!!
Quick check in girls- CCV4 done then I did just the squats, sumo squats & lunges from High Reps..i was toast after that. My legs were tired after CC:confused:

My DH made it to work tonight safely. I was so worried about him. The roads are still slick!

Melissa-Awesome job on your run in the snow:eek: You go girl!

Trish-Hope you get the manger to work frustrating!:confused:

Helene-Well, i logged all my food but it isn't pretty:eek: the calories are good but the actual food isn't very clean...I wasn't in a very good mood today:p anyways...:rolleyes: I will check pop in your food log in a bit!

Heidi-Great job with LIC...I love that Micheal Jackson song on there, 'sunshine' or something

Kristin-We played in the snow today too. The kids had a blast!! Glad you guys had a good time too! Great job on your workout!!!

ok..hope i didn't forget anyone! Have a good night

It's been a crazy day here. My FIL was rushed to the hospital this afternoon and has fluid in his lungs and they put him in ICU. DH & his sisters are still there, so nervous:(

I've been keeping myself busy shoveled walkway & deck. I'm hoping to start M1D1 tomorrow. Yesterday I did legs at the gym and I'm so sore.

Belinda - Did I read right you did STS, yoga & cardio all in one day?

Iris - I'll get back to you on the stuff you asked me. I'm also going on Friday for blood work the Dr. thinks I'm low on Vitamin D and checking thyroid as well.

Trish - We had about 6 inches but they cleaned it up so fast. Are you still going to the gym at lunch? I have a problem with eating while cooking dinner too:eek:

Helene - Periomenopause is before menopause but you start getting the symptoms of menopause which is different for everyone and your hormones get wacky but you still have a period.

Kristin - A snow day for you:) crazy how much snow we have and it's only the beginning if January.

Melissa - You last day tomorrow :):):):) Wondering if you'll do a plyo jumping jack at 5PM:)

Amelia - Great job with the lost inches:) Too funny about DH story.

Heidi - The way the weather has been going who knows you might get snow or we may have to ship it to you.

Cookie - Hoping you had a snow day too. I went back to work but only a couple of days a week this month maybe it's a blessing.

Lori - Busy, busy, busy!

Goodnight everyone:)
Trish - If you see this wondering how you would add STS total body to the STS rotation . . . once a week?
Good evening,

Helene - now I got it! LOL! You think because you have an RV, you don't stay in high end places..... RV parks these days are like resorts! When we went to Murtle Beach we stayed right on the beach, next to your 5 star hotel. You would pay $500, we payed for around $50, big difference. Thoese resorts even bring food right to your RV, same as a hotel. YOu get a lot more for your money, than a hotel. Not to mentioned you sleep in your own bed (not in a bed that 1000 or more people slept in). I had no idea all this stuff is out there for RV'ers! Not to mention the cost on food and drinks! We have a frige/frezzer and stove/microwave in your RV. We always stay in RV clubs, can't bet them! We stayed in New Orleans in the French Quaters, beutiful RV resort! They even drove & picked us up from Bourbon ST, lol! The walk was only 5 min, even after midnight, lol! The walk was only 5 min, lol! I also love it, because I can bring my dogs. They love it! I am not trying to sell you for an RV, lol! You would be suprised at how nice the RV' resorts are.

Iris - hope you had fun with your leg/sholdrs today. Yeap, I am a snow hater, lol!

Trish - wtg, on your workouts this morning. Not sure, if I will add in TB? That is one tough rotation, lol! Still thinking about it!

Amelia - glad I can help! Nice workouts today.

Melissa - I did a round of STS June/Sep! Our RV isn't small, it's over 3 feet long and the sides pull out! Lot's of space! I will post a pic if I can find one from our RV tomorrow.

Kirstin - awesome job, on D5 today.
Stay safe! I loved D2 today, went heavy on all exerises!

Heidi - LIC is so much fun, nice job!

Debbie - I am sorry your FIL is in the hospital! I will keep him in my prayers! Hope you get your workout in. I didn't do all those workout today, just D2/dog walk, lol! I asked that question on how to add STS TB:D This is the rotation:

Mon: Disc One
Tue...s: Disc Two
Wed: Disc three
Fri or Sat STS Total Body

Mon: Disc Four
Tues: Disc Five
Wed: Disc Six
Fri or Sat.... Lower Body Blast

Mon: Disc Seven
Tues: Disc Eight
Wed Disc Nine
Fri or Sat STS Total Body Blast

Mon: Disc Ten
Tues: Disc Eleven
Wed: Disc Twelve
Fri or Sat.... Lower Body Blast


Mon: Disc 13
Tues: Disc 14
Wed: Disc 15
Fri or Sat STS Total Body

Mon: Disc 16
Tues: Disc 17
Wed: Disc 18
Fri or Sat.... Lower Body Blast

Mon: Disc 19
Tues: Disc 20
Wed Disc 21
Fri or Sat STS Total Body Blast

Mon: Disc 22
Tues: Disc 23
Wed: Disc 24
Fri or Sat.... Lower Body Blast


Good night ladies!

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