Commit to get Fit & Lean for February 2015


I took a hot yoga class today, the instructor has different placement for our hands, curious to ask my favorite instructor her opinion. All I can say is it was tough.

Belinda - It seems like a lot of $$ I think I have one of Tracey's workouts but need to look at the cover to refresh my memory.

Kristin - I think that is a good idea to see if the school gives you the services w/o having to get another evaluation.

Wendy - My migraines are hormonal, when I was younger only a couple of times a year, but know they seem to be monthly:( The good thing is Excedrin works really good if I take it:confused: Great job getting in your workout!

Cookie - Ugh, the flu but sleep is key!! It looks like you did that last night. At one point my temp was almost 103 but once it dropped to 99 it was bearable. DH is taking Alleve, had a bad night last so hoping it takes a turn for the better tonight.

Waves hi to Amelia

Good mooring,

Just a quick check in : I have 3 doc appointments today. Today will be be rest day.

I will be back later tonight.

Happy Hump Day!
Hi Ladies!

Last night was RWH Chest, Shoulders and Back. BURN! LOL!

Belinda-LOL 3 doctor's appointments a day doesn't sound like a rest day. HA!!

Debbie-Don't you feel accomplished after a tough class like that?

Kristin-GAH that is crazy how much they want to charge!! I definitely think going through the school first is the way to go, especially because DS is 6. But yes, I totally get the stress and pressure you feel because you want to help your child the best way you can. Big hugs.

Cookie-How are you feeling today lady?

Waves to Amelia!

:) Wendy

Today I did STS M3 D29? Plyo legs. I didn't feel like doing plyo today so I did Plyo legs but skipped over the plyo exercises & did the weighted leg exercises 2x's. I really liked it that way:) Lots of stress today and I really hope Karma & prayers work.

DH went to the gym & walked on the TM & did light weights (that part crazy). It really lifted his spirits. Now I personally would be milking it LOL:)

Belinda - Wow 3 Dr. appts. hopefully they were near each other. I hope everything is ok?

Wendy - Great your back on track!! How are the temps in TX? It is going to be record breaking cold temps here starting tomorrow.

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

The first appointment was in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda, MD. Which too us almost 2 hours with heavy DC traffic. I had a full body scan at the dermatology clinic. I found a pump on my leg, had it for month. Since I am so light skin, my doctor at Fort Detrick wanted me to have a full body scan. I got checked by 2 dermatologist :D We had to drive back to Fredrick MD to get an ultrasound for my palvic and thyroid. Thank goodness, it was in the same place. Once I came home, I took my dogs for a long walk and did P57 cardio.

I didn't sign up for Tracey Mallet 2 month challenge. Way to much money.

Today workout is : Burn Sets : Biceps & Tricpes and SBF (?).

Cookie - I like Tracey Mallet's workouts, but not for the $$$. I also have a few of her DVD's and really enjoy them.

Debbie - my husband scheduled my appointments back to back :p That was Tuesday, all 3 appointments were the next day. He scheduled all his appointments, so he figured he schedule my as well:D When he told my Tuesday night, I was a little upset:rolleyes: Now I am glad it's over:D and I am done with it. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - any news yet? Hope all works out for your son. I am really sorry you are going through this.

Wendy - it wasn't a rest day. I feel like I am always moving, lol. Good job on RWH Chest, Shoulders and Back.

I will be back later.
Hi Ladies!

Last night was my first go with RWH Plyo #2. But I did the light version-4 inch step and that was plenty for me, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Debbie-Sending good thoughts and vibes your way. Temps here? 70's yesterday, 50's today, 70's on Saturday. No complaints!!

Belinda-What a crazy day! And a long walk and P57 too!! Very impressive!

:) Wendy

I decided to do P90X3 Pilates, I haven't done pilates in a long time & struggled with it. I have DOMS from STS leg workouts. I'm going to go to bed early we have a wedding tomorrow night.

Belinda - That was a good idea to get all the appointments done at once. For the body scan 4 eyes is better, I have to go every year too because Skin Cancer runs in my family. That is a great deal on Barre 3.

Wendy - 70's wow! but to jump down to 50's must be a shock. I haven't done that w/o yet but will use 4 inch risers too;)

It is so quiet, waves hi to everyone

Belinda, three appts in one day definitely is a workout! Hope all results show fine health! Nothing like leaving a dr.'s office with good news. Makes me feel like a million dollars. Let us know how you like that barre workout.
Amelia, how are you doing?
Kristin, one of our students was killed yesterday walking to school. He was holding his mom's hand when a truck hit him. So upsetting.
Wendy, you must be completely well to be rocking those workouts. I'm impressed. Are you going to watch 50 Shades? The book just didn't appeal to me, so I don't think the movie will either.
Deb, your dh must be a machine. Glad working out helped him to feel better. I do think it is an endorphin rush we get used to. How did the change in positions feel on your shoulders and wrists?
Still recovering but went to work yesterday. Just have headache and feel really tired. Now it seems to be moving into a sinus infection. No workout today other than stretching. Feeling like another rest day is what I really need with walking during the day. With my sinuses, I don't feel like rebounding or the movement with barre. Tomorrow planning on getting back on track. Hockey game tonight. Gosh, it would be so nice to rout for a team that could win now and then.
Good morning,

After my coffee I will do XT Legs and SBF.

Cookie - haven't gotten the results from the other 2 results ? I will give my doc a call today. Getting 3 appointment in one day was exhausting. Have you seen a doc for your sinus? Hope you feel better with lots of rest.

Debbie - it is a good deal :) On the Barre 3 site it's over $200 plus you get a 1 year free unlimited streaming. Not bad! You are right 4 eyes are better than 2 :p A few years ago I had a few really bad sun burns. I am glad it's not cancer.

Waving Hi to Kistin and Wendy.

I will be back later this evening or tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Hi everyone. Two days in a row that ended up being rest days. I just didn't have it in me. Month two is kicking my butt energy-wise. today I forced myself to do RWH LIHI CST. Tomorrow is LIHI legs and then Sunday will begin week three.

We have our meeting set for DS. It is 3/9. Next week there is no school, so technically two more school weeks until the meeting. In the meantime, we are taking him to see an eye doctor and then a neurologist, who may be able to diagnose if DS has dyslexia with the insurance covering the cost, which is a relief to say the least.

We are expecting more freakin' snow this weekend. I am dreaming of summer!

Belinda- I hate doctor's offices and having to see three doctors in one day would frustrate me to no end. I hate waiting around, lol. I guess it is better to get it all done in one day though. You really love the Barre workouts, huh?

Deb- How was the wedding? I love weddings, especially evening weddings. I am thinking of retesting my 1RMs after RWH and then doing STS with mixed cardios from all my favorites.

Wendy- the stress of thinking that I would have to spend all this money on testing was too much this week. Hopefully the neurologist will be able to tell us if he has it or not and then we can figure out what to do from there. How are you liking the RWH series? I love the all of them, it is hard to name a favorite. The circuits are awesome and the hiits are great too. I love plyo 2 and Low impact 2 out of the hiits.

Cookie- that is awful! I cannot imagine how that mother feels and the truck driver. I was walking in the parking lot with my younger DS today and a car was pulling out of a spot, I yanked my DS out of the way and thought about your student and his mother. I almost started crying and the car wasn't even really about to hit us or anything. So sad and senseless.

Off to rest tonight. Hoepfully I can sleep in a little tomorrow.

Belinda, hope all the results from your tests are showing the great care you take with your health.
Kristin, one of my brothers was hit while riding a bike when he was 8. To this day, my dad can't talk about it w/o crying. I really think his death was partly to blame for their divorce. Give your boys a couple extra hugs. I also am sick of this winter. Can't believe that it is even worse than year's.
Wendy, do you have a fav rwh? I like the upper body circuit best.
Deb, how was the wedding. An almost Valentine's Day one! Hope your dh is feeling better.
Waving hi to Amelia!
My sinuses are a hot mess, but I was quite remiss in not drinking much water this week due to the flu. Hoping drinking more and some Tynlenol Sinus helps. Was supposed to go to a bridal shower but between snow and sinus headache, I'm staying home. DH and I are supposed to go to a hockey game tonight, and are going out for a bite before hand, all weather and headache dependent. Yesterday was first day in a few that I finally got back up to 10K. Want to get there now for rest of month.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone,

XT All Out Low Impact is done.

Thanks Cookie :) Hope you feel better soon. You need to rest. I am so sorry about your brother (((HUGS)) Your poor dad. Good job on the 10K.

Kirstin - hate going to the doctors too. At least I am done now. I have to go and get the results next week. Keep us posted on your son 3/9. Sorry about the snow.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Happy Valentine's Day!

I just finished my workout for the day, LIHI Legs. I was in no mood to workout, but I did it anyway. I made the mistake of watching the movie The Notebook and it reminded me of my mom and I just was hysterical for the last hour of it. Yet, I refused to turn it off. I finally got off my ass long enough to clean the kitchen, put the pork roast in the oven and do my workout. We are having a family dinner home tonight, along with family game night. Once the kiddies go to bed, we should have some alone time, lol.

Belinda- the snow is a bit depressing at this point, lol. Couple that with me being stupid and watching that movie, I had to force myself to get off the couch, ugh! I cannot wait for spring. March will be here before we know it.

Cookie- that is so awful (what happened to your brother). Tragedies like that can cause marriages to break up for sure. Even the strongest love cannot win over feelings of guilt and resentment and the hurt. I cannot even imagine!

Okay, I will be back tomorrow.



"Happy Valentine's Day"
I'll be back tomorrow with personals. Grrrrr. . . it's snowing here!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend
Good morning,

Hope you all had a great day yesterday. DH took me out for a nice dinner. We had a blast.

Today I will do a nice stretch and that's it.

Here is a FREE download walking workout: the music is kinda boring, you always can play your own.

Kirstin - we got hit with a blizzard last night, made driving home almost impassible. Glad you had a relaxing day yesterday.

Debbie - it's cold and snowing here. Had enough of this stuff.
Happy Sunday!
Belinda, so what did you eat last night? How sweet of your dh to take you out. It is just too cold and too much snow. I worry about folks who have a hard time heating their homes and/or homeless, or have to work outside. I'm very thankful for heat and being safe inside. Thanks for the link. I haven't watched it yet but will get downstairs to do something once done here.
Amelia, how are you doing?
Wendy, hope all is well. How's the writing coming along?
Kristin, it must have been upsetting. Isn't it crazy what we do to ourselves. I've never seen the movie nor read the book, so I didn't know that's what it is about. Did you know? Hope the game night was fun. What have been some of the favs?
Deb, I can't believe this winter is worse than last year's! The poor Boston area! It's supposed to stop snowing here this afternoon. DH walked up the driveway yesterday to get the mail and came back looking like a snowman!
My shoulder is still bothering me so I'm going to call tomorrow and get an appt. It's at the collarbone area and really aggravating. Haven't worked out but managed to get some steps. Going to try one of JS's walking wo in a few minutes. I really feel like I want to do something! It's been a week!

Just looked at the outside temperature and it is reading zero degrees, brrrrrr . . . just crazy! Even though we had snow we didn't even bother doing the walkways just too cold out there. Wish I could stay under the covers until Spring;)

The wedding was really fun, the food was pretty good too! It was one of DH's gym friends. Everyone loved my dress, I also wore it for my nephews wedding & we have 2 more wedding this year so I will get my money's worth LOL.

Yesterday I did RWH Low Impact 2 and really liked it. Today was STS M3 D30 shoulders, bi's & tri's.

Belinda - It doesn't look like your weather is any better:(. It's nice that you were able to get out for dinner and get back home;) That was a good deal for Barre 3 + getting the streaming free!

Kristin - I loved RWH LI2 you were right! That is my plan to mix my favorite cardio's with STS but I also like to throw in yoga so it's going to take me longer to complete. I didn't redo the 1RMs just winging it but think I should have. The Notebook is a really good movie but your right their are parts that are tough. Good to hear the news about your son.

Cookie - That is so sad about your brother & the student:( When I watch the weather and see what is going on further North, I just can't understand how they are dealing with it. Take care of yourself and don't worry about working out, you'll feel better soon. Do you go to the Dr. for your sinuses?

Waves hi to Amelia & Wendy


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