Commit to get fit & lean for Dec 14, 2010


Good morning,

I will do chest/back plus Insanity today and abs! Need to get those abs in today!

I will be back later!

Have a great day and workout, ladies!
Sorry didn't check in last night. Got home at 9 and then between dinner, phone calls, and that I fell asleep. A little worried about driving in this morning. Our local schools are closed, but further south they're delayed and/or open. Figure if I wait just a half-hour, it will give the local road crews an opportunity to get out. That plus, I'm not sure my driveway is driveable. May have to stay home 'cause I can't get out of it. It's above the bumpers on all the cars. Yesterday did Intensity and today was sts tb. Will catch up on personals tonight.
Good Morning!

One training session down and three to go.....I have another full day ahead of me, starting with DS's speech apt. I also have my cookie exchange and dinner thing tonight. I also have an apt to get my hair cut at 2:30. It won't take long, just something else added into my day!

I'm not sure what my workout will be. I would like to do a run outside but not sure if that's gonna be possible.

Kristin** T'is the season to eat terrible! LOL I am sure you won't do to much damage.

Belinda** Enjoy your workout!

I am hoping to bbl but who knows with the schedule I have today!

Morning all,

Belinda: Wow, big muscle groups and insanity for today. If you don't collapse from that let me know. I hope you are taking your vitamins!

Melissa: You are too funny. Yep, I hope they drown when you leave. But in the meantime, if I have learned one thing is that none of us are irreplaceable. As much as we would like it otherwise. But it's gonna be fun :eek:

Kristin: Sounds like you are counting down the days too.

Lori: OMG, I don't know how you can do it all and still work full time. Nuts I say :eek: But I am getting used to it coming from you so get to it! LOL

Cookie: Sounds like you got a lot more snow than I did. No school closings here. Guess that means I get to go to work too. ;)

Amelia: Hope your day went well. With or without the yoga.

Hi to everyone else.
Morning ladies! So excited for today, going to try intensity since I got that and buts and guts from the ups guy/Santa last night. Can't wait to start, just enjoying some coffee and time with my little angel then it's off to close starbucks tonight. Everyone enjoy your day and remember to work work lol. Oh yea epcot tomorrow, it's so nice living in Florida ESP since it's cold here but not snowy.
Evening everyone! I just finished GS Back shoulders and biceps. My arms are fried and so am I. Lol.

Cookie- how much of the white stuff do you have? here in LI, we only got about 1-2 inches. it was enough to make the commute a long one though because of all the black ice. Did you make it to work?

Helene- At this point I think everyone has some kind of countdown going on, lol.

Heidi- how was intensity. I love Butts and Guts. You'll feel teh burn, let me tell you!

Belinda- Ar eyou still standing after that workout!?! :eek:

Lori- I don't know how it is by you, but the temps here witht eh wind chill are about 9 degrees. I won't run outside (when I run at all) if the temp is below 40, lol.

Hello to Amelia, Iris, Melissa and Deb.

Evening ladies!

I did HIIT Pyramid and 4DS Higher Intensity Step Only premix tonight. For some reason my abs always kill after HIIT. I also have DOMS in my chest and back from last night's STS session, waahooo!! :D

Belinda, :eek: at your workout today!! You are a machine! How long did it take you to do that?

Cookie, did you make it in today?

Lori, have fun tonight!

Heidinsasha, I asked for Intensity from Santa ;) I keep hearing great things about it. I'm still on the fence with the other new workouts so not sure if I will get them yet. Have fun at Epcot! I'm jealous that it's not cold down in FL lol ;)

Kristin, I hear you on the commute this morning! We got prob between 2&3" but it was enough to make people drive like idiots. Oh and guess what? I asked my liquor manager if the headquarters are close to Stony Brook (they are based out of the island) and he said it's 10 min away! So if I do wind up at SB then I can still do tastings woohoo!!!

Hi to Amelia, Deb, Iris, and Trish! Hope you all have a good night :)
Good evening,

Cookie - that's a lot of snow! Stay safe! Nice job, on Intensity and STS TB today.

Lori - hope you had fun with 4 training session. I don't know how you do it, with working, taking care of your family and getting your own workouts in!

Helene - you are too funny. Of course, I take my vitamins!

Heidi - how did you like Intensity? Fun isn't it?

Kirstin - nicely done with your workout today. LOL, still stainding!

Melissa - nice jix of workouts today. Insanity takes about 40 min and my workouts range from 30-45 min.

Waves big HALLO to Trish, Iris and Debbie!

Good night, girls!

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