Commit to get fit for Feb 20 -26 ,2012


Hi and good morning,

Sorry for beeing MIA this weekend. Been unpacking since Friday, can't stop:( missing all kinds of stuff.

Today I will start M1.

I will catch up later, need to get my workout in. BBL!

This week is my last week of not doing any cardio. I can't wait to add some back in!

Belinda: we figured your boxes swallowed you whole. It will come to an end soon. How is you DH doing with all this stuff? I can't see him lifting too much stuff with his back. And I can't think all the dust on the boxes from being in a truck are good for your sinuses.

Deb: LOL at Kristin getting the last garlic knots. Is your schedule better lately by the way?

Kristin: when is it that you are on vacation? I thought you would be gone already.

Hi to everyone else!

That's about it for me. I've got some sexy legs to sculpt today ;-)
Hey there!
Sorry I've been MIA. Had an attack of diverticulitis and sinus at the same time, and it flattened me out. Saturday was the first day I worked out in almost two weeks! Did sts and yesterday afterburn. Have a mtg in about an hour then so hope to get something in this evening.
Have to read and catch up on everyone Hope all is well.
Cookie: :( sorry to see that you haven't been feeling well. Those workouts you did are intense. That's one way to get back into it! I hope you are much better now. Looking forward to hearing what you've been up to.
Evening all. Today's workout was AS and med ball abs. We went to the city and took the boys to the museum of natural history. It was fun, but soooo crowded. As the day went on, I was having a hard time lifting DS because I have major DOMs in my pecs and shoulders from yesterday's workout.

Cookie- so sorry you weren't feeling well for so long. Way to get back on the workout horse!

Helene- we are off this week. We are not going to Florida until June.

Belinda- sorry about your things missing. Is there another shipment coming?

Deb- my pizzeria was probably down garlic knots after I ate them all, lol. They were so good. I think that because I do not eat white carbs often, when I do eat them, I scarf them done, lol.

Good night all!

I did Kick, Punch & Crunch tonight. I was so sad today my niece at Penn State was beaten by 5 girls, all because she didn't want to want a picture of one of the girls:confused: Thank God she is ok, but has a black eye & fractured nose. These girls weren't from Penn State but apparently they have caused problems like this before the police officer said. When will all this bully crap end:mad: Sorry just needed to vent & was happy KPC was on the schedule today!

Belinda - Do you think some boxes still haven't arrived since your missing stuff?

Helene - You are going to one strong girl! I've been busy the middle of this month just so I can get Spring stuff out but should slow down again at the end of the month, which is almost here:eek:

Cookie - Take it easy, happy to hear your feeling better. Those were some w/o's to start back up with:)

Kristin - And I thought everyone was shopping today:) difficult to get a parking spot but at least no traffic. I'm sure after all that walking & lifting DS you burned those knots right off.

Good morning,

I did M1 D1 and stretching last night. Still unpacking boxes, I have way to much. I will not buy anything anymore, except food. Nomore workout DVDs and more more cloth/shoes, lol. Oh, I almost forgot no more dishes, lol!
Cookie - sorry, to hear you been sick, hope you feeling better now. I was worried about you. Good job, with STS and AB.

Helene - ROFLMAO! You know once you move, how much stuff you got. I have more than than most people. My neighbors said last week, now they know why we bought the biggest house in the area (once the saw all those boxes in the garage, lol!). No cardio for a week, how nice.

Kirstin - good job, on AS. Sounds like you and your family had lots of fun in the city/museum. How are your DOMS doing? No more shipments, that's it! I had a total of wooden grates. 12 came from Germany and 12 came from El Paso.
My eating been bad too.

Debbie - all the boxes are here, the movers just put them in the wrong boxes?? That's what I am hoping. I still have around 100 boxes to unpack. I work around the clock and still feel like I am not getting done, lol. Nicely done on KPC last night. Sorry, about your niece, that's awful! ((HUGS))

I will be back after my workout.

Have a great day, everyone!

Belinda: Thank you. It was actually yesterday so now I need to stay on track. Actually it's Sunday's eating that was not so good. LOL. And that's no cardio for a MONTH, not a week! So tough to do. I want to pull out my step. LMBO on the dishes. I bet Alesia will bring some more when she moves in too. :eek:

Deb: Oh no! What happened to your niece? What do you mean she didn't want to report it? That is sad :( Glad you had KPC but it sounds like a heavy bag bonus might have been in order. And seriously, 5 against 1? Real tough.

Kristin: OK, now I remember it. I want to take DS to the natural history museum sometime soon. I think now that he is older he will appreciate it more. Nice workout.

Cookie: Hope you are still doing well. Will be nice to see you again sometime soon. Yep, I'm just about to start counting down for the RT. :)

Hello to everyone else.

I worked my back and biceps this morning. I'm getting stronger and loving it. Just in time to tackle some cleanmax.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi all. Today I played some basketball with Nikolas outside. I also walked while the boys rode their bikes/scooters around the block. I just finished STS D20 legs. The trisets are my favorite leg workouts. Now I am just chilling out waiting for DH to come home.

Deb- so sorry about your niece. That is crazy. Violence among girls has been increasing for the last decade. It is awful. I hope she is feeling better. The fact that these girls do not go there and have been in trouble for that kind of behavior before is alarming. Why are they on campus? Good job with KPC.

Helene- the workout program you are d d sounds very interesting. What is called again? Is it a DVD set?

Belinda- 100 boxes to unpack. . . Geez, that is a workout in itself!


Kristin: it's a free program designed by Jamie Eason (she is pictured in oxygen magazine all the time if you have it). She is also a spokesperson for Her program is called "livefit trainer" and it's interesting. A lot of splits so you lift weights very often. I'm lifting 5 days/week at the moment with no cardio. Next week I start lifting 6x/week with some cardio added in, but it's low intensity cardio (think of a fast walk). The last month has higher reps workouts and hiit type cardio in the form of sprints. She also has nutrition planned out to go along with it and it goes all the way to include carb cycling at the end. It looks easy on paper by the way, but it's not. Anyway, you'll find it right away if you google it. It's on
Happy Belated Birthday, Helene! What did you do to celebrate? Hope it was a a great day.
Nothing exciting going on the past two weeks. Honestly, the infections just wore me out. It was all I could do to make it thru the day. Think I did too much 'cause today I was dragging again. Even slept in this morning! Your workouts sound very interesting.
Belinda, your workouts sound very tough - 100 boxes. How long do you plan on staying on this rotation? JK
Deb, that's horrible, and I'm really sorry to hear about your niece. Hope she heals physically and emotionally soon. BTW, I did kpc yesterday also.
Kristin, did I ever tell you I lived at the south end of Am History Museum for a few years? Fabulous area! Sounds like you worked out those knots.
Today was a rest day. Think I overdid it the past couple of days and wasn't ready for it. Picked up a Tracey Anderson dvd at library, so want to try it out in the morning.

1st Happy Birthday, Helene!!!!

I took a spin class today.

An update on my niece, the Dr. sent her to the hospital & all the test came back fine but they said she is very lucky & she must see Dr. again (especially for her eye & nose). The Dr., hospital & detective insisted that she press charges because they feel the next time these girls strike the girl may not be as lucky. The boy's apartment that this happened at turned over the names of the girls. The saddest part is only one person (boy) at the party helped her. She wasn't with her usual group because her friends had gone home for the weekend, she said she will never stay home alone again.

Belinda - Wow, that is a lot of boxes but you are smart to get it done otherwise it could turn into months or years if it were me:eek:

Helene - Hey, don't be so hard on yourself about the eating it was your birthday:) Jamie's program sounds interesting & you will be ready for the RT!

Kristin - Do you have all week off? I think it's only a couple of days in NJ. Pefect weather for your break. The detective said that groups of girls ganging up on one is common (crazy) not with boys.

Cookie - I bet your body is still recovering from the infections. Wonder if we did KPC the same time:), I sometimes wonder when I'm doing a Cathe w/o who else may be doing it too.

Goodnight everyone:)
Good morning,

I will do D2 today. I ended up doing 40/20 last night.

Helene - I hope you still had fun, had no idea your bday was on Sunday. Are you seeing any results from your rotation? On the other side, I wouldn't mind not doing cardio for a month, LOL! Once I am done with STS I will check out Jamie Eason program.

Kirstin - glad you got to enjoy playing some basketball with Nikolas. I love the trisets leg workout in M2.
Cookie - sounds like you still have an infection, take it easy on the workouts. They can wait, your body needs the rest. I am done with STS pyramiding down the middle of March.

Debbie - glad your niece is pressing charges, they right the next time she may not be so lucky. Poor girl! So said what kids do these days, wth? Good job, on your spin class yesterday.

Happy Hump Day, everyone!!!
Hi all. Today was a gorgeous day. DH took the day off and we went to the beach with the boys. We tried to fly a kite, but there was not enough wind. We played football and at the beach park instead. It was a great family day. I just finished MMA Kickbox. My legs are really sore from yesterday's STS workout. I was hoping some kicks would loosen them up, but no chance, lol.

Belinda- I take it you are on Meso one on the way down the pyramid? How do you like this pyramid concept? what results have you seen? When you are done with M1 are you giving STS a rest for a bit?

Deb- I am really glad your niece is pressing charges. The whole situation is just crazy to say the least. The fact that only one person helped her is insane. It sounds like an episode of What Would You Do? How old are these girls? I hope they are over 18 and the DA does not give them any deals.

Cookie- are you feeling more like yourself today? I hope you are feeling better.

Helene- that sounds interesting. I am going to check out the site when I have more time. I have never done anything other than Cathe for at home workouts.

Okay, off to decide what is for dinner.

Evening ladies,

Kristin: Yes it was a beautiful day wasn't it. Can't believe this winter. I wonder what summer has in store. Your legs are going to feel good tomorrow morning :p

Deb: Just a crazy story about your niece. State College is not a big place so she probably is not going to feel comfortable and I bet not all 5 girls will end up pursued for it. What year is she again? Really sad :(

Cookie: Take good care of yourself. Those were some tough workouts to come back to.

Belinda: No results yet..... I wish!!!!:D But I am eating more and have fewer cravings....I think. So that's good in itself. The workouts are going to intensify so I'll keep you posted. People were saying you are not supposed to see much results in the first 6 weeks but that the "fat" should come off in the last 6 weeks. I'll keep you posted for sure.

Rest day for me today. Have a good evening and hi to anyone lurking. :)

I did yoga & leaner legs today. It was so weird doing such an oldie w/o. I kept wondering which one was Cathe's sister. Does anyone know?

Belinda - I was thinking it's a good thing you bought a big house to fit everything in. Do you keep the RV in the driveway?

Kristin - I see your already working on your tan:cool: I remember collecting seaglass on the beach in the winter as a kid. It's great that you have this week to spend with the kids. Not sure how old the girls are but my niece is 21.

Helene - I know 2 already have a record for this kind of thing. My niece is a junior. Is this a program you can repeat if you are happy with the results?

Cookie - I hope the weather is helping you.

Lori - Wondering how the little one is.

Good morning,

I am up early, because husband is snoring his a$$ off, lol. I guess, I am getting a head start. Or I will be out this afternoon? Anyway, today I will do cardio?
Kirstin - glad you enjoyed that gorgeous day with your family, good for you. Yes, I am pyramiding down (M1). I like the pyramid concept alot. I am seeing lots of muscle I didn't had before, lol. It's all good.

Helene - Once I am done with STS, I will look into your program. Sounds very interresting! Hope you enjoyed your rest day today.

Debbie - What? Cathe's sister is in LL? Had no idea! My neighbors told us the same thing, lol! No, the RV is not in the driveway. The house is on a golf course, we have HOA rules. Which I like!

Cookie - how are you feeling? Take it easy, girl!

Off for more coffee! BBL!
We could have been having coffee together! Mine was snoring also, so I've been up since about 1:15! Worried about making it thru the whole day. Of course, he'll be fine.
Deb, I keep thinking about your poor niece. Only one person? That is just beyond terrible. Didn't know Cathe's sister is in LL; almost makes me want to go check it out, maybe I will.
Helene, what did you do for your b'day celebration? I checked out Jamie's info and that sounds interesting. Are you hungry? I'm with Belinda, don't think I would miss cardio too much.
Kristen, a day at the beach sounds great. I'm loving this winter.
Tried out that Tracy Anderson mat dvd from the library yesterday and it reminded me of TurboBarre or Long and Lean in some ways. Only she is terrible at cuing! And she doesn't have Cathe's personality. Did it again this morning since it goes back today, but I won't be requesting it again. Four meetings today and hoping to clean out space at work. Hope my eyes stay open.
Happy Thursday. Loving this week off because I can do longer workouts ;). Today I did Low Max Step Combos Only premix plus STS D21, back and biceps. I cannot believe I have one week left of Meso 2! Getting ready to take the boys out.

Cookie and Belinda- my husband snores like a bear, and in this tiny house, there is no escaping it!!!!!

Belinda- maybe I will try the pyramid, ;)

Deb- hope your niece is doing okay. I keep thinking about it.

Okay, I will be back later.


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