hey Carrie and Cheryl_
Carrie-I was wondering wear you went? so youve been taking a break from the 'puter;-) Good for you!
Cheryl-High fives on your run yesterday

If you decide to take a rest day...enjoy

Ive just been kinda stressed about adjusting to my new DH hours at work! For so long he would go in-in the early morning and be home(to help with the kids)around 3:30. Now its the other way around and I feel like im doing EVERTHYINGx(. Its been kinda hard on me lately to adjust to him not being here at night! Thats our alone,connecting time. Time we spend together and now its in the morning...which is usually a busy time for me! With working out and cooking,cleaning,getting DD ready for school, picking her up for school,taking care of ds(whos 2,in diapers)journaling my food,workouts! Watching the clock like a mad women to make sure im eating every two hours(bfl;-)) making sure i drink my water,making trips to the grocery store...i mean its all kinda getting to me now!I just have to sit back sometimes and take a breath,LOL
And WORK,OMG...How and When would I fit that in? I think I would die right now if I had to work part-time! But then agian,it could be a break from 'home-life'?
I did talk to my mom last night who is completely agianst my DH right now...she thinks its his fault that im stressedout. but the way I see it is he works full-time and he does help with the kids/house if i ask him too? I just feel like its my job to take care of the kids and the house so i don't really ask him that much.
ok,im done with my novel now...bbl
Thanks for asking and listening!