Ameila** Are you sore from yesterdays workout? I hate that. Well...not even that so much as not breaking a sweat. When I workout I want to feel it! And sweat is a good sign of hard work.Sounds like you are taking it easier on your UB and torturing your lower half! LOL:+ I think you should soon post some pics! I have been chatting to you for a yr now and still have only a mental pic of what you look like!
Carrie** How as your workout? I know what you mean about not having enough room with a baby in the house. Their toys sure do take up alot of room,don't they? Just wait until he has his first b-day! Actually, I found christmas to be worse then his b-day. We built a new home b/c we were having a baby and didn't even bother to have a playroom in there! What dummies! So now we took the spare bedroom as his playroom, for now.
Laine** Glad to hear you got some kind of workout in yesterday! Be kind to those knees! They are the only ones you have.I suppose now a days you can get new ones if you need them! LOL Last night when I was cleaning the floor my right knee really hurt, when I looked I had a big bruise on it! I remember hitting it yesterday but I didn't think I hit it that hard. When we were growing up and I wouldn't eat my dinner, I would hide under the table and my mom use to always say "get up, your fathers gone to get the belt" LOL I never got hit with it but I tell ya, I certainly wasn't about to see if he were gonna use it. Thats whats wrong with kids these days...not the fact that we aren't allowed to hit them anymore
but b/c we can't they aren't afraid of anyone or anything. Most teenagers have no respect for their parents or teachers anymore.
Stacy** You seem like such a good mom! Do you enjoy staying home? Obviously you do, or you wouldn't do it. Sometimes I think I would like to stay home but then they are other days that I feel like calling work to see if they need me!:+ I just like not having a schedule, if that makes sense. I know with kids there is always some sort of schedule but I really enjoyed having that yr off and not having to be anywhere on any particular day.
Shannon** Nice workout yesterday. I enjoy C&W's, haven't done it in a while though. I also know what you mean about company. Its nice to see them comming, but also nice to see them going:7 BFL is a great program if you can stick with it. Me, I ended up gaining 2 lbs somewhere along the way and it won't leave! I don't know why! Its stuck to me like glue. I use to weigh 116-118, 116 being at the lower end when I didn't eat very much the day before. Now I am up to 119-120. Its not the end of the world and I think the reason i started freaking out was b/c I was afraid that the scale wasn't going to stop moving up! LOL If I can maintain 120, Im fine with that as well. Good luck with the program.
Cheryl** How are you feeling today? Better I hope. Sometimes those colds can be so nasty!
Kristine** Glad to hear you got a workout in yesterday! Whats wrong with your back? Did you hurt it or was it the workout that hurt it!
I think that catches me up on personnals! Now I am debating doing 4DS UB or GS? Depending on the time maybe. If DS goes for a nap maybe I will do GS B,S,B and a run and tomorrow before work I can do another run plus GS C&T. We will see!