Hello long lost cyber friends! Seems like a while since I've had a chance to chat! But, here I am now
So, the wedding was wonderful. It was very small, but so well done and just relaxing for DH and I. The kids did very well for their grandparents too which is always a plus. The van is at the shop, it isn't a battery issue, most likely the starter or alternator. We expect it to cost several hundred $$. What can you do? Have to get it fixed as it's my kid mobile
Today I'm back to my workouts!!! Very excited, and I feel GREAT today
Now trying to figure out what to do. I'm thinking I'll do a good cardio session on my elliptical to get back into it, and also some pilates for my abs. That will be a good start I think. I'm just waiting for DS to go down for a nap to get going.
Okay, totally behind on personals, but I'll try my best
Belinda, hope you are having a super rest day and it looks like you are doing great with workouts and weight loss!!
Amelia, AWESOME on the scale going back down (I knew it would!). Also, you had asked the other day about programs for your 2 yr. old DS. Have you thought about a mom's day out type of program with some of your local churches? They usually have lots of options for days and times and are reasonably priced. It would give him some social time and you a bit of a break. As far as extra skin, I would think all the weight training would help fix that, right?
Lori, hello! Sounds like your b-day party was a blast yesterday and so nice that you got some good rest! I got great sleep the last few nights as well and boy does it make a difference!! How are you liking the TM now that you've had it fow a while? Hope you have a great workout today! I know you will
Shannon, how is your DH? He is probably back now and that is so exciting! Hope you have a great day with him.
Carrie, yay on the BM2!! I also love it although I've only done portions of it. Is it nice to have a change from PX90? How is your little DS? He is about 9months now, right?
Cheryl, how are you? Sounds like your new weight loss/nutrition program is just the key you needed. GREAT job!!
Lainie, how's it going? Having a better day today? I read your posts and it sounds like you've had a VERY stressful week. I hope you are feeling better and things turn around for you this week. Seems like bad luck goes in phases, at least it has for us lately with all the illnesses, car troubles, etc. Guess that's the way life goes, eh?
Kristine, hi there! How's Heidi? Is she getting pretty fast? Ryan is really starting to walk fast it's really cute! Great job on your workouts this past week.
Oh get this, with that nasty flu bug I dropped down to my pre, pre, pre (that's for each kid!) preggo weight of 135!! That is my ideal weight for my 5 ft. 8 frame so I'm very happy about that.
Now just need to tone it all up! Okay, everyone have a nice day today and I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know how the workout went