Commit to get FIT and Lean for March!

I finally made it to the Easter break. . . it was a long week!!! I ended up taking a rest day yesterday because I was so exhausted from not sleeping. Today I did Xtrain Legs and then BS bi's. Tomorrow I will do All Out and then BS tri's, and I will be caught up for the week's rotation.

I am excited for tomorrow because I am going to look at houses!!! Then we have to go to my sister's house for a birthday party. Really do not want to go. My sister and I just do not get along and I am not in the mood to deal with her. I will make the best of it and think of moving into a new house, lol.

Belinda- the house I looked at last week is not "new" but it was gutted and redone. When I saw new, I mean not this house that I am living in now. It will be new to me, lol. I shop Kohls online too. It gets me in trouble, lol.

Deb- they are saying we might get hit with more snow on Sunday. NOOOOO!!!! I cannot take another single snowflake, I swear! I went to bed at 8:30 last night, right after the boys went down. I was so tired!

Cookie- we made it!

I am off to catch a movie.


Today I took a yoga class & tonight did the 100 rep bi challenge. We just finished watching "Man on a Ledge" it was really good.

Belinda - Even though I'm in stores a lot I still like to shop online. I think you can get better deals online too. I'm happy your DVDs showed up.

Lori - I remember you saying you may start PT again, did you?

Kristin - Except for the possible snow on Sunday:mad: you must be doing the happy dance that you have off. Do your boys have the same week off? Around here the breaks are all different from school to school.

Amelia - It must have been a piece of cake at work tonight LOL.

Cookie - I can't wait to put my winter clothes away! The groundhog was wrong this year:)

Pam - What are you up to this weekend?

Belinda, which two dvds arrived?
Kristin, not me. Four more days yet. We have the week after Easter off. Well, I'm taking two days off the week after Easter. Keep thinking of how much better your life is than your sister's and that might help. Looking at houses can be so inspiring. Hope you find one you're in love with.
Amelia, life is busy. Great you're keeping up with your workouts. How is your niece?
Pam, are you walking this weekend?
Lori, thought of you with all the news about Lululemon! You would truly freeze wearing them.
Deb, is this a sauce weekend? I like Kohl's but stay away from there. I get in enough trouble with Target. Stopped there last evening and again got more than I planned.
Been up since about 3 and am feeling a bit sleepy so hoping I can catch a few more zzzs. Have BS: cbs on tap for today.
Morning girls, I finally have some time to catch up with you guys.

Its a rainy day here in GA. We ( the kids and I) were suppose to go to their school for an Easter thing but its canceled now :( Guess we'll find something else to do today.

Athletic training really got me good yesterday. I felt so hot later at work. I had to go into the freezer at work to cool off. :eek: Today will be some weights. I'm not sure if I will do another Xtrain or a full body workout yet?

Kristin-I'm crossing my fingers that you find the perfect house. So im thinking the house down the street didn't work out? Hope the b-day party goes good.

Deb- I rented Cirque Du Soleil last night and watched half of it with my kids. It was amazing...I was in awe during the whole time. I will have to check out Man on a Ledge. Nice job on your workout.

Belinda- I love that TJ fat blaster workout, It doesn't seem to be sold separately from CLX.:(

Cookie- hopefully you can get in a nap sometime today. Have a good workout! My niece is doing good. She's so funny, last weekend she said. " Aunt Amy, will you tell Peebles to leave me alone? I told her and she won't listen to me!" -peebles is our boxer that LOVES kids and doesn't realize she's a big intimidating dog. LOL

Pam-Hows the back this morning? Hope your doing better...

Waves hi to Lori

I had to close last night and I forgot how overwhelming closing can be. I had two customers walk up and want a custom made cake right then :mad: I hate that...we require a 24 hour notice! I declined one and made the 'easier' one. ;) Then I had to make all these d@mn bunny cakes for Easter coming up. I made them last year and they were a nightmare then too. To much detail & time required and I had to do 24 of them :confused:

Just bought Turbo Jams Fat Blaster workout on Amazon :eek: Now I wish I could find Burn circuit and burn it up from CLX too...

It's quiet here today. I did Afterburn tonight. I did some shopping for things I need for Easter dinner next week. I wish the weather would feel more like Easter. When I was watching the news tonight it was in the 70's last year on this date:eek:

Cookie - I hope you were able to get back to sleep. This week is a sauce week . . . I already started browning the meat so hopefully it will be easier tomorrow. I can do lots of damage in Target & they sell more food now too at our locations.

Amelia - Wow, I won't complain about cooking because 24 cakes is a lot to do! I can't imagine someone wanting a custom cake on such short notice:confused:

Waves hi to everyone:)

Belinda, in reading back over the posts, I saw it was a couple of BB dvds you were waiting for. Did you get everything? How do you like them?
Kristin, how was the visit to your sister's and house touring? We might go to a garden show today, but then I'll think of 5 million things I should do around here.
Lori, hope all is well. How is your ds feeling after last weekend?
Amelia, I won't complain about having to make more coffee cakes today after reading about your cakes. Folks are so rude to think you could make something so fast and of quality when it says 24 hours. LOL at your dn.
Pam, hope everyone has recovered.
Deb, sauce sounds good. I'm imagining the smell.... Is your family into March Madness?
Did get back to sleep yesterday for a bit, but up again today at 3. Think this is my new routine, and I'm wondering if lack of sleep and plenty of stress is why I'm still not losing weight. Jumped on the scale this morning and almost jumped back off to throw the darn thing out - stuck on same d*** number. Am seeing more definition in my arms, core and legs. Crazy how hung up on a number I can be. Plus, my eating has been really good and only one glass of wine, 2 oz, last Sunday. Thanks for letting me vent.
Did bs: bi/tris and supersets yesterday, with a dog walk. Today will be bs: cbs and another dog walk, if the weather holds out. Hoping to go to a home/garden show with friends, grocery shopping, and then paperwork.
Morning girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, had a busy day. I lost my Fitbit in Costco on Saturday. Not every happy about that! Yesterday we did take the dogs for a walk.

Cookie - I did ordered a couple of BB dvds, finally I got them all. I ordered all TJ workouts. How was the garden show? They had one in DC, couldn't go.

Debbie - I watched the news this morning, we are getting more snow. This weather is crazy this year. I bought some herbs in Home Depot, I think I wait to plaint them outside. I shop mostly online, I find better deals online.
Amelia - all those DVDs you mention are only around $59. I did the math buying single dvds from Amazon, came out more expensive. Plus if you order through a BB or Mary, you get free stuff (like extra dvds/weighted cloves) Mary is awesome, I been ordering through her since years. If you have a problem with BB she handles it. If you order directly through BB, they will assign a coach to you. The Fat Blaster DVD is only sold in the Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite Kit Series ($59.85 for 5 workouts. not her CLX ($59.85 for 7 workouts) is a different series. I like Chalene, she cracks me up! I will buy CLX and on the ball next;)

Kirstin - time to relax! Yeah! Have fun looking at houses. Our house was 7 years old when we bought it, lol. We still making lot's of changes, there is always something to do:eek: lol.

I will be back later. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

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Delaying doing paperwork. Really the only paperwork I want to do right now is reading the newspaper!
Belinda, so which of those two TJ or CLX do you recommend? You've been on a roll w/BB products. Hope you don't get any snow. That's a pain about your fitbit. I wear mine in my bra. Unfortunately, one of my bras must be so secure the fitbit hardly records any steps!
Amelia, do you like your new dvd?
Kristin, how was house hunting?
Deb, I made soup, and a couple of things for the week, but no sauce.
Did BS: cbs, clb, and a 4.5 mile walk. No wonder I'm tired now. Have HS to do and then done with this rotation. Had the best results w/this one. Wondering what to do next.

I had a headache/migraine all day today at times felt sick to my stomach. Thinking it is related to TTOM or allergies?? I'll try & make-up for tomorrow's workout today. I did cook a sauce today.

Belinda - Did you check with lost & found for your fitbit? I can't wait to plant herbs but too soon here nothing is even green yet:( Snow tomorrow too.

Lori - Your MIA:)

Kristin - I hope you had fun house hunting today.

Amelia - I love KPC:)

Cookie - As long as you look good don't worry about the number on the scale. You had a busy weekend & time to cook too! I rushed through my sauce at the end because we needed to go someplace but it turned out good.

Morning girls,

I will do TJ today, not sure which one yet? I never got a workout in yesterday, we worked around the house. It never stops! We got a lot done. DH finally put up all wall mount in my gym, now all my BB's are off the floor. Been bordering me since we moved in.

Debbie - hope you feel better. Take it easy. I took all my herbs inside, we are covered in snow.

Cookie - so far I have all the TJ workouts. I will buy TF everntually. LOL! I don't own CLX, but highly recommend TJ. Than the :eek:Next step is Turbo Fire. Those are a lot of fun too. I wore my Fitbit in my bra:eek:, still not sure how it came lose?

Amelia - good job yesterday.

Hi Kirstin, Lori and Pam.
Will be back after my workout.
Hi everyone! I am sorry I have been MIA. Saturday we looked at houses. We went back to the house that is just a few blocks away (I could walk to it if it wasn't snowing out WTH :mad::confused:), and then at 5-6 others in the area. Nothing compared to the house in my neighborhood. We put in a bid and it was accepted! Our friend is going to do an informal inspection and then we go to contract. We will probably be in the new house by May!!!! :D:D:D I am so excited, but I have NOT been sleeping. My mind won't shut off. I am thinking about furniture (don't have much and need more, oh, and I've never had a queen bed!). I am thinking about what if we don't find a renter, although I already have two prospects. I am thinking about how I am going to do this with all the year-end evaluation stuff going on at work (May meeting with my lead evaluator, unannounced observation, testing). I just need to take a step back and handle one thing at a time. Then there is the packing and discarding the tons of crap in the basement. . .

Anyway. . . I did manage to workout Saturday before the party, which wasn't that bad at all. I survived. I think it was knowing that our bid was accepted, lol. I did ALL Out and then added BS triceps. Sunday was a rest day. My eating is out of control, lol. I need to get it together.

I have supercuts on tap for today. This is my last week of the 90 day rotation!

Deb- you just reminded me that Easter is next week, lol. With all that is going on, I completely forgot. Then again, it could be that it feels more winter-like these days than spring! My Kohls charge might come on handy when I buy things for the new house after closing. . . I'll have to be very disciplined, lol.

Cookie- I'm sorry you are not off yet. If I was working today, I would be running on 3 hours of sleep. Not a good thing when you arew in charge of five classes of 30 12-13 year olds!

Belinda- my mind is already racing with things I will do with the house, mostly furniture selection. I am kind of hoping my parents will offer to buy us something, lol.

Amelia- no, we picked this house. I just felt I shouldn't bid on the first one I saw. It fits our budget perfectly and my DS won't have to change schools. Perfect! I am so excited to get in it!

Waving hello to Lori-

Pam- are you feeling 100% yet?

Oh- I have decided not to preorder new dvds. I will probably eventually just get the step one. I need to save every penny!
Hey girls

No workout today, I had planned on getting in some leg work before or after work but it just didn't happen. I came home and took a sleepy today.

Oh and I decided to cut back on caffeine. This morning was one cup instead of two...i know, I must be crazy but my anxiety is back a little and the caffeine just makes it worse. I figure I will do a cup a day for about a week then cut it back to 1/2 a cup then (gulp) none at all. I can always drink decaf in the mornings or hot tea. I love hot tea...will keep you guys updated as I venture forward :eek:

Kristin-Awesome job with super cuts..that workout is so fun! Congrats on the new house!!! That so exciting:)

Belinda-How was turbo jam? yay on the DB's off the floor!

Cookie-Nice workout! I've been seriously thinking about doing a XT/LIS rotation starting in April. And just tweaking it as I go along...if need be. I prob won't get that new workout until the end of this week, im excited about it though:)

Deb-Sorry to hear about your migraine. Did you make that pasta sauce?

Hello to Pam and Lori :)

I took today off thought we would have snow but just flurries & rain. Not complaining but still waiting for Spring. I did XT legs today. I started my taxes but really need to finish them.

Belinda - I saw on the news that you were getting a lot of snow:confused: There is a girl in the TJ's w/o's that had 7 children, I couldn't even imagine that!

Kristin - I'm so happy for you!! You can always buy the furniture slowly & only get the essentials at first. Sometimes you have to live in the house first to see what will work. It's too bad your move doesn't fall during your summer vacation.

Amelia - Sometimes a nap is just what we need:) I did make pasta sauce. I love tea in the morning I feel like it relaxes me before starting the day.

Waves hi to Lori, Cookie & Pam

Hey Girls:)

Sorry I've been Mia. It's hard to check in with the kids cause the baby thinks its funny to hit the iPad so the screen moves:rolleyes:. I don't know when I checked In last and I don't think I have time to catch up on personals.

We had a busy weekend. Got some runs in,my workout tonight was ride and burn sets chest, shoulders and bics.

I'll check back in tomorrow and try to get into a better routine!!!


Got a virus on my computer. I will mke it quick, I am on my kindle. Yesterday I did TJ Kick, Jam. Plus CTX back/planks.

Lori - good job with your workouts. Missed you.

Debbie - we got hit with a lot of snow. Had it.

Kirstin - take your time buying new stuff. Congrats on the house.

Amelia - l love TJ.

Hi Cookie.

Hey everyone! I just finished All Out. I finally got a good night's sleep. We are meeting with a friend who is in construction (he's an architect), and he is doing an informal inspection of the house for us. Then we have DS's basketball awards night. I am hoping that we sign the contract this week. Then we have to get a permit to rent out the house and find a tenant. The realtor says she already has possible tenants for us. I hope so. I would love to have everything lined up at the same time, lol.

Belinda- ugh on the virus. SO annoying. I've had my share from time to time. Now I have an antivirus program on my pc. Were you using an antivirus program? They are worth it.

Deb- at first I was hoping that the move would take place after the school year. Now I want to get out of this tiny house, lol. It's all good. I've calmed myself down a bit ;)

Amelia- you are brave for cutting back on the caffeine. I need two cups of coffee in the morning and then one more in the afternoon before I pick up my boys. I've thought about cutting back, but I can't do it, lol.

Lori- good job getting your runs in!

Cookie- are you off yet?

Okay off to shower!


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