Hey guys. I just finished CLB. It wasn't in the rotation for the second month, I really missed this workout. I love it. I love the music, the rounds of plyo and weights, they plyo step portion, everything. It is perfection to me.
Well. .. we are going to get smacked with another heavy snowstorm
. I wish I was in PR with my family. It is going to be a crazy storm. They are saying we will be hit with rain, turning to snow Wed. night into Thursday and snow continuing on Friday. I am thinking we will be plowed by Easter, lol.
So my older DS has been a bit emotional these last few days. Sunday he had a huge meltdown to the point where I took away all ipad, Wii and Wrestling shows away for the week. Then yesterday, after dinner DH and I went to run an errand and both DS were with my cousin. When we came home (after 1.5 hours) DS started crying saying he thought we got lost. Today his teacher told me that he was crying because his baseball bracelet broke and he didn't finish his timed 100 math facts test (adding by two, 100 problems adding 2 to numbers 0-9 in five minutes or less). When I spoke to him about it he said he was upset because he thought I wouldn't be proud of him because he didn't finish. Then he insisted that I practice with him. So I printed out these worksheets from a website and I timed him. He focused so much on the time that it was what seemed to be messing him up. I told him not to think about the time, just think about the math and do the best you can. He practiced FIVE times, but then said that he felt better about it. My 7 year old is having anxiety over a test. .. again I ask, what are we doing in education? I am glad that I can help him. I kept telling him to tell himself "I will do this" and focus on the math, not the time. I really just want to punch test-makers and Governor Cuomo in the face, I swear.
Cookie- spring? I thought it was around the corner. Now I am about to be digging my house out of HEAVY snow. I want it to be summer, lol.
Belinda- I always get major DOMS in the chest from that workout. Beware!!!
Lori- my younger DS is 4. He still takes naps. He was always a god "napper." My older DS not so much. He never was one for napping. We had a hard time getting him to go to bed and sleep on his own. He was in our bed for the first two years. When my younger Ds stops napping it will be much harder to work out during the day when DH is not home. We will have to see how that works out.
Deb- looks like we are going to get hit with a doozy. The ironic thing is all the snow from the blizzard just melted two days ago!
Amelia- how is everything with work? Still Xtraining?
Okay, off to rest!