Commit to get fit and lean for Friday 17


Good morning girls,

Alesia and I went to the gym yesterday! I did iTread set 3! Lots of hills!:D I did had a lot of fun! Can't wait to try all my new iTreads! Today I will do BFL UB, plus my dog walks! The dogs loving it!:D Alesia is flying back to the US on Sunday! :( I miss her already!

Have a great day and workout!
Good morning! Today was S&H shoulders & legs for me. Suppose to do it yesterday but I woke up in the middle of the night and did not get back to sleep until time to get up and workout, so I skipped yesterday. Slept pretty good last night. I have stopped drinking pop in an attempt to stop getting up in the middle of the night- that is what wakes me up. Can any of you sleep through the entire night w/o a bathroom stop?

Anyway, my legs feel wobbly and I can feel the top of my shoulders (rotator cuff??). I plan to soak in some epsom salt and warm water after work.

Belinda- glad to hear that you are enjoying your time w/DD. Sorry she has to go so soon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend w/her!! Good job at the gym. I still have not gotten into iTreads or their other programs. I have two of the iBox but have not done a full workout w/them.

Everyone else have a great day and workout!!
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Good morning ladies!

I fell off the wagon wednesday night and continued to get run over DH wants to go out to eat this evening, The only thing I can do is workout and hope it all doesn't effect the scale. I will try to choose diet friendly foods this evening too. My sister and I did walk around the neighborhood for thirty minutes yesterday...thats better than nothing. Today I will be doing a 45 min powerwalk on the tread mill and some abb work today! Ive got so much running around town to do as well I have to make a list out:confused:

Belinda-Sounds like you had fun at the gym with your DD! Im so glad you had a chance to visit with her! Great job on your workout!

Kim-High fives on the doms! your doing awesome with your workouts...your working it girl;):cool:

Lori-LOL at your comment yesterday....I too can't believe that I took three days off but Im gonna try and workout for the next three days to make up for it! Glad to hear your friend called and apologized, thats a plus,atleast she realized she was wrong. Have a great workout today!

Cookie-What you got planned for today? I completely agree with you(read yesterdays thread just now) When I workout i feel just so refreshed in my mind....i guess its karate chopping all that stress away;) Have a good one girl!

oh man,i can't remember anything else from yesterday but hey to Iris,Trish,Kristine,Cheryl....anybody else?

everybody have a wonderful friday!
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Oh, Belinda, the time with your daughter is going by so quickly! I'm sure you, she and the dogs are all enjoying the walks. Good job on iTread 3.

Amelia, glad you were able to dust yourself off. As Cathe says, straighten up, fly right! I ate a lot of the cookies I made last week, if it makes you feel better. It's a juggle trying to fit everything, so don't beat yourself up over it. You're so strong as a result of how far you've come.

Kim, I don't drink pop, but I do often wake up at night. However, it could also be age-related for me!

Today was a rest day for me. I feel like a cold is coming on, so a rest day was appreciated.

Hi to everyone else.


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