Good Morning
or is it afternoon now?
I had a easy night at work last night. DH wasn't feeling well though so we didn't send DS out today and my FIL came and watched him while we both slept. Men...they are useless when they get the cold!
True, isn't it? I didn't get up until 11 and DS seemed to be going alittle stir crazy so I took him to baby group for about 45 mins. Grant it, I was the only one there but it was at one of my BF houses so it didn't matter.
Im kind of debating what workout to do. I would like to go for a run but its a little chilly. And I would also like to do GS UB's. I was thinking while DS is down for his nap I could do the weight work and when he wakes we could go for a smaller run. Then maybe tomorrow a long run.
Ameila** Good job on putting that Ice cream and cake back! I don't think thats part of your diet
It would be nice though if it were! Sign me up for that diet!!!! Did your heart sink a little? My heart always sinks when I have a reality check and put things back! LOL
Kristine** Your teaching Heidi sign language? To cute! Is anyone deaf or your just teaching her? There is a girl in our baby group and both of her parents are deaf so she became a teacher for the deaf.Now she is teaching her baby (who is only 5 monthes) and the baby already signs for milk. Crazy hey?
Cheryl** That weigh in isn't to bad, before you know it you will be back under 130 again
Must be nice to be home!
Amy** I think you should do Imax 1,2&3! Hows that for a good cardio workout
? I was thinking about doing Imax3 today but I think I am gonna hit the road again!
K ladies, if I do my planned workout I probably won't be back until tonight to report in. By the time I get back from my run it will be time to put supper on and get ready for work.