Commit to get Fit and Lean aprill 22


Good Morning girls,wow Im starting the thread agian??? :eek:

Todays workout is PUB including the abbs then a 30min PW on the TM. I never did do any workout yesterday,i enjoyed my restday! I did do some house cleaning,laungdry and cleaned the kitchen real good!

Good morning ladies,

Sorry that I have been MIA the last couple of days. The time just flew by and I never made it to check in. Anyway, I did MM on Sunday and yesterday I did IMAX2.

Today the rotation calls for LL again. I am going to a playdate with Heidi at 10am in celebration of Earth Day, so I hope that I will have the energy and will power to do LL when I come back home.

Lori - Heidi is doing great. Well, she talks all day long, but it's all baby language, she doesn't really say any real words yet, but she does about 6-7 different signs. I can't wait til she finally starts saying some words. She will be bilingual maybe that's why she is not really saying any words or she decided to start with the signs first. It's so funny when I tell her to say Mama, she signs it.

Amelia - Sounds like a great workout. I have PUB on tab for tomorrow. It's my turn, isn't it ;) .

Hi to everyone who follows.

I will try to be back later.

Kristine :)
Kristine-sending you energy vibes for later;-),yep...its your turn.

Ok,im so stuffed right now:+ just ate some protein pancakes and OMG i can't hold anything else! Those things really fill up...

I forgot to mention this morning that IAM SO PROUD of myself,i went into the kitchen last night and actually started to cut me a slice of cake(left over from the weekend)and scoop out some icecream . I did a reality check and PUT IT ALL BACK!...yay me! It was SO HARD too,LOL . Instead I made me some NSA hot chocolate

still no workout,will do it after my breakfast digest a bit! bbl:)
GO AMELIA!!!! I am so impressed! Great job!
Great minds were thinking alike - I did PUB this morning too - the ups only and then abs. Just enough.

Kristine, sounds like a good day for you so far.

Lori - I weighed yesterday. Yikes. 130.8. Could have been worse - but sure could have been better. I'm back in the game, big time. STS, here I come!

Belinda, what will you do?

Sara? Stacy?

Have a great day, everyone!

Good Morning everyone!

I haven't stopped by since Saturday....Sunday I ended up sleeping through my workout time (much needed!) and Monday, I did my "Sunday"

I don't usually workout on Mondays, but it felt good. Today, is cardio, and I haven't decided what to do yet. Any ideas?

Amelia- Great job on the cake!

Still trying to wake up....must go refill my Cathe mug with tea......
Good Morning:) or is it afternoon now?

I had a easy night at work last night. DH wasn't feeling well though so we didn't send DS out today and my FIL came and watched him while we both slept. Men...they are useless when they get the cold!:eek: True, isn't it? I didn't get up until 11 and DS seemed to be going alittle stir crazy so I took him to baby group for about 45 mins. Grant it, I was the only one there but it was at one of my BF houses so it didn't matter.

Im kind of debating what workout to do. I would like to go for a run but its a little chilly. And I would also like to do GS UB's. I was thinking while DS is down for his nap I could do the weight work and when he wakes we could go for a smaller run. Then maybe tomorrow a long run.

Ameila** Good job on putting that Ice cream and cake back! I don't think thats part of your diet;) It would be nice though if it were! Sign me up for that diet!!!! Did your heart sink a little? My heart always sinks when I have a reality check and put things back! LOL

Kristine** Your teaching Heidi sign language? To cute! Is anyone deaf or your just teaching her? There is a girl in our baby group and both of her parents are deaf so she became a teacher for the deaf.Now she is teaching her baby (who is only 5 monthes) and the baby already signs for milk. Crazy hey?

Cheryl** That weigh in isn't to bad, before you know it you will be back under 130 again:) Must be nice to be home!

Amy** I think you should do Imax 1,2&3! Hows that for a good cardio workout:) ? I was thinking about doing Imax3 today but I think I am gonna hit the road again!

K ladies, if I do my planned workout I probably won't be back until tonight to report in. By the time I get back from my run it will be time to put supper on and get ready for work.

Hey girls

Im done with my workout and im glad!I went up on the shoulder workout and was struggling to finish:+

LOL,lori yeah my heart sank a little and my bottom lip poked out when i put the cake back!:-( but then i was grinning from ear to ear this morning when i realized that ive got my determination back,OHHHH YEAH!}( Sorry to hear you DH isn't feeling well

Cheryl-High fives on your workout girlfriend!

Amy-My cardio lately has been on my Tread mill,i vote for a nice long Powerwalk;-) Of course Imax2 is always fun....( you like pina coladas;-))

hey to everybody! what happenend to Carrie?
Hi girls,

I am sooooo late with my workout today!I will do KPC!

I will be back for personals! Off to my workout!


P.S. I am so tired of cleaning! I am done with the kitchen and bathrooms! I am not a clutter person, but you wouldn't believe how much stuff I am throwing out from my kids and DH! I can't believe how much crap they keep! Half my Tupperware is missing lids or I have the lids and no bowl! What have they been doing with my dishes? LOL!
Belinda** Im tired for you;) Hopefully the end is near!!!

Ameila** Good job with the workout!!

So my workout today ended up being all the GS UB's (im gonna be sore) kari Andersons abs and after DS woke we went for a 50 mins run. I think tomorrows run will be a long one, I guess that depends on the weather!

Have a good night everyone!
Evening Ladies! Well, I managed to squeeze in Ultra Cardio from Drill Max this morning. However, anything I worked off probably came back with all their family, friends, and friends’ family since we had Indian food for dinner, and I ate quite a few pieces of chocolate for dessert! I really need to come up with good strategies for dealing with that dinnertime noshing. Tonight it wasn’t even noshing, more like shoveling.
Belinda, you must be so proud of yourself for getting so much accomplished. If your children are anything like mine, you may be better off not asking what they did with the Tupperware!
Amelia, I’m using you as my role model to put away the choc chips! What willpower you have. Boy, I noticed how successful you’ve been in taking control of your health – very impressive!
Cheryl, did you use your new rack for the workout?
Kristine, my youngest is adopted and came home from China when she was two. We used sign language in addition to English and boy did she pick both up fast. She was signing like crazy very quickly, and now she talks all the time. I love it.
Lori, hope this evening is as easy at work as last night’s was.
Take care!

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