Comments on Janis Brand New Butt & More / Ringside...


Do any of you guys know of these two tapes and have some comments about them. They look really good from collage. I would appreciate any comments, suggestion, and infor about them.

Thank you

[email protected]
RE: Comments on Janis Brand New Butt & More / Ringside....

Although Janis Saffel has a perfect butt, she didn't get it doing that video. I found it pretty useless and after I discovered Cathe's wedding video, made the Cathe will give you a brand new butt for sure. I wouldn't waste time or money on bnb. Kath
I have Brand New Butt and more and I found it to be a great workout that I could really feel. I've worked my way past it (Cathe will do that to you) but I still think it's a good video. It may not be a waste, depending on your fitness level. What is your current routine like?
My schedule is
M - Cardio Kicks
T - Cardio & Weights
W - Prymids - using light wieght and fast reps
Th - Boot Camp/Circuit Max/ any cardio
F - Muscle Endurance/PH/MIS
Sat- Cardio

I am trying to do muscle endurance and not build muscle but lean out so I am doing light weights and fast reps. I was trying to find another sculpting weight tape that is light weights and fast reps for a endurance lean workout.

Thanks for the suggestions!!!
Well I happen to be partial to Janis; met the woman & like her a lot so anything that she comes out w/I buy. Now if you go heavy enough w/your weights in Brand New Butt & More you'll get a very good workout. Janis targets all of the small muscle groups that get overlooked; a lot of balance is required too. As for Ringside this one is a keeper for me. Its 2 kickboxing workouts in one. The 1st workout is high kickboxing & the 2nd workout is lower in intensity but you can also do it w/a partner. However, the sound quality isn't very good. These tapes are a nice change from doing Cathe's intensity all the time. HTH Kathy
It looks like you've got some nice advanced workouts in there, but for variety's sake I think you may get something out of BNB. As Kathy said above, there are some really good floor exercises that work muscles you don't get to very often - and she makes you work too, no slackin off. ;-)
RE: Comments on Janis Brand New Butt & More / Ringside....

I really have enjoyed doing Janis's BNB's a nice change for variety's sake alone, & there is a great deal of balance involved which I have found in the past year or so to be absolutely essential to my overall fitness.

I don't really think a workout of that caliber can be a waste of time even if you're used to more all depends on what you put into it, yes? I also find that I learn at least one thing from every workout I attempt.

Hope you enjoy it if you try it!

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