Combo #3: Are you supposed to end up at the neighbors?????


Okay. I did my Timesaver workout, #2, which included the "intricate" combo #3 cardio segment. I did this once and ended up in the bathroom. Tried it again and ended up at my neighbors house.

I hope this gets easier.

Next question....does anyone have the Timesaver DVD? At the end of workout #2, when Cathe says something like, "thanks for joining us, we had a blast," does your DVD sound "POP" REALLY REALLY LOUD????

I thought that my speaker had exploded for a second. I rewound it again and it still did it.

Just wondered if anyone has my troubles too.....;(
Thanks Diane. Maybe I had the volume up a little high. I had to drown out the sound of the airconditioner and it just startled me.

It's good to know that it wasn't only me, I thought maybe I blew a circuit!:7
Hi Jackie, Im sorry that I had to butt in here but I just had to laugh that you ended up at your neighbor's house. I can see it happening. I haven't done this in a while so I don't know can you modify the move? Have a great day:)
This combo just about baffles everyone. I heard even Cathe's background exercisers had a hard time with it. I've finally gotten a handle on it but it wasn't easy. Now it's my favorite step workout!
Hi Jackie! It took me months & months to get that #3 Combo. Cathe even WROTE it out for me & I still couldn't get it! Ha! Anyway I finally looked up at the tv at the exact moment that Cathe was turning & realized that was what was missing in my routine. Its amazing that such a little thing like that could throw off the rest of the combo. Go figure! I'm glad you mastered it; its my favorite too! Kathy:D are so funny!! Great joke. I will have to try that workout, I have it but have never done it.

You might want to try to get it down before you do it again or you will end up in another state.:)
It's the step-triple thing, isn't it?? Oh boy. Jackie, I'm in the same boat!!! I'm usually just going the wrong way, on the wrong foot, on the wrong side of the step......... I can still keep my heart rate up so it's not so bad to be sooo wrong. I just feel like a dork!!
That's funny! I don't feel so bad that I crashed into the wall once and fell right on my a** doing Cardio Kicks.:+
I did this combo over and over again last night until I had a total of 98 minutes of cardio!! Just kdding, but I really did it over and over for about 50 minutes.

JUST when I thought I had the right moves, I ended up on the wrong side of the step again. It's the fast repeater and then right into the triple steps and over with the squat that makes me lose track of where I am.

I DID manage to stay in the same room towards the end of my practice section, so that's an improvement.;-)

I know that one day, this will just "click". I love the challenge so if nothing else, this combo has me looking forward to the next workout with excitement.
What still gets me is the part where you go over the step and land in a squat then do a mambo thingie and go to the other side of the step...I keep messing up and end up the other side. I end up laughing at myself.
This combo was a little difficult for me too. I typically catch on pretty quickly but get a little confused when there is a lot of turning around the step.

I recently subbed a class for an instructor that is known for putting together very intricate combos and the participants of the class expect a LOT of choreography (almost TOO much). The aerobics director kept telling me that the class members are really, really expecting difficult stuff. So I thought I'd pull this combo out and really mess them up (kind-of like THIS what you want...HA...I GOT YOU!). Well, they all got it immediately :-( Maybe it's a testament to my good cueing :=)...probably not.

Well, that little story isn't really applicable to this thread exactly but I thought I'd tell it anyway.

I haven't ended up at the neighbors, but I did fall on my "cheeks" (you know which cheeks I'm talking about) when doing those straddle-tap things in IMAX2. I started laughing so hard that I couldn't get up. I also roll off the stability ball on a regular basis. And forget about it when it comes to those "walking soldier planks" -- can you say "face plant into the carpet"? Does that mean my core needs work...hmmmm, maybe so.

hee hee hee! now I totally have to try the timesaver dvd! I've had the set for a long time and have done all the others but hadn't gotten around to including that one in a rotation! I don't know my neighbors too well yet, just moved in, perhaps they will enjoy the visit....

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