Coffee-Meyer's Stepbox vs. Bento's Kickbox Extreme


OK I did Stepbox over the weekend & really really liked it. I did have to move a variety of furniture & I was still on a learning curve but I got a pretty good cardio workout & can see it definitely kicking my butt once I get all the moves down.

I have not tried Kickbox Extreme yet, but I did preview it & I must admit I was LMAO. Someone had mentioned on this forum that it appeared Bento had no kickbox training at all & I have to agree. What she was doing could not by any stretch of the imagination be called kickboxing. Flailing, ballet, attempting to fly, whatever. But not kickboxing. That said I will try the workout & use the best form I can, but I think my abs will get a better workout from laughing so hard. :7

Still like Bento's hi/lo extreme though. Hopefully she'll stick with it, invest what's needed for a trainer & do the proper prep work for her next DVD.

I really like Stepbox, too. I was disappointed that the cardio only went 35 minutes, though, followed by yet another baby toning section. I am not sure why every instructor thinks they need to throw in some small weight section at the end of cardio workouts - it is senseless to me and was disappointing. But other than that, KCM has GREAT form and it is an awesome workout!

Have you tried Janis Saffell? Her Hardcore Circuit (with the hottie husband) is pretty good. Also, TJ Kickin' Core (only about 30 mins of cardio but follows with great core section with the ball).

I really dig Kelly's workouts. I have the two new DVDs that I must get off my arse and try out.
Hi Marie--I was disappointed w/the length of cardio as well. I thought she could've done much more w/the second segment when she used light handweights. And yeah, her form is perfect. All in all it was a good workout.

But I have the same problem w/Janis Saffell--her cardio is just too darned short. Even w/the hottie hubby. ESPECIALLY w/the hottie hubby. ;-) I need my cardio to be at least 40 minutes or I feel like I'm wasting an extra 45 minutes of sleep. :p
Thanks for posting this. I just ordered the Step-box workout, and it's on it's way. I have Amy Bento's Eickboxing Extreme. I've done it twice and am just thinking of putting it on Ebay.

I, too, ordered this workout. I knew the cardio was short when I ordered it, but I figured I could use it as add on cardio. Sometimes I want to do weights followed by a shorter cardio session and this is perfect for that!
For those who have already tried it, is Coffey-Meyer's step-box video mostly low impact or easily modified?

I really like Stepbox, too. I was disappointed that the cardio only went 35 minutes, though, followed by yet another baby toning section. I am not sure why every instructor thinks they need to throw in some small weight section at the end of cardio workouts - it is senseless to me and was disappointing. But other than that, KCM has GREAT form and it is an awesome workout!


I agree with Marie's comment, I thought the toning portion was a waste of time. Now whenever I do this workout I just skip that toning portion. I do Cathe for strength so I really didn't need this little toning section. Kelly did a total body strength workout called "NYC" I didn't see the point of her including toning in the "Step-Boxing" workout.

I have also enjoyed her other workout "The Shape Of Things To Come".
I have this workout and like it.

I agree about the weights, but think of it as an optional stretching section with weights at the end.

I think it's easily modifiable. You could do it on the floor without the step, and then do it on a 6" or 8" step and add weighted gloves with any of those options. I think it's a fun workout to break things up.

I am choreographically challenged, so I did it on a 6" step but with weighted gloves and thought it was a good short workout. I added some segments from other kickbox tapes on other days I wanted a longer workout.

I like KCM as an instructor, though. I think she's positive and upbeat.


I love Coffee-Meyer's Stepbox workout. I really don't mind the toning. She gave a reason for this stating on her forum that she did not feel it would be safe to continue the cardio for more than the 35 minutes or so. Don't quote me but she does address this issue somewhere on her forum. She seems to have a bit of a different philosophy for working out with the less is more mentality and such. Anway, I too wished for one solid hour of step boxing.

I have a question regarding Amy Bento. A kind VFer loaned me her HLX which I will probably end up purchasing. Do you all not like the kickbox because of her form and because it's not true kickbox? Are these the only reasons you don't like it or want ot get rid of it? I was going to order KBX on faith b/c I liked the HLX. Isn't the KBX a good, fun, cardio workout? That is what I'm most concerned about. I don't care nor expect her to be an expert in kickboxing and I'm pretty sure I can correct my own form if need be. I want to make sure these are the only reasons you all don't like it before I purchase. Please, give me details ladies! TIA!
>Thanks for posting this. I just ordered the Step-box
>workout, and it's on it's way. I have Amy Bento's Eickboxing
>Extreme. I've done it twice and am just thinking of putting
>it on Ebay.

Iris, that is hilarious, I'm sure it was a typo but Ickboxing Extreme is perfect for this workout. :7

Christine, Stepbox isn't very high impact, & you can most definitely modify the moves that are.
I just ordered this one, knowing in advance that the cardio is short, but am interested in the idea of combining step w/kickboxing. I hope it's fun, but intense!

I've never done any of her workouts. On the Collage clip the NYC one looks so fast paced for a weight wo, not really appealing to me, esp. since I have Jari Lvoe for more circuit ype weights & cathe for intense weights. Any other comments?

Keep smiling & sweating!
>I have a question regarding Amy Bento. A kind VFer loaned me
>her HLX which I will probably end up purchasing. Do you all
>not like the kickbox because of her form and because it's not
>true kickbox? Are these the only reasons you don't like it or
>want ot get rid of it? I was going to order KBX on faith b/c
>I liked the HLX. Isn't the KBX a good, fun, cardio workout?
>That is what I'm most concerned about. I don't care nor
>expect her to be an expert in kickboxing and I'm pretty sure I
>can correct my own form if need be.

IMO, the ONLY negative about the workout is the form and in particular some sequences that make correct KB form impossible. For example, Amy does a lot of hooks off the back arm, which one never does in KB (a hook is done either off the lead arm, or when facing forward so both arms are 'lead'). Also, some kick sequences are very awkward to do with good form (which she doesn't have on them). And some of her 'speedbag' moves are laughable and look like little rabbit punches.

If you don't care about correct KB form and sequencing, then you should have no problem with the workout.

I love the music, Amy's energy (without being too 'perky'), and the intensity (even though I do modify throughout the workout, mostly for form, and only once for space considerations on a forward-move/front-kick move that I turn into a forward-move/back-kick).

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