CLX out of stock


Okay, maybe I'm just impatient and annoyed, but I ordered my CLX on January 20, and they said it would ship in two business days. I contact customer service today because I hadn't received a shipping notice and they said that it would ship tomorrow and that it had been out of stock when I ordered it. Shouldn't they have said that it was out of stock on their website and shouldn't they have changed their estimated shipping date with that information? I was hoping to start CLX on February 1st; now it looks like I'll be lucky to start it by Valentine's Day by the time it gets to Canada. Good thing I have so much Cathe to keep me going! I will DO Slow and Heavy so that I won't BE slow and heavy!
Beachbody really is horrible with communication and processing orders. I know I did not order the deluxe set online, I merely added it to my cart to see how much it was and then promptly took it off. I only ordered the basic package. However, I got an email confirmation for the basic package, and later a separate one for the deluxe package. When I called, it was not "showing up in their system yet" so I couldn't cancel. How does that make any sense if I already got a confirmation email with a confirmation number? Anyway, when I called back later, it had already "left the warehouse" and I could not cancel. Then they wanted me to eat the ridiculous $24.90 shipping charge to send it to me, and wanted me to pay to ship it back to them!

And now I have some $69.90 charge on that same credit card for Activit vitamins, which they sell. I called and they say they don't have a vitamin subscription for me, and I have to fax them my credit card statement to prove the charges are there. My credit card company confirmed that it is a Beachbody charge. How do they have no record of charges they make? And I know I clicked no on every one of the VERY many pop-up offers while I was trying to order the basic package online. I never received any receipt or confirmation of an order for vitamins, so why does this suddenly appear on my card? Because I never ordered any! :rolleyes:

I will never order through them again. Those people are crazy! : )
Well this would explain why I haven't received my shipment yet. I ordered mine on the 18th and haven't heard anything yet. I've read on other threads that they were backordered but you would think they would notify you instead of saying that it will ship in a couple of days. I agree with the previous posters. Beachbody has horrible customer service and I would be sure to check my credit card for any extra charges.

ETA: I just called to check on the status of my order and they informed me that it had been shipped and is suppossed to be delivered on the 30th.
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It took me a month to get my (scratched, by the way) order. Not only that, I ordered through live chat (big mistake, their payment page wasn't working properly at the time) and ordered the DVD that comes with the Deluxe package. Never received it. Then I got customer service from a jerk who claimed he was Lance Armstrong and he was no help at all. Was told I never ordered it, even though I had a copy of the whole conversation and receipt to prove it.

I recommend going through a coach. A VFer volunteered to be one for me and she is taking care of everything. I basically tell her what I want and it is magically done. As she said, "all your Beachbody headaches are mine." I will go over my CC statement again, though, as now I'm worried about fraudulent charges.

Good luck! This is the third time I've ordered from Beachbody and, honestly, the first time I've ever had a problem. It's always been slooooooooooooooow, though, so THAT I was totally expecting.
I ordered mine (deluxe) around Christmas time and received it at the end of December. I called on January 3 to tell them that the disks were scratched. The person I spoke with at that time was very pleasant and helpful and told me that replacement disks would be shipped right away and should arrive on my doorstep by the end of the following week (by January 9). I had not received them by January 15, so I called to find out why. I was then told that there had been some delay but they had finally gotten my new order shipped that very day and it should arrive within 3 to 5 business days. As of yesterday, Jan. 26, I had still not received them. I called again and was told--guess what--that there had been some delay but they had finally gotten my new order shipped that very day and it should arrive in 3 to 5 business days. But, I repeat myself. I will believe it when I see the box on my doorstep.

In all fairness I have ordered from BB before and have never had a problem of any kind. I think that, with all the problems they have had with replacing all of the original disks, it is probably a bit chaotic trying to keep up. The last time I called, I was told that they were carefully inspecting any disks being sent out and that was causing that delay.

I ordered CLX on thursday the 22nd. I have not received a shipping notice but just checked with my coach and my order has been shipped out though it does not state what day so I will assume it shipped yesterday. I should have it by the end of the week or early next week. :D
Wow, I would make another call to customer service if I were you.
I ordered my CLX on the 24th and received a shipping notice today! (I also received my STS shipping notice today... now I don't know which to do first!)

Hope you get things resolved with BB soon!
CLX=Chalean Extreme

It's the newest work out program from Beach Beachbody lead by Chalene Johnson. The program incorporates 3 days of heavy weight training, 2 short cardio programs (one is actually a circuit using light weights) and a yoga/stretch work out. It's done in 5 days with 2 rest days. All of the work outs are short (averaging 30 minutes each). You work upper body in a 3 day split and lower body every day.

I ordered mine from Advanced Workouts and had it in three days. I had heard the Beach Body stories....

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