clothes too big - afraid to buy smaller

L Sass

Has this ever happened to any of you? I've dropped the pounds that I needed / wanted to drop. Down 26 pounds since last summer and my clothes are not only too big now, they look bad. Eg - I went to a funeral the other day and not only had to pin the waistband on my skirt, but also hiked it up and tucked it under my bra - too funny! But I am almost afraid to buy new clothes now for fear that that will somehow jinx me. I know it's not rational, but it's still an issue. Has that ever happened to any of you?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
ohhh never. lol. I still have jeans and other clothes that are a couple sizes too big. I have that fear in the back of my mind I might need them again. I think it is a common concern, especially if you have been up and down in weight. I think we need a group purge. I was planning to go through some of the stuff this weekend. New me, new beginning, ya know?


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy

I cannot believe you haven't bought any new clothes!!! Buy some, girl. You don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe :) That's half the fun of losing the weight :+


OK. I just gave you permission.
I would probably buy a few things and then wait until I felt a little more comfortable before buying more. But that is one of the beautiful parts about weight loss!!!! You definitely should treat yourself. No jinxing involved!

Buy a few pieces that fit for now - one pair of pants, a skirt, maybe some blouses. Underwear, too. My bras are getting baggy and it's not pretty.:)
At first, I didn't want to buy new clothes until I was finished losing my weight. I visited my Aunt and she literally took a scissors to my jeans b/c she said that I looked horrible in them! From tehre, I have had that feeling a few times but I now go for it & enjoy the new clothes. Usually it motivates me even more to stay in them and get even smaller ones!
One of the cardinal rules of keeping weight of is GET RID OF YOUR FAT CLOTHES! Fill the bags with the big stuff and go shopping! Stacy & Clinton would not be happy with you wearing all that baggy stuff.
I, too, have kept my "fat" clothes because every time I've ever lost weight I've gained it back.

Now I only wish I hadn't given away my skinny clothes from the last time I lost weight.

Funny how I always expect it is likelier that I will wind up heavier than smaller.

I've only bought two pairs of pants - one jeans, one nicer pants. My budget doesn't allow too many new clothes right now so I'm having to make do with what I have.

Susan L.G.
I've never had problems shopping }( , but I'm definitely guilty of saving the "fat" clothes. My attic was crammed w/stuff I hadn't worn for about 3 years when I finally bit the bullet & cleaned everything out for Goodwill.

Nice to be able to find the stuff I actually need up there now. :)
As I go down in sizes, I tend only to purchase a couple of items, i.e. jeans, or shorts. I get rid of the larger sizes. When I get to where I want, I will probably not get a lot at first, but start small with a few that fit and go from there.

The only things that I have kept in my closet from when I was 2X were my pajamas!!! I just can't get rid of them when they're so comfy!!!
Definately a problem for me. I just bought a pair of jeans and a pair of khakis in a smaller size, along with 4 new tops. That way when I need to look nicer, I can. But so I would stay on track, I gave my old pants to the thrift shop and did a major purge of my tops. This weekend I'm getting new panties and a new bra - foundation pieces make a huge difference!

Go ahead a spluge to your comfort level - it's important to reward your hard work!
Hi Lorrie,

Why not get some of your waists taken in? I found a tailor by my home that charges $14 to take in the waists -- definitely worth it when a lot of my work trousers can cost more then five times that cost. That way, you can always have them taken back out. After my weight loss I bought a few new things, but took a slew of pants taken in at the waist -- I can now still wear some of my favorite pants that I didn't want to give up!:)

I had gained a little over 10 pounds about 3 months before having my dd. A few months after dd's birth, I went back down to my normal size and I gave away all my larger sized clothes to my sister. My dh didn't think it was a good idea. I'm so glad that I didn't agree with him. It wasn't until 10 years later that I could have worn them. Styles change, even classic looks change in a decade. I'd rather not hoard clothes on a chance that I might gain weight. Better to embrace who you are now.
I think you should go for it---buy some new clothes. You will definitely enjoy the new figure as others give you so many compliments about your weight loss and flattering new figure.
I know exactly what you are talking about -- I have all kinds of clothes I can't bear to get rid of -- I feel like I'll jinx myself too.

I'm also thinking ahead to when I might get pregnant again. No baby planned yet, but it's good to keep options open.

I think the ladies are giving good advice. Let's clean out our closets!


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