Clinton or Obama

Doesn't matter to me, but a democrat would be important to me. I like both Clinton and Obama..



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Definitely Clinton. If Obama were a woman, he would have been laughed out of even proposing to run--he has no record to stand on.
>Definitely Clinton. If Obama were a woman, he would have been
>laughed out of even proposing to run--he has no record to
>stand on.

I think Clinton was a great candidate but she lost, narrow, but it still is a loss. This whole experience and record thing is getting a little old, as is the sexism thing, IMO.

Put this in perspective. Suppose you had to choose between two candidates, one had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President?

If your choice is # 1, congratulations, you just picked James Buchanan (one of the worst presidents EVER) over Abraham Lincoln. 'nuff said!
OBAMA. I just don't like how Hillary has handled things thus far and it makes me question her leadership ability. Her campaign is regularly running out of money (economics) and she can't even control her husband (leadership). I also don't like the whining about being a girl and getting picked on when things don't go her way. When do you ever hear a man whine like that?
McCain is one of the scariest things since GWB. He regularly confuses Shia and Sunni - and then calls Obama inexperienced and naive. John - "my friend" (I hate that phrase of his - it's SO patronizing) - the difference is important and with all of your experience, you should know it cold by now. He has a fetish for blowing stuff up, too. I'm not a war-monger, so could never vote republican. I also believe that Obama is the kind of person who will do something fresh and intelligent - like LISTEN TO OTHERS occassionally. Get all the facts and then make thoughtful, measured decisions. I think his "lack" of Washington experience is a strength right now. He's open to talking to people instead of stomping his foot and saying "MY WAY, MY WAY - or I'll shoot you."
With all that said, I think whoever gets in there is going to have one hell of task ahead of them becuase of the current bonehead's nightmarish f*up of everything he's touched. It's going to be an extraordinarily difficult job for whoever is elected.
>Definitely Clinton. If Obama were a woman, he would have been laughed out of even proposing to run--he has no record to stand on.<

Wow, garance. No need to get nasty about it. My goodness. I not only TOTALLY disagree, but I don't see why the party has become so divided over these two candidates who essentially want the same things for this country.

Maybe it's just sour grapes.

ETA: Carola, you rock!
How about Richardson!!! Woopwoop!

Was heartbroken but knew he didn't stand a chance in this election, where having experience is apparently a bad thing (???)

We can't afford someone who supports the things Bush has done to this country and others. I predict McCain will win anyway, and the populace that elects him will complain about him throwing our country down the toilet for the next 8 years. Isn't that the American way?
I was for Richardson, too! In fact I hope Obama picks Richardson for a running mate. I think he would be unstoppable then. Richardson is so knowledgable, but he's not dynamic.
I also think Obama speaks beautifully, I just wish he would SAY something. The man is brilliant at completely avoiding direct answers to any question. On an amusing note, my friend's 92 year old Korean grandmother is thoroughly convinced he's the AntiChrist.

Laurie, If McCain wins I may just join you in Canada! It's getting to the point where I'm not sure if I'll ever be proud to be American again. What happened to us? :-(
>just a simple question.
>I support Hillary Clinton 100% until the end

Me, too! I am so sad that she is not going to make it...She'll be back in 4 or 8 years!!!
OBAMA! I am from NY and Hillary is my senator and I voted for her and for Bill. But I want a change--Clinton Bush--had enough of all of them.
I hope it's going to be an Obama/Clinton ticket! It will be a landslide for the Democratic party :) Charisma and experience and I think Hillary would do it.
Anyone BUT McCain. We don't need another war-mongering Republican president.

I've been going back and forth between Obama and Clinton (my first choice dropped out early on).

I'm tendiing towards Clinton, but I fear she won't have a chance to win (in one of myh classes, I had students write a composition about politics, and one question they could choose from was 'are women as capable as men for the post of president?" Two of the students who chose that subject (both women) said no, and that they wouldn't vote for a woman (primarily because women are too emotional, especially at 'certain times of the month' ...I felt like I was back in the '50s or something).
I had a coworker explain to me how he couldn't vote for a woman since the other male world leaders would just "eat her alive" (wouldn't respect her, etc). Despite the fact that pretty much everyone but us has already had a female leader. Personally I think Hill's got more balls than Barrack, and seriously, do we really need to cater to what fundamentalist, sexist, cave-dwelling idiots prefer? And this was from a young educated liberal young man, scary..
I'm amazed at the conversations I hear - a women is too emotional. Or the other world leaders would "eat her alive" (that one makes me laugh - I'd be more likely the think that Hillary would chew up such a world leader and spit him out than vice-versa). Just to give you an idea of the kinds of people supporting Hillary - my DH would vote for her. He's a registered Republican. He's also a Naturalized Citizen - his country of birth is India. He was born and raised on the idea that men are superior to women (which has made for some interesting moments in our household as I come from a line of very strong willed women :+). He respects Hillary and what she stands for and says that she would do a better job than any other candidate. He respects intelligent people - regardless of sex or race. Now, if that's not a shift in attitude, I don't know what is. And he's not exactly young (late 50's). Me, I voted for Hillary (sorry Carola - I know we agree on most things!), but I would vote for Obama if he's my candidate - with or without Hillary (as I stated above, I'd rather see him with Bill Richardson). There is no way on God's green earth I'm voting for McCain. That man scares the crap out of me. Talk about tempermental and emotional!!!

As for a black woman never making the cut - I hear Condoleezza Rice is considering a bid. And oh yeah, she would be on the conservative ticket. As more women and more people of varied races, religions, and beliefs become more influential in this country, you'll see more kinds of people vying for President. I'm just honored that I am alive to see the first of them. (I was in grade school when Geraldine Ferrara ran for VP, too).

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