Amy is sexier (she's like a model or cheerleader) than Cathe and crew and has a more ample buxom, apart from Cedie. Cathe has none, there is nothing wrong with that, but it would hard for her to wear the tops she does if she does have them. I think Amy will look sexy whatever she wears and her choice of outfits is actually more conservative, in my opinion. If she wears Cathe's tops that would be disastrous; her DVDs might end on Playboy.
I like the fact that Amy, with all the weight training, still retains her womanly curves. It shows that you don't lose your prize assets with weight training. I love Amy's body more than any instructors I have seen so far: not too thin, not too flat, not too fat, not too muscular. It's the body I would wish to have.