\\\\\ ---- clean & tidy wednesday ---- /////

Hi Everyone!

I had a hard time getting up today maybe because of the surprise sleet this morning. Luckily it was done and cleared up by the time I left for work. I did STS Disc 8 - Back and Triceps this morning. It went by really quickly for some reason.

Wendy, I think Kathryn posted her modifications for CCC on VF. You might want to check it out before you trade it away. There is a premix with just the core work that is good.
Angie, wow what an expensive proctor. I think I need to find a new job. Geez. Enjoy your chili tonight.
Becky, how sweet about your grandson.
Amanda, I hope you don't get sick. Sorry about all the bad weather out in CA.
Kate, you are such a lucky mom. I am glad your girls are wonderful. Glad you liked the barre workout. I need to try them at some point.
Katie, sorry about the abbreviated workout. Good job for trying!
Robin, I have a hard time falling back to sleep once I get up. I like the DOMS sisters title - very cute!
Klaudia, I don't know how you spend 2 hours in the grocery store - I would go crazy. I am glad you got it done and everything is put away.

b: oatmeal w/ almonds & pumpkin
l: ce tuna salad, couscous, clementimes
s: strawberries & yogurt
d: ??? either leftovers or we will go out.
Good morning!

Thanks everyone! I will try to drink more water today!

Katie, some days seem to be like that but still great job with the workout - with being that tired!!

Wendy, sorry you & the family are still sick. It’ll be over by Disney :)

Kate, yes, enjoy it, it really goes by so fast! But, each year is something new and you look at them and are like, wow, those are my girls :) The pure barre sounds fun!

Amanda, I saw the Calif weather this morning on the weather channel, but they didn’t mention the snow. It doesn’t sound good in a lot of areas.

Robin, I see the doms are still there today! What fun torture are you doing today :)

Becky, yea for the doms! The triceps and back workout can really work you!

Klaudia, hope today is a little less busy for you. Have fun with legs!

Angie, glad you found a proctor, but yes, that is expensive. That is my goal also – to complete this 3 ½ month rotation.

Colleen, I guess that means winter is still here:) It has been pretty mild lately, almost forgot! It is always great when a wo goes by fast!

Today is hiit pyramid. Eating has been good this week so far – ½ way there to make a clean eating week!

Morning, all! I have so much to do at work and am so unmotivated...oh well. Did I tell you guys I'm going up to visit my friend that moved north? I'm leaving tomorrow and will be back Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. She wants to do a post-divorce makeover for me. Doesn't that sound fun? And I'm going to get a downhill ski lesson, too. I've never tried that! :eek: I did Disc 5 of STS last night, so I'm almost halfway thru Meso 1. Tonight I'm doing CCC, which scares me, but I'll just do my best.

Wendy, I'll let you know how it goes. Wait for my review before you decide to trade, okay?

Clintonya, I did HiiT Pyramid on Monday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was nice that it didn't use any equipment.

Colleen, I did back and tris last night and I thought 58 minutes seemed excessive to work out two muscle groups, but it did go by quickly for some reason.

Kate and Klaudia--I want to go to the class in Ann Arbor, k? Kate, maybe we can carpool.

Angie, may I have some chili, please? I love chili. Or maybe I should take some of Wendy's since she has so much.

Becky, have fun with Jackson tomorrow.

Amanda, sorry about the crazy weather. Way to rock your work outs!

Katie, don't you hate it when you just don't have it? Maybe you need a rest day. Can you sleep in tomorrow?

Robin, what's on tap today? Did you make chili too?

Okay, I *have* to get some work done. Seriously. Maybe I'll eat breakfast first...

ok, so this is what DOMS brings up on CP

Colleen, I vote go out to eat!:D
yaaay for a fast WO! love when that happens!

Clintonya, Love the Pyr HIIT! WTG on clean eats! Keep the momentum going!

Anne, I hop youhave a fun weekend and the makeover & skiing go well!
Would love to have you join PureBarre too. I wanna go NOW!:D

Angie, Have a fun WO!
Kate-told ya it's not quite what we were looking for!! I sent a message to my friend-waiting to hear back from her.

Anne, but of course you're coming! What a fun weekend you have planned-though you don't need a makeover, but I'm sure it'll be a blast:)

Colleen, the shopping wasn't too bad-I went early so it was nice and quiet. I vote go out too:)

Clintonya, I still need to try HIIT Pyramid-I havne't doen any of the HIITs yet-but people on the OD are doing them all in one workout! I'm a cardio wimp I guess.

Angie, good job getting that workout done!
LOL at the DOMS stuff! i never wouldve guessed! i did LOL at some of those but i admit to having a horrible sense of humor!!!

JJ is asleep but donno for how long so i must skidaddle and get some stuff done. bbl...
Wendy-I laughed too!;)

Kate and Anne, my friend Dori teaches on T/W/Th at 9 am and 10:30 am. Let's get planning!
fly by as it is now nap time and i have to get my guys down. what a crazy morning. i will catch up later on personals. i did 40/20 and 30/30 this am. and mma boxing:cool: fun time for sure. then took aidan to finn's class for a teddy bear picnic. bank, target, you get the picture. eats were clean but too much:( i will clean it up the rest of the day for sure. i need to hit core after i get the guys down. biab!
Klaudia, How long are the classes? 60 min? 90 min?
And do a HIIT! You would love it! Very easy choreography!

Wendy, Good luck w/ Jjs nap! Hoep it's nice & long!

Nina, DAAAAANG! WORKOUT!!! I would eat a whole buffalo after all that WO!

Workout #2 done - MM UB - and it was a good burner! Will do some cardio tonight.
Eats are ssssqueaky clean & will remain that way! Cause I got nothin' I can even cheat with!:p
Kate, excellent on the workouts and I like that plan – nothing in the house to cheat with means no cheats :) Wonder why I never do that !!

And, Nina, wow, another excellent on the workouts! You all are going to make me have to do extra tonight!

Klaudia, I am ok with cardio, but haven’t really been a fan of jumping, but with the hiit workouts, I am having to embrace it :)

Anne, have fun on your trip! The skiing will be a workout; I’ve never done that either.

Is hump day over yet????

Clintonya, We actually do a have a couple cheat foods but I can't eat them/don't like them so it's all good for me!:D
Having a stressful day? It's almost done!

Got my dinner all prepped - pork chops, potatoes, roasted carrots. House is picked up....Waiting for Julia to wake up so we can do a few quick errands before the big girls get home from school.
Wow! Been a while since we hit 4 pages! I'm heading to bed - sorry I'm not a good poster later in the day. It's hard once the kids and Ryan are home. I will try to catch up tomorrow on personals for the people who aren't early morning posters!

I did get my workout in but it was short. I kind of like separating cardio and weight days. Calves are still tight and I have kickbox tomorrow so hope they are better in the am!

Goodnight all!!
Kate, it has just been one of those days where nothing is going as planned! At least I don't have to go out tonight:)

Angie, by the time I get into work and get settled and can post it is already afternoon in France:) Hope you have a good night!

STS Disc 6 is done:) I really should do the extended stretch though-maybe tonight. Eats are good-I'm in the same boat as Kate-nothing to cheat with. I don't thin I'll be saying that when the GS cookies come in next month!:eek:

Kate, we're having pork chops, roasted potatoes, and broccoli for dinner:) Nice workout-I love MM upper.

Clintonya, I need to embrace the cardio more too!

Angie, bonne nuit!

Robin, good luck with the traini......zzzzzzzz;)
Yikes! Another super busy day, which is good. An idea I had has taken off like wildfire, which is great, but it's just a lot of unanticipated work.

I'm heading home soon where I'll do CCC and then STS Disc 6 (Legs) tomorrow morning before I hit the road. I have about a 7 hour drive tomorrow, won't that be fun? It'll be worth it, tho.

Have a great rest of the week, everybody! I'll be back on Monday.

Hi ladies. Kate invited me to join, hope no one minds, especially since my house is neither clean nor tidy (but my eating mostly is :) )

Some of you may know me from the postpartum check-ins. I'm Becky. I have a 1 year old daughter. I just graduated medical school in May and started my internal medicine residency in July. I had done really good post-pregnancy with working out...until about August when work got really busy. Then I started the ICU and it all went to pot! But, I'm back in gear, 2 months in a row. I am doing the 3 1/2 month STS and Shock Cardio rotation. I start another month of ICU in February and I am COMMITTED to staying on track!

I may not be able to post every day and I sometimes won't have time for personals, but I hope to get to know you ladies.

Thanks for letting me join!

Oh, today's workout: STS Disc 8. I'm about to go do a 2-3 mile treadmill run tonight. I have a bit of extra energy tonight that I want to run off!


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