'..'..'..'..'..'..'.....clean / tidy wedensday.....'..'..'..'..'..'..'

My brother and SIL had a great time yesterday (they adore Collin, haven't seen him in a year!) but they are leaving this morning and it is back to work for me and back to school for Collin. We all stayed up late last night so I slept in a bit and will do my wo when I get home from work. We have plenty of leftovers so I don't have to cook tonight.

Today at work is going to be NUTS - I think I have every single minute of the day scheduled with a client. Not sure when I will find time to return phone calls or do any paperwork...:rolleyes: I'm just trying to keep in mind that it in reality, it is never as bad as we make it out to be.

WO yesterday was GS Legs (all standing work, most of the floor work before people woke up) and I am feeling it today - hamstrings are on fire! Tonight will be back & bis, running tomorrow (4 miles?).

Be back later...
katie, glad you had so much fun!
workday will be over before you know it!
yay doms!

my calves are SCREAMING from step 2 days in a row! love it!

ginas getting sick - sore throat - ugh. and dare i say my throat is a bit tingly too????:(:(:(:( julia cannot get this!!!!!
i have to take all the girls in to the office w/ me today for some issues i have to deal w/.

prob taking my rest day

I'm trying not to start my day off on the wrong foot.:mad:...So I'll do my bible study before going to work. Tracey's daughter (Imani)called my daughter 2 a.m, and of course woke me up. She did not call once but twice! Just wait until I get home from work I'm calling her mother. No it wasn't an emergency.So I guess I got about 4 hours sleep.:confused:

Katie great w/o yday and I'm glad you enjoyed your family.

Kate I hope you are not sharing-the-luv like my family. We all have runny noses. Oh no office visit...do the girls like going to work?
My kids love it.:rolleyes:

robin, did your study help?:)
booooo to the late phone call!:(
dds love going to the office - dads there!:D
doing a wo today?

i finished bm2 last night! yay!!!!
from last night...

kl, i detest interrupted wo's! blech! good for you for getting it done!

nina, your day yday was impressive!! you go, girl!:D

lisa, my eats were good other than ic & cookies w/ g & her friend!:eek:
that would be awesome for you to come to chi!!! mike would do fine....til it was time to nurse!:p bring p! he can watxh her too!!!:eek::eek::eek::D
Morning! I got up early and did Tracey Staehle's Step Sweatfest- love love that workout. I met Allie on the RT and she is so sweet- you all probably met her and Tracey too last year. :) She said Tracey is definitely working on Strike Zone 2, btw.

Kate: Oh man, hoping you don't get sick! Ack! My kids love going to the shop- they call it Grandpa's store (even though it isn't just his, but still funny).

Robin: I can't stand middle of the night phone calls! My BIL and SIL used to do it and then finally I told Jeff to tell them to cut it out- drove me nuts. Now they have kids so I think they get it. :rolleyes:

Katie: Glad you guys had fun yesterday! GS Legs gets me every single time! I think it is my most favorite of the Cathe leg wos- I feel like it gets absolutely every muscle burning.

Contemplating a whole body weight workout for tomorrow- MIS? Or maybe something non Cathe (gasp!). I am giving myself permission to screw around with whatever for the next week or so and am kind of enjoying it. :D Kids are still asleep- what is up with THAT?
Hmm, wondering when the Chicago trip will be- swore off traveling after the airport mess on Sunday but of course now wanting another Cathe fix. :D I can drive to Chicago, too.
Hey girls, took some nyquil last night and of course feel sluggish today but slept until 10! Nice to have Ryan home!

Did some organizing of bookshelves and Ryan did some yard work and ran to the grocery store. Now I'm getting the girls ready to go ride bikes.

This cold is getting me down and I'm so annoyed. I am so done being sick about 4 times ago. Probably won't get a WO in today - maybe a walk at night or something.

Katie, hope your day at work goes quickly and smoothly! I love feeling a good workout!

Kate, ugh, hope you guys don't get sick - it's the worst. Great job finishing BM2!

Patti, I haven't done any of Tracey's stuff ever. Don't tempt me! I have MIS and have never done it... I'll have to check it out!

Robin, so sorry about your late night calls. How annoying. Did your BS help you get off to a good start?

I feel a nap coming on... bbl.
Patti, THat airport is a nightmare, isn't it? I think we'll probably take the train to Chicago.
Total body - I vote Power Hour. Love the DOMS I get from that!
Enjoy those sleeping kids! Mine are usually early risers too!

Angie, You guys are getting a lot done! Hope you get/keep feeling better!

Gina's up and we are definitely NOT going to the office. Poor girl is S.I.C.k. yuck. But I have to do payroll and it has tobe on Mike's laptop - my mac isn't compatible w/ the website. So he's coming home to watch the girls while I do payroll. Can't say I want Gina to be sick but I like how the payroll situation is working out!:p

Waiting for the boys and my dad to get here-he's taking my Durango in to get a hitch put on:) Nothing special going on today-got my grocery shopping done last night so clean eats aren't a problem (and the fudge is gone;)) Danica and I will run/walk tonight after dinner and I still need to do abs-the area that needs work but always gets forgotten.

Katie, glad your visit went well. I think I'll do GS Legs on Saturday-in between running days:eek: Hope your day goes by quick!

Kate, hope you manage to avoid getting anything! My girls love visiting my aunt's donut shop-they get behind the counter and serve people! Not to mention getting fresh buttercream squirted in their mouths by my uncle! Way to go on BM2!

Robin, sorry about the crummy sleep-I'm right there with you. Nevena woke up at 3:30 from a bad dream and slept with us for 2 hours-I did not:(

Patti, I did MIS lower body yesterday-19 minutes of tough! I'll do the upper body stuff tomorrow. I say go for it! I'm hoping the Chicago dates work too-my gf and I were thinking of a girls weekend there-that'll kill 2 birds:)

Angie, hope you feel better! You have definitely been through the wringer cold wise this year!

Lisa, glad to know we're not hte only ones who spend money on our kids' extra curriculars! Dance is crazy expensive when you have 3 dancers!
Klaudia, Your dad is a peach!:D
Ab work is so easy for me to slack off on too....
Can I come to the bakery too?????:p

Been doing some work stuff.....need to get busy on my house now!

See ya!
Hi Everyone!

Well today at 10:30 I am going to a meeting where I will be told I am taking a paycut until 7/1/10. I am also going to be furloughed for one week before Sept. 25th. Good thing I found out about it last night. I have had some time to digest the news. Most of my team will hear it for the first time at 10:30.

The good news is that PT went well yesterday. The therapist told me I am turning my knee when I walk and chances are I do it when I run. So I need to practice walking straight and I have a list of exercises I haven't started yet. I will do that tonight. The other good news is that I am feeling much better and I picked up my insanity rotation. I did cardio power and resistance this morning and it was hard but good.

I have to run to a meeting but I will be back later for personals.
Colleen, That really stinks about work! I would definitely need time to digest taht! How did you find out ahead of time?
How do you turn your knee while walking????
Good job on your insane wo!
Colleen: That IS stinky- so sorry about the pay cut. :( I read that some people are using knee straps to do Insanity, supposedly helps with tracking of the knee. I had never heard of them before now.

Klaudia: Your dad reminds me of my dad- I remember how the day Max was born he took in my car for service. I'm such a spoiled daddy's girl. :D

I was going to wait another week for my one body part per day rotation from Debbie but I'm too excited- I think I'll start next week. :eek:
Yep, muscle building- I changed one week to repeat since it was Pyramids / MM and I wanted a change.

Muscle Building & Defining Rotation

WEEK #1:
Day 1: a.m. S&H Chest only/Power Hour Chest only, Coremax #1; p.m.
yoga of choice.
Day 2: S&H Back only (do supermans, prone planks & supine planks
after PH), PH Back only, Cardio & Weights step only premix.
Day 3: S&H Shoulders only/PH Shoulders only, abs from Kick, Punch &
Day 4: a.m. S&H Tri's only/PH Tri's only, 10-10-10 cardio only; p.m.
Yoga of choice.
Day 5: S&H Bi's only/PH Bi's only, Step Blast premix doing Combo 1,
3 & Challenge (44 min.)
Day 6: S&H Legs only/PH Legs only
Day 7: REST or Stretch Max #1

WEEK #2:
Day 1: Gym Style Chest only/MIS Chest only; Rhythmic step section
#1, #2, #3 (no step challenge).
Day 2: GS Back only/MIS Back only, ME abs; yoga in p.m.
Day 3: GS Shoulders only/MIS Shoulders only, CTX Kickbox cardio only.
Day 4: GS Tri's only/MIS Tri's only, Coremax #2; yoga in p.m.
day 5: GS Bi's only/MIS Bi's only, Low Max step premix sections #1-
Day 6: GS Legs, Cardio & Weights abs & CTX Kickbox abs
Day 7: REST or Stretch Max #3

WEEK #3:
Day 1: a.m. S&H Chest only/Power Hour Chest only, Coremax #1; p.m.
yoga of choice.
Day 2: S&H Back only (do supermans, prone planks & supine planks
after PH), PH Back only, Cardio & Weights step only premix.
Day 3: S&H Shoulders only/PH Shoulders only, abs from Kick, Punch &
Day 4: a.m. S&H Tri's only/PH Tri's only, 10-10-10 cardio only; p.m.
Yoga of choice.
Day 5: S&H Bi's only/PH Bi's only, Step Blast premix doing Combo 1,
3 & Challenge (44 min.)
Day 6: S&H Legs only/PH Legs only
Day 7: REST or Stretch Max #1

WEEK #4:
Day 1: Pure Strength Chest only/Body Max Chest only, PS Back only/BM
Back only, abs from PS Back, Bi's & Abs; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 2: Hardcore Extreme High/Low Intervals (73 min.)
Day 3: PS Shoulders only/BM Shoulders only, abs from MM
Day 4: Kick Max; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 5: PS Tri's only/BM Tri's only, PS Bi's only/BM Bi's only, abs
from PUB
Day 6: PS Legs & Abs; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 7: REST & Recovery!

Debbie’s original week (just for reference)
WEEK #2:
Day 1: Pyramid Upper Body Chest only/Muscle Max Chest only, PUB Back
only/MM Back only, Step, Jump & Pump abs.
Day 2: IMAX 2, 1 hour yoga of choice (split these up, do either or
in a.m. and p.m.)
Day 3: PUB Shoulders/MM Shoulders, Coremax #3 (easy day, in prep for
tomorrow workout.)
Day 4: Step Blast/SJ&P Premix: Step & Hi/Lo (90 min.); yoga in p.m.
Day 5: PUB Tri's/MM Tri's, PUB Bi's/MM Bi's; All Step Abs & Power
Hour Abs (this is a great combo and its on Ab Hits if you
have it)
Day 6: PLB Legs standing only/MM Legs only premix/PLB Floorwork;
p.m. yoga of choice - you will need it!
Day 7: REST!
The kids and I just made sweet and salty crunchy munch-it's a recipe I found in Family Circle that I doctored up a bit to make it healthier-swapped Wheat Chex for Rice Chex and multigrain bagel chips for plain and added some peanuts and a few chocolate chips. Can't wait to try it!

Patti, I'm pretty spoiled by my parents too-but in a good way, of course;) Are you doing FF's December rotation or did she make one up for you?

Colleen, sorry about the work stuff. We went through 2 pays cuts this year with Darrin's job-one was insuranced based. We have to pay for everyone but him now and the other was a 20% salary cut and he now only gets one week paid vacation instead of two. Glad you figured out what's wrong with your knee and can get back to your workouts.
I miss you!!

Hi Clean eaters!

So i haven't logged in in a very long time, and just say there was an RT this past weekend...and i was brought back to last year, and what a fantastic time we had and had to check in!

Katie, Kate, Robin, Colleen!! I can see you are still holding strong! I love all of you sooo very much.

Patti, Klaudia, Angie, I didn't get to know you all very well, but i think i need to get back in the game and start posting :)

I have had quite a year, but never missed a workout! Well, a couple maybe here and there. The dog broke my hand a few months ago, you'd think he was a freaking pit bull or something.

Katie, I think you'd had a wedding anniversay since we last spoke!!

Kate, how are the girls???? I see Gina's not feeling the best :(

Robin, i still use 'KD' when i talk to friends with children. I love it, i hope you're settled.

Colleen, you were headed to a nice tropical place last time i checked in, but i bet you're due for another right about now.

I miss you all, i think I might be ready to join the real world, or Cathe land again, if you'll have me.
Hey Steph! I remember you - you were just starting to take a break when I came around last year! I hope things are going well for you! Yikes about the dog/hand break! That's scary. To catch you up on me, I am 29, sahm to 2 daughters, Annabel (4.5) and Ellie (3). We moved from Arizona to France last December and will be here for 3 years. Welcome back! We missed you!

Patti, your rotation looks interesting. I've toyed with the idea of one body part a day but have never done it. I think it would suit me well though since I really don't like heavy lifting - I just get bored.

Colleen, bummer news about work but good news about your knee! What are your thoughts about insanity so far?? Mine will be here in 2 days! (Along with my mom... which one am I more excited about?)

Klaudia, you sound upbeat - I'm so jealous of your great parents! I would love to live close to mine for a change... closer than the other side of the ocean anyways!

Kate, so sorry Gina's not feeling well. I hate having sick kids. It's just so sad.

Nina, how's your day going today? How's the house? Post pics when you get a chance!

Just had some chicken noodle soup for dinner. Feeling a little bit better but thinking no WO today. :(

Have a great night everyone (or day I guess)...

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