'..'..'..'..'..'..'.....clean / tidy wedensday.....'..'..'..'..'..'..'

Klaudia: Nope, it's an old rotation of Debbie's- she is terrific about answering questions, too. I love her. :)

Steph: Hi there! It's nice to meet you! I'm 35, SAHM to two kids, Maggie (4) and Max (2). I went to the RT this year- so fun!

Angie: You gotta do what works- if you don't like heavy lifting, don't do it! I hope you feel better tomorrow. Get some rest.

Gotta go to the grocery and restock up on everything. Le sigh.
Oh Stephanie, my dear Stephanie, please come back to us!!!

Chris just asked me the other day if that random crossing guard was still sitting on your porch!!:D
JUst had a sec to read but had to comment!
girl! we miss you too!!!

would love for you to join us again!!!!

made my day to "see" you!!! come to chicago for the cathe tour!!
JUst had a sec to read but had to comment!
girl! we miss you too!!!

would love for you to join us again!!!!

made my day to "see" you!!! come to chicago for the cathe tour!!

Ditto - Steph made my day! If Steph comes to Chicago, I will too! Is there a date yet?

Robin, how is your day going? Working today?
Patti, rotation looks great!
Klaudia, I reaaalllyy want a trailer hitch - jealous!
Angie, so sorry you are sick again!
Kate, hope you don't get sick! Poor Gina...
Colleen, bummer about the pay cut! Glad you are getting some answers from the new PT.

My day is going fine, eats are tidy but a bit carb-heavy. I have a massive headache that I can't seem to shake!

Collin was NOT HAPPY about going back to preschool today - hope he is doing ok!

Back to work:rolleyes: Be back later!
Clean eats thru lunch and CS is done too!
Even got payroll done, tho I have some other work issues to tend to. Boo!:p
Gina's doing better than she was this morning, but she's falling asleep on the couch so she's def fighting something!

Patti, That rotation looks awesome! I will print it out for future use for sure!
Having fun at the grocery store??!?!

Klaudia, Recipe please!!!
Man, Darrin got SLAMMED at work, didn't he???:mad::mad::mad:

Angie, Rest up and keep those eats clean. WO's are really just the bonus anyway.

Steph, OF COURSE we'll have you!!
How did that happen to your hand?!?!? Do you remember when Annie bit my hand?! Still makes me sad.... She was a good dog....
And you probably skipped like 2 workouts the whole year! Still for 2 hours at a time?!
Are you with the hospital still? How about teaching?
I was reading so many accounts of RT'ers stuck at teh airport again!! That was AWFUL, wasn't it? So glad we got to do that together tho! My pregnant butt woulda sat there sobbin' the night away if it weren't for you!

Katie, Hugs for Collin! I bet he had so much fun with your bro & SIL.
Oh, I would love for you to come to Chicago!!!
Hope the headache leaves you quickly! YUCK.

ok, I think I'm all caught up!
Ok. I am going to try to catch up on personals. I went out to lunch today and ate too much. Stress!

Steph, please come back - we miss you!!!! I would love to go somewhere tropical this year but it is not in the budget.
Patti, your rotation looks good. I might do that after insanity is done.
Angie, I really like insanity so far. My eating has been off so I haven't seen any weight changes but I am going to fix that starting NOW!!!
Robin, sorry about the 2:00 am phone call for a nonemergency. People can be so rude. I bet you were so mad you couldn't sleep.
Kate, sorry about Gina not feeling well but glad you could stay home and work. ^5 on finishing BM2 yesterday!
Katie, poor Collin - he had too much fun yesterday. I hope your headache goes away. Which airport would you fly out of if you went to Chicago?
Klaudia, sorry about your $ woes. Insurance is so expensive...
Nina, how is unpacking going?

Need to try to get something done today but it has been hard to work with the pre meeting gossip and the post meeting discussions. Also, I just got an email about a position at another company. Hmmm...
I miss and love you all so much!!!

Okay, Angie, i have been dying to go to France, do you take house guests!

Patti and Klaudia, i look forward to getting to know you more!

I guess i have to share: I'm newly single (divorced December, which is why i kinda disappeared, needed to figure stuff out), live in Toronto, work full time, mother of one dog, Kate, he pulled me down a hill! broke my hand little nut.

What is this about Chicago? Don't tempt the broke girl now.

I have kept up with my workouts, today i'm thinking Imax 3, and original BC cardio, and likely P90X ab ripper. I've been P90xing a bit...

Hi ladies! Quick drive by POST. Did 4ds kb this am. Will do some weights later. P is attcking the keyboard...ack! OFF TO work!

Hi Steph! I'm Lisa. Mom to three kids, 10, 7, and 9mos.

Be back ladies!!

Colleen, No one would hardly blame ya for a little stress eating! Bt the rest of the day ins't ruined. Drink your water and the damage will be nil.
I'msure that other offer is looking mighty tempting.

Steph, That's funny (but shouldn't be!) about your dog!!!
Cathe is going on a national tour! Chicago is one of the stops named.
Great-sounding workout! Youare, as always, an animal!:eek::D Seeing Ruven anymore?!?!
When you're done visiting Angie in France, let's go see Lisa in HAWAII!!!!:cool:

Lisa, Good job w/ 4DS! Gina did all of BC with me last week!
Keep me posted on the Chicago date..i'm not teaching this fall, so if its before the holidays, its a possibility maybe! Who's going to make the Scrapple though?

Colleen, sorry about the job stuff..the recession in Canada wasn't as severe as the U.S, but we felt it.

I'm not sure i will be able to check in before tomorrow morning, this living alone thing with a house is a ton of work!!

I'll try though!!!!
Welcome back Stephanie! I remember you, too. I'm glad to hear you're doing better and look forward to getting reaquainted. I'm a 36 year old sahm of 3 girls-Danica will be 10 next month, Milla will be 7 next month too, and Nevena will turn 3 at the end of October. We live in Chesterfield, MI, about 1/2 hour northeast of Detroit. Speaking of Toronto, my best friend lives in Oakville:)

Hi Lisa!

Colleen, Insanity will take care of lunch!

My dad went home, but my mom stayed and my aunt's coming by to visit too:)
steph, i'll make an honorary scrapple doll out of chicken sausage!
did you get to keep your place?! i cant imagine keeping up a house solo.....props to you!

kl, have fun this afternoon!

steaks are cut, potatoes are ready for the pot, bread is bakin'!!!! we feastin' tonight!:D:D:D
alas, no bread for me, tiny amt of potato, and small steak serving over salad :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p:p:p:p
Patti, you're famous! There's a clip up on Cathe TV called "15 Seconds of Fame" and you're in it! Lookin' good too;)
Quick drive by--I haven't had time to get caught up yet, but I wanted to tell you all:


Okay, I walked a lot of it, but I finished in spite of my lack of training. And I had a blast. It was a great weekend/5 days in Chicago. What's this talk of Chicago around here? I'll catch up on personals tomorrow. I hope everybody is doing well.

Steph, I am going to Philly in a couple of weeks. Should I mail you some scrapple?
Anne, congrats on your half marathon!!!! Great job!!! You should be proud - you have been through a lot lately.
Klaudia, I hope insanity takes care of lunch.
Kate, you asked about me turning my knee when I walk - it is not severe but just a slight twist that is caused by my foot not being straight when I walk so it twists my knee. Who knew I would have to relearn walking at my age? I think I do it more when I am tired (and I was yesterday) than when I am not. Good dinner planned - I definitely need to lo carb too.
Lisa, hope you are surviving your crazy week.
Klaudia: Thanks, didn't know they posted that! It was a true highlight for me. So fun. :) I look so serious.
just needed to say hi and get a group hug. unpacking still, and it sucks. 20 more boxes, but the mess makes me crazy. on a good note i did an 11 mile run and b and g standing leg work. i am sorry for the lack of personals. will catch up soon,
I've gotta go check out Patti's fame!:D

Anne, WTG!!!!

Colleen, Is work super tense?
Interesting about the knee....who knew?

Nina, you AMAZE me getting all that done AND a WO!!! You rock!:D

Just had a family game of Trouble. DDs are eating IC sandwiches....want one.....resisting.....

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